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Created May 10, 2011 13:24
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assertion failure in mongo configd v1.8.1
Tue May 10 13:58:21 [conn5] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 13:58:21 [conn5] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 13:58:21 [conn5] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 13:58:21 [conn5] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [conn1] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [conn1] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [conn1] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [conn1] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [snapshotthread] Assertion failure _newer._created > _older._created db/stats/snapshots.cpp 39
0x54e8de 0x55f971 0x5f6dbb 0x5f825d 0x542deb 0x5446a4 0x8b6a40 0x7f213d25365d 0x7f213c848e1d
mongod(_ZN5mongo12sayDbContextEPKc+0xae) [0x54e8de]
mongod(_ZN5mongo8assertedEPKcS1_j+0x111) [0x55f971]
mongod(_ZN5mongo13SnapshotDeltaC1ERKNS_12SnapshotDataES3_+0x2b) [0x5f6dbb]
mongod(_ZN5mongo14SnapshotThread3runEv+0x10d) [0x5f825d]
mongod(_ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEN5boost10shared_ptrINS0_9JobStatusEEE+0x12b) [0x542deb]
mongod(_ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataINS_3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS7_9JobStatusEEEEENS2_5list2INS2_5valueIPS7_EENSD_ISA_EEEEEEE3runEv+0x74) [0x5446a4]
mongod(thread_proxy+0x80) [0x8b6a40]
/lib64/ [0x7f213d25365d]
/lib64/ [0x7f213c848e1d]
Tue May 10 13:58:22 [snapshotthread] ERROR in SnapshotThread: assertion db/stats/snapshots.cpp:39
Tue May 10 14:58:24 [DataFileSync] flushing diag log
Tue May 10 14:58:26 [snapshotthread] cpu: elapsed:8003 writelock: 0%
Tue May 10 14:58:27 [conn2] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 14:58:27 [conn2] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 14:58:27 [conn3] CMD fsync: sync:1 lock:0
Tue May 10 14:58:27 [conn3] fsync from getlasterror
Tue May 10 14:58:30 [snapshotthread] cpu: elapsed:4000 writelock: 0%
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