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Last active October 27, 2018 16:51
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Example implementation of pure-pursuit path following for NXT robots
import lejos.nxt.Button;
import lejos.nxt.addon.GyroSensor;
import lejos.nxt.SensorPort;
import lejos.nxt.NXTMotor;
import lejos.nxt.MotorPort;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
* This program makes an NXT robot drive a predetermined path. It uses the wheel tachometers (encoders) and
* a gyro sensor to keep track of the robot's position and heading, then uses a basic "pure pursuit" algorithm
* to follow a path laid out in real-world coordinates.
* A basic description of the pure pursuit algorithm can be found in section 4 of this paper:
* A basic implementation of the pure pursuit algorithm (upon which this program is based) can be
* found in this paper:
* To really understand how this algorithm works, a little bit of linear algebra knowledge is recommended.
* There is a little bit of vector math and coordinate systems involved. If you want an easy and very visual
* introduction to these concepts, I highly recommend 3blue1brown's excellent Essence of Linear Algebra series
* on YouTube:
* If you want to start with the big picture, you may want to look near the bottom of the file, where the main
* function lives. However, I think it may be easier to start from the top, and make sure you understand the
* smaller, simpler parts first.
public class PathBot {
* How many gyro readings to take during calibration.
public static int GYRO_SAMPLES = 100;
* If the minimum and maximum gyro readings vary during calibration by at least this much,
* the calibration routine will assume the robot was moving and will retry calibration.
public static int STILLNESS_THRESHOLD = 5;
* An empirically measured conversion from wheel tachometer (encoder) ticks to inches.
* In my measurements, there were an average of 1872 ticks over 3 feet.
public static int TICKS_PER_INCH = 52;
// Graphics constants, used for drawing on the NXT screen
public static int PIXELS_PER_INCH = 2;
public static int CENTER_X = 10;
public static int CENTER_Y = 40;
* The lookahead distance used in the pure pursuit algorithm. Basically, the algorithm
* will look down the path to find a point roughly this many inches from the robot's
* current position.
public static double MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE = 5;
* A value used when calculating the proportional constant for the steering. It represents
* the angle (in radians) at which the steering curvature should have a magnitude of 1.
* In other words, if this is set to pi/2, and the robot is pointing pi/2 radians away from
* its goal, the resulting curvature will be 1.
* Make this bigger if you want looser steering, or smaller if you want tighter steering.
public static double KP_THETA_MAX = Math.PI / 2;
GyroSensor gyro = new GyroSensor(SensorPort.S1);
NXTMotor rightMotor = new NXTMotor(MotorPort.B);
NXTMotor leftMotor = new NXTMotor(MotorPort.C);
Graphics g = new Graphics();
* Set by the gyro calibration routine. A fixed amount to add to gyro readings so that it
* reads zero when the robot is sitting still.
double gyroOffset = 0;
* A simple 2D vector (in the linear algebra sense). Used for the robot's position, path points,
* and other x/y points we want to keep track of.
public static class Vec2 {
public double x;
public double y;
public Vec2(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Vec2(Vec2 v) {
this.x = v.x;
this.y = v.y;
public Vec2 add(Vec2 b) {
this.x += b.x;
this.y += b.y;
return this;
public Vec2 sub(Vec2 b) {
this.x -= b.x;
this.y -= b.y;
return this;
public Vec2 times(double f) {
this.x *= f;
this.y *= f;
return this;
* Rotates the vector about the origin by the specified number of radians. Because this
* is math, positive radians are counter-clockwise.
public Vec2 rotate(double rad) {
double cosAngle = Math.cos(rad);
double sinAngle = Math.sin(rad);
double newX = this.x * cosAngle + this.y * sinAngle;
double newY = -this.x * sinAngle + this.y * cosAngle;
this.x = newX;
this.y = newY;
return this;
* Makes the robot pause for the specified number of milliseconds. This is really only here
* because Thread.sleep throws an exception that we don't care to handle elsewhere.
public static void sleep(int ms) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Something is deeply wrong! Goodbye.");
* Rounds a double to two decimal places. Used to make things fit on the NXT screen.
public static double round2(double n) {
return Math.round(n * 100.0) / 100.0;
* Forces the given value into a range. For example, clamp(-10, 0, 1) is 0, clamp(15, 0, 1) is 1,
* and clamp(0.5, 0, 1) is 0.5.
public static double clamp(double n, double min, double max) {
if (n < min) {
return min;
} else if (n > max) {
return max;
} else {
return n;
* Calibrates the robot's gyro sensor by averaging the reading over many samples.
