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Last active August 15, 2023 17:11
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1.Get your MariaDB IP.

Your Appwrite self-hosted platform uses the Docker network to isolate your container from the outside world.

As that, we first need to obtain the MariaDB internal IP. To find it run the following command on your server


$: docker network inspect appwrite_appwrite --format '{{range .Containers}}{{println .Name .IPv4Address println }}{{end}}' | grep mariadb


docker network inspect appwrite_appwrite --format "{{range .Containers}}{{println .Name .IPv4Address println }}{{end}}" | findstr /c:"maria"

You will get something like that:


So, in this case the MariaDB internal IP is

2. Database tool

Download any one of the following Database management tools

3. SSH Tunneling

As the MariaDB container is not accessible from the outside world, you'll need to create a tunnel between the database management tool and your MariaDB container.

graph LR
    subgraph H[Your local computer]
    A[SSH Key]
    B[Database Management tool] 
    subgraph R[Your Appwrite server]

    D[Local User] --> G[MariaDB Container]
    H <-..SSH tunnel..-> R

To create this tunnel you'll need

  • Appwrite server IP.
  • SSH key.
  • MariaDB internal IP
  • MariaDB username and password.
  • The username and password are located in the .env file. This file is usually located in /root/appwrite/.env file. If you've installed Appwrite in some manual way, then the .env file will be in the same folder as your docker-compose.yml file.

From that file, grab the following values for the MariaDB.


Now you can set your SSH tunneling for any of your chosen management tools.

Below you'll have example how to do it in selected tools For the sake of the examples we'll assume the following details:

Field Value
Appwrite Server
Appwrite Server Username root
Appwrite Server Password toor
MariaDB Internal IP
MariaDB user user
MariaDB database appwrite
MariaDB password secret
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