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Last active September 27, 2018 04:33
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Setup Spring Petclinic Rest with Elastic APM Agent
# I am not a Maven Guru so I am sure there is a better way to do the copy in the pom.xml
# But I am demonstrating that java apm agent is not required at compile time
# the java apm agent should probably be installed / pulled from a local or maven repo
# In PCF the entire app and app agent need to be deployed
# There are some subtleties with PCF that I will not go into here
# Prequisite setup APM running localhost
# spring-petclinic-rest
$ git clone
$ cd spring-petclinic-rest/
$ curl -O
$ ./mvnw package
$ java -javaagent:../spring-petclinic-rest/elastic-apm-agent-0.7.0.jar -Delastic.apm.server_urls=http://localhost:8200 -Delastic.apm.service_name=spring-petclinic-rest -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.springframework.samples.petclinic -jar target/spring-petclinic-1.5.2.war
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# Explore the Swagger, You can See the API Documents
# and exercise Rest Endpoints, and they will end up in the APM server
# Now if you want to do my mysql
# Quick setup of mysql docker
docker run --name mysql-petclinic -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=petclinic -e MYSQL_DATABASE=petclinic -p 3306:3306 mysql:5.7.8
# Edit these two files the will connect the app to local mysq
# There is a couple minor issues with the README i.e.
# see gist
$ vi src/main/resources/
# need to use user:root
# turn on create the schema etc
# see gist
$ vi src/main/resources/
$ ./mvnw package
$ java -javaagent:../spring-petclinic-rest/elastic-apm-agent-0.7.0.jar -Delastic.apm.server_urls=http://localhost:8200 -Delastic.apm.service_name=spring-petclinic-rest -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.springframework.samples.petclinic -jar target/spring-petclinic-1.5.2.war
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