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Created November 29, 2011 19:48
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Play 2.0 Scala + MongoDB via Salat
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import com.novus.salat._
import com.novus.salat.dao._
import util._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
case class Book(_id: ObjectId, author: Seq[String], isbn: String,
price: Price, publicationYear: Option[Int], tags: Seq[String],
title: String, publisher: Option[String], edition: Option[String])
case class Price(currency: String, discount: Double, msrp: Double)
object BookDAO extends SalatDAO[Book, ObjectId](collection = MongoConnection()("playbookstore")("books"))
object Application extends Controller {
// Straight up use of grater
def index = Action {
val mongo = MongoConnection()("playbookstore")("books")
val books = mongo.find()
Ok(views.html.index( => grater[Book].asObject(book)).toSeq))
// Use Salat DAO instead, with same template code
def dao = Action {
val mongo = MongoConnection()("playbookstore")("books")
val books = mongo.find()
@(books: Iterable[controllers.Book])
<ul> { book =>
<li>@book.title by", ")</li>
# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
# Home page
GET / controllers.Application.index()
GET /dao controllers.Application.dao()
# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET /assets/*file"/public", file)
"_id" : ObjectId("4d2a6084c6237b412fcd5597"),
"author" : [
"Brian P. Hogan"
"isbn" : "978-1-93435-668-5",
"price" : {
"currency" : "USD",
"discount" : 21.78,
"msrp" : 33
"publicationYear" : 2010,
"tags" : [
"cascading style sheets",
"pragmatic programmer",
"web development",
"web standards",
"title" : "HTML5 and CSS3"
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gre commented Dec 6, 2011

Is there some code missing?
Wondering what is in util._


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bwmcadams commented Dec 6, 2011 via email

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Can you check in the entire project which can be executed

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bwmcadams commented Dec 11, 2011 via email

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I will have to leave it but thanks for the reply and will look forward to the robust sample.

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What's the best way of getting Salat and its dependencies onto the classpath? I'm not familiar with the way Play 2.0 interacts with SBT config.

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The same way you add it to any other project: SBT is the build tool for Play 2.0

Here's my sample project's SBT Build:

import sbt._
import Keys._
import PlayProject._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

    val appName         = "play-mongodb-scala"
    val appVersion      = "1.0"

    val novusRels = "repo.novus rels" at ""

    val appDependencies = Seq(
      "com.mongodb.casbah" %% "casbah" % "2.1.5-1",
      "com.novus" %% "salat-core" % "0.0.8-SNAPSHOT"
      // Add your project dependencies here,

    val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(defaultScalaSettings:_*).settings(
      // Add your own project settings here      


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Is there a reason you specify Casbah explicitly?

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