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Created February 7, 2012 23:27
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nx_spatial, networkx for trivial spatial graph processing
import arcgisscripting as arc
import csv
import networkx as nx
import nx_spatial as ns
gp = arc.create(9.3)
features = [
outcsv = "txservice_relate.csv"
# add the fcs to networkx network
G = ns.read_fc(workingdir, gp)
tx = ns.attr_find(G, FcName="Transformer")
servicepoints = ns.attr_find(G, FcName="ServicePoint")
# output as csv <accountnumber>, <gridcode>
writer = csv.writer(open(outcsv, "wb"))
#break up net into connected components
components = nx.connected_components(G.to_undirected())
writer.writerow(["sp_acc", "tx_id"])
for c in components:
tl = filter(lambda n: n in tx, c)
if tl:
t = tl[0]
for sp in filter(lambda n: n in servicepoints, c):
tx_id = G.node[t]['FacilityID'] or ""
sp_acc = G.node[sp]['AccountNum'] or ""
writer.writerow([sp_acc, tx_id])
import networkx as nx
import nx_spatial as ns
features = [
outcsv = "txservice_relate.csv"
# add the shapes to networkx network
G = ns.read_shp(workingdir)
tx = ns.attr_find(G, Name="Transformer")
servicepoints = ns.attr_find(G, Name="ServicePoint")
# output as csv <accountnumber>, <gridcode>
writer = csv.writer(open(outcsv, "wb"))
# break up net into connected components
components = nx.connected_components(G.to_undirected())
writer.writerow(["sp_acc", "tx_id"])
for c in components:
tl = filter(lambda n: n in tx, c)
if tl:
t = tl[0]
for sp in filter(lambda n: n in servicepoints, c):
tx_id = G.node[t]['FacilityID'] or ""
sp_acc = G.node[sp]['AccountNum'] or ""
writer.writerow([sp_acc, tx_id])
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