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Created September 15, 2023 13:46
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  • Save byBretema/e87e1d98a2b6d1aaf244c910a0d3d464 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save byBretema/e87e1d98a2b6d1aaf244c910a0d3d464 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
format = """
[ · ](fg:#FFF)\
$git_branch $git_status\
[ · ](fg:#FFF)\
# Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false
# # Replace the '❯' symbol in the prompt with '➜'
format = "$symbol "
error_symbol = '[❯](bold red)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green'
success_symbol = '[❯](bold green)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green'
format = "[📂 $path]($style)"
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"
# Here is how you can shorten some long paths by text replacement
# similar to mapped_locations in Oh My Posh:
"~/OneDrive" = "🪟:☁️ "
"~/iCloudDrive" = "🍎:☁️ "
"Documents" = "📄 "
"Downloads" = "📥 "
"Music" = "🎵 "
"Pictures" = "🖼️ "
"Videos" = "📽️ "
symbol = "🐳 "
format = '[[ · ](fg:#FFF)$symbol $context]($style) $path'
symbol = "🐙"
format = '[[ · ](fg:#FFF)$symbol $branch]($style)'
format = '[$all_status$ahead_behind]($style)'
disabled = false
time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format
format = '[⏳ $time]($style)'
format = '[[ · ](fg:#FFF)⏱ $duration]($style)'
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