void calibrateGyro() {
System.out.println("Calibrating. Please do not touch the NXT.");
while (true) {
int rateSum = 0;
int minRate = 90909;
int maxRate = 90909;
int[] rates = new int[GYRO_SAMPLES];
for (int i = 0; i < GYRO_SAMPLES; i++) {
int rate = gyro.readValue();
if (minRate == 90909 || maxRate == 90909) {
minRate = rate;
maxRate = rate;
} else if (rate < minRate) {
minRate = rate;
} else if (maxRate < rate) {
maxRate = rate;
rateSum += rate;
rates[i] = rate;
if (maxRate - minRate > STILLNESS_THRESHOLD) {
System.out.println("Trying again. Please do not touch the NXT.");
gyroOffset = rateSum / (double) GYRO_SAMPLES;
* Draws the x and y axes on the NXT's screen.
void drawAxes() {
g.drawLine(CENTER_X, 0, CENTER_X, 63);
g.drawLine(0, CENTER_Y, 99, CENTER_Y);
// for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
// int tickX = 50 + i * PIXELS_PER_INCH;
// g.drawLine(tickX, 31, tickX, 33);
// g.drawLine(100 - tickX, 31, 100 - tickX, 33);
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
// int tickY = 32 + i * PIXELS_PER_INCH;
// g.drawLine(49, tickY, 51, tickY);
// g.drawLine(49, 64 - tickY, 51, 64 - tickY);
// }
* Draws a point in real-world coordinates on the NXT's screen.
void drawPoint(Vec2 p) {
int screenX = (int)(CENTER_X + p.x * PIXELS_PER_INCH);
int screenY = (int)(CENTER_Y + -p.y * PIXELS_PER_INCH);
g.drawLine(screenX, screenY, screenX, screenY);
* Sets the left and right motors to the given powers, where each ranges from
* -1 (full reverse) to 1 (full forward).
void tankDrive(double left, double right) {
leftMotor.setPower((int)(left * 100));
rightMotor.setPower((int)(right * 100));
* Sets the robot to drive a given curvature at a given power, by maintaining a
* fixed ratio of wheel speeds. Positive curvature means a curve to the right;
* negative curvature means a curve to the left.
void curvatureDrive(double power, double curvature) {
leftMotor.setPower((int)(clamp(curvature < 0 ? 1 + curvature : 1, 0, 1) * power * 100));
rightMotor.setPower((int)(clamp(curvature < 0 ? 1 : 1 - curvature, 0, 1) * power * 100));
* Uses the pure pursuit algorithm to calculate the robot's next drive curvature. Make
* sure to read the papers linked in the top of this file for a broader overview of
* the pure pursuit algorithm.
* @param path The path for the robot to follow.
* @param position The current position of the robot.
* @param heading The current heading of the robot.
* @return A curvature value to apply to the robot's driving. If the error is very
* extreme, this value will be a large negative number (for an extreme left
* correction) or a large positive number (for an extreme right correction).
* In both extreme cases, the value will have a magnitude greater than 100,
* so you can check if (value > 100) or (value < -100).
double purePursuitCurvature(Vec2[] path, Vec2 position, double heading) {
// Find the point on the path closest to the robot. This will
// be the point at which we start looking our goal point.
int closestPointIndex = -1;
Vec2 closestPoint = null;
double minSquaredDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
Vec2 point = path[i];
double dx = position.x - point.x;
double dy = position.y - point.y;
double distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (distanceSquared < minSquaredDistance) {
closestPointIndex = i;
closestPoint = point;
minSquaredDistance = distanceSquared;
if (closestPoint == null) {
// all is lost
System.out.println("Closest point was null!");
// Starting at the closest point to the robot, look down the path until you encounter the
// first point that is too far away from the robot (according to MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE).
// The last point that was still within our lookahead distance will be our goal point.
Vec2 goalPoint = closestPoint;
for (int i = closestPointIndex + 1; i < path.length; i++) {
Vec2 point = path[i];
double dx = position.x - point.x;
double dy = position.y - point.y;
double distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (distanceSquared < lookaheadSquared) {
goalPoint = point;
} else {
// Transform the goal point into robot (vehicle) coordinates. Basically, we want to shift things
// so that the robot is at the origin (0, 0), and the robot is pointing along the x axis. Doing
// this will make it much easier to calculate the angle of the goal point relative to the robot.
