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Created November 2, 2013 02:43
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volatile int state = HIGH;
volatile int flag = HIGH;
volatile int Aold = 0;
volatile int Anew = 0;
volatile int Bold = 0;
volatile int Bnew = 0;
static boolean rotating=false; // debounce management
boolean A_set = false;
boolean B_set = false;
volatile unsigned int encoderpos = 0;
unsigned int lastReportedPos = 1;
volatile long lastDebounceTime = 0;
volatile long debounceDelay = 1;
int count = 0;
#define encoderpinA PD_0
#define encoderpinB PD_1
#define encoderClick PD_2
void setup()
digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, state);
pinMode(encoderpinA, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoderpinB, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoderClick, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(encoderpinA, doencoderA, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(encoderpinB, doencoderB, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(encoderClick, blink, FALLING);
void loop()
rotating = true;
digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, state);
if((lastReportedPos != encoderpos)) {
flag = LOW;
lastReportedPos = encoderpos;
void doencoderAold() {
Bnew^Aold ? encoderpos++:encoderpos--;
Aold = digitalRead(encoderpinA);
flag= HIGH;
void doencoderBold() {
Bnew= digitalRead(encoderpinB);
Bnew^Aold ? encoderpos++:encoderpos--;
flag= HIGH;
// Interrupt on A changing state
void doencoderA(){
// debounce
if ( rotating ) delay (debounceDelay); // wait a little until the bouncing is done
// Test transition, did things really change?
if( digitalRead(encoderpinA) != A_set ) { // debounce once more
A_set = !A_set;
// adjust counter + if A leads B
if ( A_set && !B_set )
encoderpos += 1;
rotating = false; // no more debouncing until loop() hits again
// Interrupt on B changing state, same as A above
void doencoderB(){
if ( rotating ) delay (debounceDelay);
if( digitalRead(encoderpinB) != B_set ) {
B_set = !B_set;
// adjust counter - 1 if B leads A
if( B_set && !A_set )
encoderpos -= 1;
rotating = false;
void blink()
state = !state;
flag = HIGH;
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superwelcome ;) (why didnt i spot this comment earlier?)

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