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Created January 24, 2017 15:24
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  • Save bwhitman/db16df744ee1065e5a7132e611dfdcb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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address size/byte type description value
0x00 4 unsigned char LED_MODE 0: all off 1: one color r,g,b 2: listening [padding 1 byte] direction [2 bytes] 3: waiting 4:speaking strength [1 byte] direction [2 bytes] 5.volume volume [1 byte] 6.display led data 7:auto voice located
null b null null STRENGTH null null null
null g DIRECTION_L null DIRECTION_L null null null
null r DIRECTION_H null DIRECTION_H VOLUME null null
0X01 1 unsigned char CENTRAL_LED_STATUS [0..1]
0X02 2 unsigned char MIC_TEST_DATA 1:mic testing finished,0:mic testing not finished set as 0 will call the mic testing process
1 bit as one mic result, 1: ok, 0: fail.if all mic is ok, will return 0x7f
0X03 1 unsigned char LED0 RGB data:b 0-255
1 unsigned char g 0-255
1 unsigned char r 0-255
1 unsigned char null 0
0X04 4 unsigned char x4 LED1 RGB data:as above
0X05 4 unsigned char x4 LED2 RGB data:as above
0X06 4 unsigned char x4 LED3 RGB data:as above
0X07 4 unsigned char x4 LED4 RGB data:as above
0X08 4 unsigned char x4 LED5 RGB data:as above
0X09 4 unsigned char x4 LED6 RGB data:as above
0X0A 4 unsigned char x4 LED7 RGB data:as above
0X0B 4 unsigned char x4 LED8 RGB data:as above
0X0C 4 unsigned char x4 LED9 RGB data:as above
0X0D 4 unsigned char x4 LED10 RGB data:as above
0X0E 4 unsigned char x4 LED11 RGB data:as above
0X0F 1 char SPK_INPUT_GAIN_DB [-100..100 dB] initial loudspeaker signal input gain
0X10 1 char MIC_GAIN_DB [-100..36 dB] initial microphone signal gain
0X11 1 unsigned char SFREQ_SPK 16 kHz sampling rates
0X12 1 unsigned char SFREQ_MIC 0/16 kHz sampling rates
0X13 1 unsigned char BYPASS_ON [0..4]: 0: normal operation, 1: bypass with spk processing, 2: pure bypass
0X14 1 unsigned char MIC_SHIFT [0..4] left shift of microphone input signal
0X15 1 unsigned char BF_ON [0, 1]: 0: off, 1: on
0X16 1 unsigned char BF_DIRECTION [0..3]: 0: 360 degree, 1: end-fire 1, 2: end-fire 2, 3: line array
0X17 1 unsigned char BF_FOCUS [0..10]: beamformer focus
0X18 1 char BF_DIFFGAIN_DB [-20..0]: diffuse sound gain [dB]
0X19 1 unsigned char NS_ON [0, 1]: 0: off, 1: on
0X1A 1 char NS_ATTLIMIT_DB [-20..0]: noise attenuation in dB
0X1B 1 unsigned char RVB_ON [0, 1]: 0: off, 1: on
0X1C 1 char RVB_ATTLIMIT_DB [-20..0]: reverb attenuation in dB
0X1D 1 unsigned char AEC_ON [0, 1]: 0: off, 1: on
0X1E 1 char AEC_DELAY_MS [-1, 0..30]: -1: auto, 0..30 AEC delay [ms]
0X1F 1 unsigned char AEC_STRENGTH [0..10]: echo suppression strength
0X20 1 unsigned char AEC_NONLIN [0..10]: non-linearity modeling
0X21 1 char AEC_LECHO_OFFSET_DB [-80..0]: late echo estimation offset [dB]
0X22 2 unsigned short AEC_LECHO_LEN_MS [0..400]: late echo length time constant [ms]
0X23 1 char AEC_FORCE_THR_DB [-80..0]: threshold below which echo removal is put to maximum
0X24 1 unsigned char AEC_NOISE_THR_DB [0..40]: when ERLE < aec_noise_thr, then noise echo is not cancelled
0X25 1 unsigned char AEC_DT_THR_DB [0..40]: when ERLE > aec_dt_thr in dB, then doubletalk release will be disabled
0X26 1 unsigned char AEC_DT_RELEASE_DB [0..24]: during near-end and doubletalk echo removal is released [dB]
0X27 1 char AEC_DT_ATT_LIMIT_DB [-80..0]: maximum echo attenuation when ERLE < aec_dt_thr [dB]
0X28 1 unsigned char AEC_NO_ADAPT [0, 1]: 0: aec echo path estimation on, 1: set echo path to aec_gain
0X29 1 char AEC_INIT_GAIN_DB [-60..20]: echo path initial gain (if aec_noadapt then update aec gains to aec_gain) [dB]
0X2A 1 unsigned char AGC_ON [0, 1]: 0: off, 1: on
0X2B 1 unsigned char AGC_INIT_GAIN_DB [0..36 dB]: gain when AGC starts
0X2C 1 char AGC_TARGET_DB [-30..-10]: agc target [dB]
0X2D 1 unsigned char MIC_EQ_INDEX [0..2]: mic EQ preset index
0X2E 1 unsigned char SPK_EQ_INDEX [0..2]: spk EQ preset index
0X2F 1 unsigned char SPK_LIMITER_ON [0, 1]: 0: audio gain control off, 1: audio gain control on
0X30 1 char SPK_LIMITER_THR_DB [-20...0]: limiter threshold [dB]
0X31 1 unsigned char SPK_COMPR_ON [0, 1]: 0: audio gain control off, 1: audio gain control on
0X32 1 char SPK_COMPR_THR_DB [-30..0]: compressor threshold [dB]
0X33 1 unsigned char SPK_COMPR_GAIN_DB [0..12]: compressor makeup gain [dB]
0X34 1 unsigned char SPK_COMPR_RATIO /* compressor ratio [index] index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ratio 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0X35 4 int MIC_IN_PEAK Peak value of microphone input [dBfs]
0X36 4 int MIC_PRE_AEC_PEAK Peak value of microphone signal before AEC [dBfs]
0X37 4 int MIC_OUT_PEAK Peak value of microphone output [dBfs]
0X38 4 int SPK_IN_PEAK Peak value of loudspeaker input [dBfs]
0X39 4 int SPK_OUT_PEAK Peak value of loudspeaker output [dBfs]
0X3A 4 int AEC_DELAY_MS_RT /* AEC delay estimation [ms] */
0X3B 4 int AEC_ERLE_DB AEC ERLE estimation [dB]
0X3C 4 int MIC_OUT_VAD microphone output vad (0..32767)
0X3D 4 unsigned int VAD_THRESH_ENTRY [10..100]
0X3E 4 unsigned int VAD_THRESH_COUNT [10..100]
0X3F 1 unsigned char VAD_TIMEOUT [5..100] 5 as 500ms, 10 as 1s, 100 as 10s
0X40 1 unsigned char VAD_THRESH_DETECT_TIME [0..255]
0X41 1 unsigned char VAD_STATE [0..1]
0X42 1 unsigned char DODOA [0..1]
0X43 1 unsigned char PROCBYPASSED [0..1]
0X44 1 unsigned char LOOPBACK [0..1]
0X45 2 unsigned short VOICE_ANGLE [0..359]
address_L address_H length_L length_H data1( length bytes)…… address_H length_H length_L data1( length bytes)……
W/R flag address bit 0 …… address bit 14
write read
0 1
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