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Last active March 17, 2018 15:22
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loop : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
such that loop p f x = x when p x = true and loop p f x = loop p f (f x) otherwise.
let rec loop p f x = if p x then x else loop p f (f x);;
exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
such that exists p l = true if and only if there exists an element x of l such that p x = true.
let rec exists p l =
match l with
| [] -> false
| x::xs -> if p x then true else exists p xs
find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a
such that find p l = x if x is the first element of l for which p x = true.
If no such element exists, find raises the exception NotFound given in the prelude.
let rec find p l =
match l with
| [] -> NotFound
| x::xs -> if p x then x else find p xs
(* --- Part A: A Generic Problem Solver --- *)
near : int
`rel` that encodes the image of this relation as an OCaml function.
For instance, `near 2` should return something like [0;1;2;3;4].
let near x = [x-2; x-1; x; x+1; x+2];;
flat_map : 'e rel -> ('e list -> 'e list)
such that flat_map r represents R¯¯ if r represents a binary relation R.
For instance, flat_map near applied to [2;3;4] should return something like [0;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;6].
let rec flat_map (r:'e rel) =
let rec flat ls =
match ls with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (r x) @ (flat xs)
iter_rel : 'e rel -> int -> 'e rel
Iterating a relation 1 time or less does nothing (identity).
For instance, iter_rel near 2 should be the image function of the relation that tells
its two integers are separated by 4 of less.
let rec iter_rel rel n =
if n <= 1 then rel
fun e ->
flat_map (iter_rel rel (n - 1)) (rel e)
solve : 'a rel -> 'a prop -> 'a -> 'a
computes the iteration of the relation R represented by r starting at x until
it reaches an element y such that p y.
let solve r p x =
let rec solver xs =
try find p xs with
| NotFound -> solver (flat_map r xs)
in if p x then x else solver (r x)
solve_path : 'a rel -> 'a prop -> 'a -> 'a list
behaves exactly as `solve` except that it produces not only the final value `y` such that `p y` but also all the intermediate elements from `x` to `y` that show how `x` is related to `y` through `r`.
let solve_path r p x =
let rec solver_acc acc x' =
if p x' then acc @ [x']
else acc @ [x'] @ (flat_map (solver_acc acc) (r x'))
solver_acc [] x
archive_map : ('a, 'set) set_operations -> 'a rel -> ('set * 'a list) -> ('set * 'a list)
archive_map opset rel (s, l) = (s', l'), where:
* l' is the list of elements that are reachable using rel from the elements of
l and which are not already in the set s.
* s' is the union of s and the elements of l'.
let archive_map opset r (s, l) =
let l' = List.fold_left (fun acc el ->
if opset.mem el s then acc
else el::acc
) [] (flat_map r l)
in let s' = List.fold_right opset.add l' s
(s', l')
solve' : ('a, 'set) set_operations -> 'a rel -> 'a prop -> 'a -> 'a
explores the search space with no redundancy. Use `archive_map`
let solve' opset r p x =
let rec setfind (s, xs) =
try find p xs with
| NotFound -> setfind (archive_map opset r (s, xs))
if p x then x
else setfind (opset.empty, (r x))
solve_path' : ('a list, 'set) set_operations -> 'a rel -> 'a prop -> 'a -> 'a list
let solve_path' opset r p x =
let rec setfind_acc path x' =
if p x' then path @ [x']
path @ [x'] @ (flat_map (setfind_acc path) (r x'))
setfind_acc [] x
(* for some reason the below implementation is a type error: *)
(*let rec setfind_path path (s, xs) =
try path @ [find p xs]
with NotFound -> setfind_path path (archive_map opset r (s, xs))
setfind_path [] (opset.empty, [x])
exception NotFound
type 'e rel = 'e -> 'e list
type 'e prop = 'e -> bool
type ('a, 'set) set_operations = {
empty : 'set; (* The empty set. *)
mem : 'a -> 'set -> bool; (* [mem x s = true] iff [x] is in [s]. *)
add : 'a -> 'set -> 'set; (* [add s x] is the set [s] union {x}. *)
type ('configuration, 'move) puzzle = {
move : 'configuration -> 'move -> 'configuration;
possible_moves : 'configuration -> 'move list;
final : 'configuration -> bool
type piece_kind = S | H | V | C | X
type piece = piece_kind * int
let x = (X, 0) and s = (S, 0) and h = (H, 0)
let (c0, c1, c2, c3) = ((C, 0), (C, 1), (C, 2), (C, 3))
let (v0, v1, v2, v3) = ((V, 0), (V, 1), (V, 2), (V, 3))
let all_pieces : piece list = [ s; h; c0; c1; c2; c3; v0; v1; v2; v3 ]
type board = piece array array
let initial_board =
[| [| v0 ; s ; s ; v1 |];
[| v0 ; s ; s ; v1 |];
[| v2 ; h ; h ; v3 |];
[| v2 ; c0 ; c1 ; v3 |];
[| c2 ; x ; x ; c3 |] |]
let initial_board_simpler =
[| [| c2 ; s ; s ; c1 |] ;
[| c0 ; s ; s ; c3 |] ;
[| v1 ; v2 ; v3 ; v0 |] ;
[| v1 ; v2 ; v3 ; v0 |] ;
[| x ; x ; x ; x |] |]
let initial_board_trivial =
[| [| x ; s ; s ; x |] ;
[| x ; s ; s ; x |] ;
[| x ; x ; x ; x |] ;
[| x ; x ; x ; x |] ;
[| x ; x ; x ; x |] |]
type direction = { dcol : int; drow : int; }
type move = Move of piece * direction * board
let move _ (Move (_, _, b)) = b
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