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Created January 19, 2015 12:51
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Kill all processes in specified database(s)
declare @spid int, @cnt int, @sql varchar(255)
select @spid = min(spid), @cnt = COUNT(*)
from sysprocesses p
inner join sysdatabases d on p.[dbid] = d.[dbid]
where like '%Internal%'
print 'Killing ' + CAST(@cnt as varchar) + ' processes.'
while @spid is not null
set @sql = 'KILL ' + CAST(@spid as varchar)
print @sql
exec (@sql)
select @spid = min(spid), @cnt = COUNT(*)
from sysprocesses p
inner join sysdatabases d on p.[dbid] = d.[dbid]
where like '%Internal%'
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