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Last active August 12, 2018 06:03
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emotion css with clojurescript. see for a better implementation
(ns dlt.styled.core
(:require [clojure.string]
[create-emotion :as createEmotion]))
(defonce emotion
(createEmotion #js {}))
;; from filter-react-dom-props
(def dom-props
(defn filter-props [props]
(select-keys props dom-props))
(defn -css-str [call-args part]
{:pre [(or (string? part)
(fn? part))]}
(if (fn? part)
(apply part call-args)
(defn make-emotion-fn [css-fn parts]
{:pre [(coll? parts)
(fn? css-fn)]}
(fn [& args]
(let [style (reduce #(str %1 (-css-str args %2)) "" parts)]
(css-fn style))))
(defn css [& parts]
(make-emotion-fn (.-css emotion) parts))
(defn inject-global [& parts]
(make-emotion-fn (.-injectGlobal emotion) parts))
(defn styled [c & style-parts]
(let [class-fn (apply css style-parts)]
(fn [props & children]
(let [class-name (str (get props :class "") " " (class-fn props))
new-props (assoc props :class class-name)
filt-props (if (keyword? c)
(filter-props new-props)
(into [c filt-props] children)))))
(ns dlt.styled.macros
(:require [clojure.string]))
;; from roman01la/cljss
(defmacro var->cmp-name [sym]
`(-> ~'&env :ns :name (clojure.core/str "." ~sym)))
(defmacro defstyled [var tag & style-parts]
(let [cmp-name# (var->cmp-name var)
parts# (into [] style-parts)]
`(def ~var
{:display-name ~cmp-name#
:reagent-render (fn [props# & children#]
(let [css-fn# (apply dlt.styled.core/css ~parts#)
cls-names# (str (get props# :class "") " " (css-fn# props#))
new-props# (merge props# {:class cls-names#})
filt-props# (if (keyword? ~tag)
(dlt.styled.core/filter-props new-props#)
(into [~tag filt-props#] children#)))}))))
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