Vec2 goalPointV = new Vec2(goalPoint);
// g.drawString("gx: " + goalPointV.x, 0, 27, 0);
// g.drawString("gy: " + goalPointV.y, 0, 36, 0);
// Calculate the angle of the goal point relative to the robot. This is mostly just some simple
// trigonometry, but if the goal point is ever behind the robot, it will return extreme values
// rather than using any trig.
double goalTheta = Math.atan(goalPointV.y / goalPointV.x);
if (goalPointV.x < 0 && goalPointV.y > 0) {
return -101;
} else if (goalPointV.x < 0 && goalPointV.y < 0) {
return 101;
// Calculate our proportional constant and return the final curvature!
double kp = -1.0 / KP_THETA_MAX;
// g.drawString("th: " + Math.toDegrees(goalTheta), 0, 45, 0);
// g.drawString(" c: " + round2(kp * goalTheta), 0, 54, 0);
return kp * goalTheta;
* The main loop of the robot. This would be pretty much like AutonomousPeriodic, in FRC terms.
* This is where the main logic of the robot happens.
void mainLoop() {
// Initialize things. Setting the motors to zero here is important because it messes with voltages
// on the robot and changes the gyro readings.
long previousTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int previousLeft = 0;
int previousRight = 0;
double gyroHeading = 0;
Vec2 position = new Vec2(0, 0);
// Define the path the robot will follow. A path in this program is just an array of Vec2's.
Vec2[] cosine = new Vec2[]{
new Vec2(0, 0),
new Vec2(2.5, -Math.cos(2.5/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(5, -Math.cos(5/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(7.5, -Math.cos(7.5/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(10, -Math.cos(10/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(12.5, -Math.cos(12.5/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(15, -Math.cos(15/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(17.5, -Math.cos(17.5/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0),
new Vec2(20, -Math.cos(20/Math.PI) * 5.0 + 5.0)
// define other paths here if you like
Vec2[] path = cosine;
boolean stopDriving = false; // weird hack plz ignore
while (true) {
// Calculate the elapsed time since the last time the loop ran. We call that "deltaTime", because
// it represents change in time. This is pretty common naming, and you'll recognize it if you've
// taken a calculus course.
long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long deltaTime = newTime - previousTime;
previousTime = newTime;
// The NXT gyro sensor actually returns how quickly the robot is rotating, in degrees per second.
// This means that to calculate our actual heading, we need to add up our degrees per second over time.
// (If you're familiar with calculus - we're integrating our gyro rate over time.) Basically, each
// time the loop runs, we'll multiply our gyro rate by the elapsed time to get the total number of
// degrees we moved. The units check out:
// (degrees / second) * seconds = degrees
// Note that we use -= instead of += because the gyro sensor uses positive for clockwise rotation.
// We're doing math with these angles, so we want positive to be counterclockwise rotation.
double gyroRate = gyro.readValue() - gyroOffset;
gyroHeading -= gyroRate * (deltaTime / 1000.0);
// In this section, we figure out the robot's new position by looking at how far we've traveled, and
// in what direction. To figure out how far we've traveled, we just average the changes in each wheel
// tachometer. To figure out the heading, we just rely on the gyro value we calculated before. We're
// not using the tachometers for direction at all, just for distance.
int newLeft = leftMotor.getTachoCount();
int newRight = rightMotor.getTachoCount();
int deltaLeft = newLeft - previousLeft;
int deltaRight = newRight - previousRight;
previousLeft = newLeft;
previousRight = newRight;
double inchesTraveled = (deltaLeft + deltaRight) / 2.0 / TICKS_PER_INCH; // the (l+r)/2 is to average the left and right sides, then we convert to inches
double gyroHeadingRad = Math.toRadians(gyroHeading);
position.add(new Vec2(inchesTraveled * Math.cos(gyroHeadingRad), inchesTraveled * Math.sin(gyroHeadingRad)));
// Draw some things, if we so desire. This is kinda slow though.
// drawAxes();
// drawPoint(position);
// for (Vec2 point : path) {
// drawPoint(point);
// }
// g.drawString("g: " + round2(gyroHeading), 0, 0, 0);
// g.drawString("x: " + round2(position.x), 0, 9, 0);
// g.drawString("y: " + round2(position.y), 0, 18, 0);
// Calculate the power and curvature using the pure pursuit algorithm, then use that to drive!
double power = 0.6;
double curvature = purePursuitCurvature(path, position, gyroHeading);
if (stopDriving) {
} else {
if (curvature > 100) {
tankDrive(power, -power);
} else if (curvature < -100) {
tankDrive(-power, power);
} else {
curvatureDrive(power, curvature);
// Stop driving or break out of this loop if a button is pressed.
if (Button.ENTER.isDown() || Button.ESCAPE.isDown()) {
if (!stopDriving) {
stopDriving = true;
} else {
// Just a slight pause to space things out. This might not even be necessary, since
// Java runs so slowly on the NXT.
// Finally - the main function! As you can see, it simply makes a PathBot instance and
// starts the main loop.
public static void main(String[] args) {
PathBot bot = new PathBot();
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