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Created August 7, 2019 18:52
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CognitoUserAttributes with mfaOptions
package com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.cognitoidentityprovider
import java.util.*
class CognitoUserAttributes
* Constructor for internal use.
* @param userAttributes REQUIRED: Cognito user attributes as a list.
protected constructor(userAttributes: List<AttributeType>?) {
* All attributes set for a user
private val userAttributes: MutableMap<String, String>?
// Multi-factor authentication options set for a user
private var mfaOptions: Map<String, String>? = null
* Returns the user attributes as a key, value pairs.
* @return User attributes as key, value pairs
val attributes: Map<String, String>?
get() = userAttributes
* Returns the user attributes as a [AttributeType] list.
* @return [AttributeType] Cognito user attributes as a list.
protected val attributesList: List<AttributeType>
get() {
val attributesList = ArrayList<AttributeType>()
if (userAttributes != null) {
for ((key, value) in userAttributes) {
val attribute = AttributeType() = key
attribute.value = value
return attributesList
* Public constructor, creates an "empty container".
* Use [CognitoUserAttributes.addAttribute] method to add user attributes.
constructor() : this(null) {}
init {
this.userAttributes = HashMap()
if (userAttributes != null) {
for (attribute in userAttributes) {
this.userAttributes[] = attribute.value
* Adds an attribute to this object.
* Will add the attribute and its value. Overrides an earlier value set for an attribute
* which was already added to this object.
* @param attributeName REQUIRED: The attribute name.
* @param value REQUIRED: Value for the attribute.
fun addAttribute(attributeName: String, value: String) {
userAttributes!![attributeName] = value
* Add the SMS MFA attributes to mfaOptions.
fun enableMfa() {
mfaOptions = HashMap()
(mfaOptions as HashMap<String, String>)["phone_number"] = "SMS"
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