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Created October 10, 2017 13:07
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# Author: bwangel<>
# Date:Oct,10,2017 14:16
echo "" | awk '
FMT = "%-33s\t%-5s\t%-15s%-10s\n"
printf(FMT, "url", "count", "total-time(ms)", "average-time(ms)")
cat ${LOG_FILE} | egrep '^{address' | awk '
function get_timestamp(datetime_fmt) {
split(datetime_fmt, datetime_group, " ")
year = datetime_group[4]
month = sprintf("%02d",(match("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",datetime_group[1])+2)/3)
day = datetime_group[2]
split(datetime_group[3], time, ":")
hour = time[1]
minute = time[2]
second = time[3]
timestamp = mktime(sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s", year, month, day, hour, minute, second))
return timestamp
total = 0
max_timestamp = 0
min_timestamp = 99999999999
timestamp = get_timestamp(sprintf("%s %s %s %s", $22, $23, $24, substr($25, 1, length($25) - 1)))
if (timestamp > max_timestamp) {
max_timestamp = timestamp
if (timestamp < min_timestamp) {
min_timestamp = timestamp
# print(timestamp, NR)
split($27, query_url, "?")
url_count[query_url[1]] += 1
url_time[query_url[1]] += $33
total += 1
FMT = "%-33s\t%-5s\t%-15s%-10s\n"
for (url in url_count)
printf(FMT, url, url_count[url], url_time[url], url_time[url] / url_count[url])
print("日志开始时间:", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", min_timestamp))
print("日志结束时间:", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", max_timestamp))
print("total:", total)
' | sort -n -r -t' ' -k 2
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