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Created January 19, 2017 20:29
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# Cloudfoundry inception and startup
This document describes the cf inception environment within our management network and also
describes a first shot to boot a cloudfoundry environment with microbosh, bosh and cloudfoundry.
## Prerequisits
1. Order a new tenant and user from your openstack admin
1.a User & Tenant must have the same name (for now)
2. Request a new inception user on the central inception server. You will need to provide the following things:
* name: This is your inception server user, openstack tenant and password
* os_password: The password for your openstack user
* os_api_ip: The address of your openstack api (hostname or ip address)
* initial_ssh_key: Your ssh public key. Used for an initial login. Can be multiple (one per line)
Puppet will then generate a new user on the inception server with everything pre-setup so that you are ready to deploy your cloudfoundry installation.
## Environment
Login (from one of the jump hosts):
Here you have everything available that you need to deploy a cloudfoundry installation. Your environment looks like:
|-- bin # all the installed binaries - included in your PATH
`-- bosh-workspace
|-- bosh_cache
|-- deployments # the place for your deployments with bosh (a git repository)
| `-- bosh # your bosh deployment
| `-- cloudfoundry # your cf deployment
|-- microboshes # the place from where we installed microbosh
| `-- microbosh # your microbosh deployment
|-- releases
| `-- bosh # the checked-out bosh release
| `-- cf # the checked-out cf release
|-- repos
|-- ssh
| |-- bosh # ssh key for your bosh servers already added to your tenant
| `-- cloudfoundry # ssh key for your cf installation already added to your tenant
|-- stemcells # the place for your stemcells
`-- tmp # your tmpdirectory. Will be used to prepare releases.
Also included is the setup for your openstack tenant and the fog credentials. So as first test, you could verify that these are actually working:
nova keypair-list # should return 2 keypairs: bosh / cloudfoundry
fog openstack # then Compute[:openstack].key_pairs should show the same keypairs
If this works for your, your inception is setup and ready for your deployments.
If you are still using nova network, we should create the basic nova security rules in your tenant, which will later be used by bosh and cloudfoundry. Puppet has created you a little helper script in `~/bin/nova_security_rules` to support you in creating them. So simply execute this script and let the rules be generated.
## Install microbosh in your tenant
Now we can start to deploy microbosh in your tenant. For that download the latest stemcell:
cd ~/bosh-workspace/stemcells/
bosh download public stemcell `bosh public stemcells | grep -E 'bosh.*openstack-kvm-ubuntu' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
Now we can create a microbosh deployment:
vi ~/bosh-workspace/microboshes/microbosh/micro_bosh.yml
An initial version of the deployment file has been created, so the only thing that you should need to adapt is the IP address and the net-id. An example can be found here: (examples/microbosh.yaml)[examples/microbosh.yaml]
**Note 1**: If you are using nova network, you will have to add add the *microbosh* security group to the template as well.
**Note 2:** If you are deploying from an inception server from which you aren't routed into the network of the tenant, you will have to add a floating ip to the microbosh server. You can register one by using `nova floating-ip-create` and then add the ip from the output as *vip:* to the network part.
Ready to deploy microbosh:
cd ~/bosh-workspace/microboshes
bosh micro deployment microbosh
bosh micro deploy ~/bosh-workspace/stemcells/`ls -1tr ~/bosh-workspace/stemcells/ | tail -n 1`
Now we should be able to create a new user:
bosh target https://A.B.C.D:25555 microbosh # the ip you got from the output
# login with admin / admin
bosh create user # create a user, likewise with the same name
# as your tenant
# add this information to the microbosh manifest file
# in the resurrector part
Verify that you can login:
bosh login # login with your newly created user
bosh status
Either you can now install bosh using microbosh or directly install cloudfoundry with microbosh. For the latter jump down to the install cloudfoundry instructions.
## Install bosh with microbosh
We can now upload the boshstemcell to our bosh director so it can use it for further deployments:
bosh upload stemcell
bosh stemcells # shows the uploaded stemcell
Ready to deploy our bosh release
cd ~/bosh-workspace/releases/bosh/release
git pull # update the latest release
bosh upload release releases/bosh-XY.yml
bosh releases # shows the release
Now we can work on deploying bosh itself.
If you are using a non reachable tenant network, we need to create 2 floating ips for bosh:
quantum net-external-list # get the external network
quantum floatingip-create <ext-internet>
quantum floatingip-create <ext-internet>
quantum floating-ip-list # shows you the current ips
These ips are then used for bosh, as noted in the example.
If you are using a reachable network, we can deploy bosh without the floating ips.
vi ~/bosh-workspace/deployments/bosh/bosh.yml
An example can be found here: (examples/bosh.yaml)[examples/bosh.yaml]
Let's deploy
bosh deployment ~/bosh-workspace/deployments/bosh/bosh.yml
bosh deploy
bosh target https://DIRECTOR.IP:25555 bosh # login as admin / admin
# again create a user
bosh create user # preferably again with the tenant name as user
bosh login
bosh status
bosh vms # should list no deployments
# Install cloudfoundry using bosh
Upload the stemcell:
bosh upload stemcell
Then we need to upload our release to bosh:
cd ~/bosh-workspace/releases/cf/
git pull # be sure to have the latest release
bosh upload release releases/cf-157.yml
bosh releases # shows the uploaded release
cd ~/bosh-workspace/deployments
git remote add bosh-manifests
git fetch bosh-manifests
git merge bosh-manifests/ux-rework
bundle install --deployment
cp deplyoments/prod2-cf.yml deployments/<yours>.yml
quantum net-external-list # get the external network
quantum floatingip-create <ext-internet>
vi deployments/<yours>.yml
# delete/comment the security groups in the templates if you are on plumgrid, as we don't use them there.
bundle exec bosh deployment <yours>
bundle exec bosh prepare deployment
bundle exec bosh deploy
And we are done!
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