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Last active March 15, 2020 19:10
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  • Save buzzkillb/f897b1304db5d87f8d5d3ec7c0c0d0af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save buzzkillb/f897b1304db5d87f8d5d3ec7c0c0d0af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#Collateral Staker
#copy alias to alias.txt
awk '{if(NR==1) print $1}' fortunastake.conf > alias.txt
#copy first line, columns 1, 2, 3 of fortunastake.conf to temporary file
awk '{if(NR==1) print $1, $2, $3 }' fortunastake.conf > staking1.txt
#remove first line from fortunastake.conf
sed -i.bak -e '1d' fortunastake.conf
#stop denarius daemon
denarius.daemon stop
sleep 60
#start denarius daemon
#sleep 120 seconds to get sync
sleep 120
#unlock wallet for staking (45min) wait for collateral stake
denarius.daemon walletpassphrase "password" 2700
#sleep 30min waiting for stake
sleep 1800
#get new address to send to
echo "getnewaddress and put into address.txt"
denarius.daemon getnewaddress FS > address.txt
sleep 2
#put address into variable
address=$(head -1 address.txt)
sleep 3
echo "Send 5k to $address"
denarius.daemon sendtoaddress $address 5000 > sendcol.txt
#wait 6 min for send to for sure go through
sleep 360
txid=$(head -1 sendcol.txt)
sleep 2
denarius.daemon gettransaction $txid > txdetails.json
sleep 5
txid=$(head -1 sendcol.txt)
echo "txid=$txid"
jq --arg ADDRESS "$address" '.vout[] | select(.scriptPubKey.addresses[]==$ADDRESS) | .n' txdetails.json > txindex.txt
txindex=$(head -1 txindex.txt)
echo "index=$txindex"
#put txid at end of temporary file
awk -v a=$txid '{print $0 " " a}' staking1.txt > staking2.txt
#put index at end of temporary file
awk -v b=$txindex '{print $0 " " b}' staking2.txt > staking3.txt
fortunaline=$(head -1 staking3.txt)
echo "$fortunaline"
echo "$fortunaline" >> fortunastake.conf
#restart wallet
denarius.daemon stop
sleep 120
#wait 500 confirms (approx 4.6 hours or 276 min)
sleep 16560
#unlock wallet for staking (20min) to fortunastake start-alias
denarius.daemon walletpassphrase "password" 1200
sleep 2
fsalias=$(head -1 alias.txt)
sleep 2
denarius.daemon fortunastake start-alias $fsalias
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Instead of searching for the 5000 send which if 2 users send on the same block is gonna be an issue.
jq '.vout[] | select(.value==5000) | .n' txdetails.json

Changed to searching out the address from address.txt $address variable we are using when getnewaddress is summoned.
jq --arg ADDRESS "$address" '.vout[] | select(.scriptPubKey.addresses[]==$ADDRESS) | .n' txdetails.json > txindex.txt

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