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Forked from akaron/
Created April 22, 2021 20:32
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create private geth rpc server using ssh port forwarding

note: create private geth rpc server using ssh port forwarding

In short, user provide ssh key to rpc server manager. Once the manager configured, then everytime the user need to type folowing commands to access to the geth rpc server:

  1. ssh -N -L 9545:localhost:8545 geth@machine_A_addr
  2. ... and set the rpc to http://localhost:9545

For convenienve, in the following I use these abbreviations:

  • machine A: run geth full node with RPC server
  • machine B: using the geth RPC from machine A

Method: use ssh port forwarding

To let B use rpc from A. instead of open the geth rpc in A to public, one other way is use ssh port forwarding. Machine B ssh into A with port forwarding which map port 8545 of machine A to a port of machine B (in the following I'll use port 9545).

Why this way?

  • Don't want to run geth node in all machines
  • infura free tier is limited to 100,000 queries/day (as of Aug 2019)
  • does not have test net nodes, and don't know the rate limits


  1. in A, add an account, here use geth
    • with a home directory and password (but only allow ssh key to login, see below)
    • in A, /etc/ssh/sshd_config should contain this line PasswordAuthentication no to deny password login
      • passwordless login is not essential, but safer and more convenient
  2. in B, create a ssh key pair or use existing one. To create one, one can use:
    • ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C ""
    • remember the passphrase; replace the comment above (value of -C) to a reasonable one
  3. in B, copy the content of the pub key (such as ~/.ssh/
  4. in A, paste the content of the pub key into the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys of account geth
    • now should able to ssh into A from B with the key
  5. (In A) By default, sshd block port forwarding, need to add these lines to the END of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • Match User geth
    • AllowTcpForwarding yes
    • PermitOpen localhost:8545
  6. (in A) restart sshd by sudo service sshd restart

So, during preparation, the user in B only need to do one thing: provide pub key to manager of A.


Assuming in A there is a geth running with rpc server enabled. For user in B:

  1. Use ssh port forwarding, such as local port 9545 mapping to remote host 8545:
    • ssh -N -L 9545:localhost:8545 geth@machine_A_addr
    • to close the connection, simply CTRL-C
      • alternatively add the -f argument to send ssh to background. To close it, need to locate it by top or ps aux then kill it.
  2. set the rpc to http://localhost:9545

New user in device C

The user provide the ssh pub key to manager of A. Once A append it to the authorized_keys, user in C simply follow the usage above to connect to RPC in A.


  • SECURITY In A, should restrict further the account geth, such as
  • here assume the firewall in A is properly configured (8545 and 30303 should open if connect to public chain).
  • To temporarily stop such service in A, either:
    • use sudo usermod -L geth to lock the account (use -U to unlock)
    • remove the corresponding key in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys of account geth


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