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Last active December 27, 2015 07:28
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Save byjamaljama/7288786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Useful SASS Mixins: padding, margin, line-height, etc. I'll add more
$base-font-size: 16px!default;
$base-line-height: 24px!defaut;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Changes a given PX value to REM. This is not mixin, but it's required by some
* mixins below to change pixels to rems.
* usage: rem(24px); returns 1.5rem if the base font-size is 16px.
@function rem($px, $base-unit: $base-font-size) {
@if ($px == 0 or $px == unquote("auto")) {
@return $px;
@else {
@return ($px / $base-unit) * 1rem;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage: @include padding(24px);
* usage: @include padding((12px, 24px));
* usage: @include padding((0, 24px, 24px));
* usage: @include padding((24px, 24px, 36px 0px)); you can add px preffix to zero values if you want, the mixin doesn't care ;)
* usage: @include padding(24px, bottom);
@mixin padding($size, $side: false, $base-unit: $base-font-size){
@if $side != false {
padding-#{$side}: $size;
padding-#{$side}: rem($size);
@else if length($size) == 2 {
padding: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2);
padding: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2));
@else if length($size) == 3 {
padding: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2) nth($size, 3);
padding: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2)) rem(nth($size, 3));
@else if length($size) == 4 {
padding: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2) nth($size, 3) nth($size, 4);
padding: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2)) rem(nth($size, 3)) rem(nth($size, 4));
@else {
padding: $size;
padding: rem($size);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage: @include margin(24px);
* usage: @include margin((12px, 24px));
* usage: @include margin((0, 24px, 24px));
* usage: @include margin((24px, 24px, 24px -24px)); Note the minus (-) sign
* usage: @include margin(24px, bottom);
@mixin margin($size, $side: false, $base-unit: $base-font-size){
@if $side != false {
margin-#{$side}: $size;
margin-#{$side}: rem($size);
@else if length($size) == 2 {
margin: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2);
margin: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2));
@else if length($size) == 3 {
margin: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2) nth($size, 3);
margin: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2)) rem(nth($size, 3));
@else if length($size) == 4 {
margin: nth($size, 1) nth($size, 2) nth($size, 3) nth($size, 4);
margin: rem(nth($size, 1)) rem(nth($size, 2)) rem(nth($size, 3)) rem(nth($size, 4));
@else {
margin: $size;
margin: rem($size);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage: @include font-size(24px);
* As seen in
@mixin font-size($font-size, $line-height:true){
font-size:($font-size / $base-font-size) * 1rem;
@if $line-height == true{
line-height:ceil($font-size / $base-line-height) * ($base-line-height / $font-size);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage: @include line-height(24px); Prints 1.5 if the base font size is 16px
@mixin line-height($size, $base-unit: $base-font-size) {
line-height: ($size / $base-unit) * 1;
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