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Created October 8, 2013 22:13
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Depth filling for RGB-D images as proposed by [1] which is based on [2]. [1]: [2]:
#!/usr/bin/env python -O
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Quick and dirty Python port of fill_depth_colorization.m
# from
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
import scipy.stats
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, dia_matrix
from scipy.sparse import linalg
from skimage import io
import time
import sys
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def fill_depth_colorization(imgRgb, imgDepth, alpha=1.0):
Preprocesses the kinect depth image using a gray scale version of the
RGB image as a weighting for the smoothing. This code is a slight
adaptation of Anat Levin's colorization code:
imgRgb - HxWx3 matrix, the rgb image for the current frame. This must
be between 0 and 1.
imgDepth - HxW matrix, the depth image for the current frame in
absolute (meters) space.
alpha - a penalty value between 0 and 1 for the current depth values.
# size = 250
# imgRgb = imgRgb[:size, :size]
# imgDepth = imgDepth[:size, :size]
oldMin = np.nanmin(imgDepth)
oldMax = np.nanmax(imgDepth)
oldMean = scipy.stats.nanmean(imgDepth.flatten())
knownValMask = ~np.isnan(imgDepth)
# normalize depth image to (0, 1]
imgDepth = imgDepth.copy()
imgDepth -= oldMin
normMax = np.nanmax(imgDepth)
imgDepth /= normMax
imgDepth[~knownValMask] = 0
H, W = imgDepth.shape
numPix = H * W
indsM = np.arange(numPix).reshape(H, W)
# convert to gray image
grayImg = imgRgb.mean(axis=2)
# alternative: use hue instead of luminance
# grayImg = rgb_to_hsv(imgRgb)[..., 0]
assert np.isnan(grayImg).sum() == 0
winRad = 1
tlen = 0
absImgNdx = 0
winPixel = (2 * winRad + 1) ** 2
cols = np.zeros(numPix * winPixel)
rows = np.zeros(numPix * winPixel)
vals = np.zeros(numPix * winPixel)
gvals = np.zeros(winPixel)
for absImgNdx, (i, j) in enumerate(product(range(H), range(W))):
nWin = 0
for ii in range(max(0, i - winRad), min(i + winRad + 1, H)):
for jj in range(max(0, j - winRad), min(j + winRad + 1, W)):
if ii == i and jj == j:
rows[tlen] = absImgNdx
cols[tlen] = indsM[ii, jj]
gvals[nWin] = grayImg[ii, jj]
tlen += 1
nWin += 1
if j == 0 and i % 10 == 0:
print(i, j)
curVal = grayImg[i, j]
gvals[nWin] = curVal
assert np.sum(gvals[:nWin]) > 0, "gvals: %s" % (repr(gvals[:nWin]))
c_var = np.var(gvals[:nWin])
# c_var = np.mean((gvals(1:nWin+1)-mean(gvals(1:nWin+1))).^2)
csig = c_var
# csig = c_var * 0.6
# mgv = min((gvals(1:nWin)-curVal).^2)
# if csig < (-mgv/log(0.01)):
# csig=-mgv/log(0.01)
csig = max(csig, 0.000002)
# gvals(1:nWin) = exp(-(gvals(1:nWin)-curVal).^2/csig)
gvals[:nWin] = np.exp(-(gvals[:nWin] - curVal) ** 2 / csig)
# gvals(1:nWin) = gvals(1:nWin) / sum(gvals(1:nWin))
s = gvals[:nWin].sum()
if s > 0:
gvals[:nWin] /= s
s = np.round(gvals[:nWin].sum(), 6)
assert s == 1, "expected sum to be 1: %.10f" % s
# vals(len-nWin+1 : len) = -gvals(1:nWin)
vals[tlen - nWin:tlen] = -gvals[:nWin]
# Now the self-reference (along the diagonal).
rows[tlen] = absImgNdx
cols[tlen] = absImgNdx
assert vals[tlen] == 0 # not yet set
vals[tlen] = 1 # sum(gvals(1:nWin))
tlen += 1
assert tlen <= numPix * winPixel, "%d > %d" % (tlen, numPix * winPixel)
A = coo_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=(numPix, numPix))
vals = knownValMask.flatten() * alpha
G = dia_matrix((vals, 0), shape=(numPix, numPix))
start = time.time()
new_vals = linalg.spsolve((A + G), vals * imgDepth.flatten())
print("solving took %.4f s" % (time.time() - start))
new_vals.shape = H, W
# denormalize
new_vals *= normMax
new_vals += oldMin
print("old min/max/mean:", oldMin, oldMax, oldMean)
print("new min/max/mean:", new_vals.min(), new_vals.max(), new_vals.mean())
return new_vals
def process(filename):
suffix = ""
assert filename.endswith(suffix), "no valid filename: '%s'" % filename
with open(filename, "r") as f:
shape = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint16, count=2)[::-1]
depthImage = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=-1)
depthImage.shape = shape
rgb = io.imread(filename.replace(suffix, "_lab_image.png"))
impaintedDepthImage = fill_depth_colorization(rgb, depthImage)
target = filename.replace(suffix, "")
print("writing", target)
with open(target, "w") as f:
shape = np.array(impaintedDepthImage.shape[::-1], dtype=np.uint16)
print("wrote shape", shape)
if __name__ == "__main__":
num_threads = 8
filenames = sys.argv[1:]
if len(filenames) == 1:
Parallel(num_threads, 5)(delayed(process)(filename) for filename in sys.argv[1:])
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