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Created March 29, 2017 02:22
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package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.devices;
import android.util.Log;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cAddr;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDevice;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynch;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynchImpl;
* Created by Ben on 3/28/17.
public class MultiplexedColorSensor {
// Registers
static final int ENABLE = 0x80;
static final int ATIME = 0x81;
static final int CONTROL = 0x8F;
static final int ID = 0x92;
static final int STATUS = 0x93;
static final int CDATAL = 0x94;
// Default I2C address for multiplexer. The address can be changed to any
// value from 0x70 to 0x77, so this line would need to be changed if a
// non-default address is to be used.
static final I2cAddr MUX_ADDRESS = new I2cAddr(0x70);
private I2cDevice mux;
private I2cDeviceSynch muxReader;
// Only one color sensor is needed in code as the multiplexer switches
// between the physical sensors
private byte[] adaCache;
// I2C address for color sensor
static final I2cAddr ADA_ADDRESS = new I2cAddr(0x29);
private I2cDevice ada;
private I2cDeviceSynch adaReader;
private HardwareMap hardwareMap;
private int[] sensorPorts;
private double miliseconds;
private int gain;
private String muxName;
private String colorName;
public static int GAIN_1X = 0x00;
public static int GAIN_4X = 0x01;
public static int GAIN_16X = 0x02;
public static int GAIN_60X = 0x03;
* Initializes Adafruit color sensors on the specified ports of the I2C
* multiplexer.
* @param hardwareMap hardwareMap from OpMode
* @param muxName Configuration name of I2CDevice for multiplexer
* @param colorName Configuration name of I2CDevice for color sensor
* @param sensorPorts Out ports on multiplexer with color sensors attached
* @param milliSeconds Integration time in milliseconds
* @param gain Gain (GAIN_1X, GAIN_4X, GAIN_16X, GAIN_60X)
public MultiplexedColorSensor(HardwareMap hardwareMap, String muxName, String colorName, int[] sensorPorts, double milliSeconds, int gain) {
this.hardwareMap = hardwareMap;
this.muxName = muxName;
this.colorName = colorName;
this.sensorPorts = sensorPorts;
this.miliseconds = milliSeconds;
this.gain = gain;
public void init(LinearOpMode linearOpMode) {
Log.i("ColorInit", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
mux = hardwareMap.i2cDevice.get(muxName);
Log.i("ColorInit", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
muxReader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(mux, MUX_ADDRESS, false);
Log.i("ColorInit", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
Log.i("ColorInit", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
ada = hardwareMap.i2cDevice.get(colorName);
Log.i("ColorInitLoop", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
//muxReader.write8(0x0, 1 << sensorPorts[0], true); // Write to given output port on the multiplexer
Log.i("ColorInitLoop", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
adaReader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(ada, ADA_ADDRESS, false);
Log.i("ColorInitLoop", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
Log.i("ColorInitLoop", "Active: "+ linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() + " \tStopReq: " + linearOpMode.isStopRequested());
final int time = integrationByte(miliseconds);
adaReader.write8(ENABLE, 0x03, true); // Power on and enable ADC
adaReader.read8(ID); // Read device ID
adaReader.write8(CONTROL, gain, true); // Set gain
adaReader.write8(ATIME, time, true); // Set integration time
* Set the integration time on all the color sensors
* @param milliSeconds Time in millseconds
public void setIntegrationTime(double milliSeconds) {
int val = integrationByte(milliSeconds);
for (int i = 0; i < sensorPorts.length; i++) {
muxReader.write8(0x0, 1 << sensorPorts[i], true);
adaReader.write8(ATIME, val, true);
private int integrationByte(double milliSeconds) {
int count = (int)(milliSeconds/2.4);
if (count<1) count = 1; // Clamp the time range
if (count>256) count = 256;
return (256 - count);
* Retrieve the color read by the given color sensor
* @param port Port on multiplexer of given color sensor
* @return Array containing the Clear, Red, Green, and Blue color values
public int[] getCRGB(int port) {
// Write to I2C port on the multiplexer
muxReader.write8(0x0, 1 << port, true);
// Read color registers
adaCache =, 8);
// Combine high and low bytes
int[] crgb = new int[4];
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
crgb[i] = (adaCache[2*i] & 0xFF) + (adaCache[2*i+1] & 0xFF) * 256;
return crgb;
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