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Created May 1, 2014 14:56
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Chord class for synthesizing
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Brian Whitman
import sys
import operator
import re
import os
import salami
def _sort_values(d):
return sorted(d.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
class Note:
freq = [
16.35, 17.32, 18.35, 19.45, 20.60, 21.83, 23.12, 24.50, 25.96, 27.50, 29.14, 30.87,
32.70, 34.65, 36.71, 38.89, 41.20, 43.65, 46.25, 49.00, 51.91, 55.00, 58.27, 61.74,
65.41, 69.30, 73.42, 77.78, 82.41, 87.31, 92.50, 98.00, 103.8, 110.0, 116.5, 123.5,
130.8, 138.6, 146.8, 155.6, 164.8, 174.6, 185.0, 196.0, 207.7, 220.0, 233.1, 246.9,
261.6, 277.2, 293.7, 311.1, 329.6, 349.2, 370.0, 392.0, 415.3, 440.0, 466.2, 493.9,
523.3, 554.4, 587.3, 622.3, 659.3, 698.5, 740.0, 784.0, 830.6, 880.0, 932.3, 987.8,
1047 , 1109 , 1175 , 1245 , 1319 , 1397 , 1480 , 1568 , 1661 , 1760 , 1865 , 1976 ,
2093 , 2217 , 2349 , 2489 , 2637 , 2794 , 2960 , 3136 , 3322 , 3520 , 3729 , 3951 ,
4186 , 4435 , 4699 , 4978 , 5274 , 5588 , 5920 , 6272 , 6645 , 7040 , 7459 , 7902
notes = {
"C":0, "C#":1, "Db":1, "D":2, "D#":3, "Eb":3, "E":4, "E#":5, "Fb":4, "F":5, "F#":6, "Gb":6, "G":7, "G#":8, "Ab":8, "A":9, "A#":10, "Bb":10, "B":11, "Cb":11, "B#":12
for n in notes.keys():
notes[n+"1"] = notes[n] + 12
notes[n+"2"] = notes[n] + 24
basenames = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
names = []
for n in basenames:
for n in basenames:
for n in basenames:
def __init__(self, note):
self.valid = True
if isinstance(note, unicode) or isinstance(note, str):
self.note = self.notes.get(note, -1)
self.note = note
if self.note < 0:
self.valid = False
def midinote(self, octave=4):
return (self.note)+(octave*12)
def name(self):
if self.note > -1:
return self.names[self.note]
return "unknown"
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % (
def frequency(self, octave=4):
return self.freq[(octave*12) + self.note ]
class Chord:
# interval map
root, minor_second, major_second, minor_third, major_third, perfect_fourth, diminished_fifth, augmented_fourth, perfect_fifth,
minor_sixth, major_sixth, minor_seventh, major_seventh, perfect_octave, minor_ninth, major_ninth, perfect_fifth_octave, major_thirteenth
] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21]
annotations_map = {
# TODO: we completely punt on inversions and it shows
"maj":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth],
"min":[root, minor_third, perfect_fifth],
"7":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh],
"7(#9)":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh, major_ninth+1],
"7(b9)":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh, major_ninth-1],
"min7":[root, minor_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh],
"maj7":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_seventh],
"maj13":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_seventh, major_ninth, major_thirteenth],
"maj/5":[root, perfect_fifth], # not really
"5":[root, perfect_fifth, perfect_fifth_octave],
"maj/3":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth], # not really
"maj/13":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_thirteenth], # not really
"sus4":[root, perfect_fourth, perfect_fifth],
"maj(9)":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_seventh, major_ninth],
"sus4(b7,9)":[root, perfect_fourth, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh, major_ninth],
"maj/9":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_seventh, major_ninth], # not really
"sus4(b7)":[root, perfect_fourth, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh],
"min9":[root, minor_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh, major_ninth],
"maj/b7":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh],
"min/3":[root, minor_third, perfect_fifth], # not really
"maj6":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_sixth],
"maj6(b7)":[root, major_third, perfect_fifth, major_sixth,major_seventh-1],
"sus4(b7,9,13)":[root, perfect_fourth, perfect_fifth, minor_seventh, major_ninth, major_thirteenth]
def __init__(self, chord_string):
self.chord_string = chord_string
self.notes = []
self.annotation = []
self.annotation_name = "unknown"
self.valid = True
self.root_note = Note("none")
def __repr__(self):
return "%s - %s %s (from %s)" % (self.root_note, self.annotation_name, self.notes, self.chord_string)
def parse_chord(self, chord_string):
if chord_string == "N" or chord_string == "&pause" or chord_string=="*":
# These all mean more or less no music, TODO maybe set a play_silence flag vs. the time sig ones
root_string = chord_string[:chord_string.find(":")]
self.root_note = Note(root_string)
if not self.root_note.valid:
self.valid = False
annotation_string = chord_string[chord_string.find(":")+1:]
self.annotations = self.annotations_map.get(annotation_string,[])
if len(self.annotations):
self.annotation_name = annotation_string
self.valid = False
self.notes = [Note(self.root_note.note + n) for n in self.annotations]
def names(self):
return [ for n in self.notes]
def frequencies(self, octave=4):
return [n.frequency(octave=octave) for n in self.notes]
def midinotes(self, octave=4):
return [n.midinote(octave=octave) for n in self.notes]
def main():
for id_string in open(salami._base+'all_ids').read().split('\n')[:-1]:
o = salami.parse_salami_file(id_string)
for e in o["events"]:
for c in e.get("chords", []):
for chord_string in c.split(" "): # TODO: figure the difference between | | and spaces
if chord_string != ".": # this means previous chord
chord = Chord(chord_string)
if chord.valid:
print "In: %s --> %s (notes: %s)" % (chord_string, chord, chord.names())
print "Could not parse %s" % (chord_string)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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