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Created February 9, 2016 14:55
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#diagrams logs for bollu
08:35 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has joined #diagrams
08:37 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has quit [Client Quit]
08:38 -diagramsbot:#diagrams- [monoid-extras] bergey commented on issue #25: Yes, we should move `monoid-extras` and all the Diagrams packages to containers. If you have time to make a PR, that would be great....
08:43 < cchalmers> it wasn't a complete failure, he did some back and did some work in the end
08:43 < cchalmers> I continued working on it but took a break a couple of months ago and haven't got back into it yet
08:43 < cchalmers>
08:44 < byorgey> cchalmers: oh, cool, I didn't know that
08:44 < byorgey> cchalmers: so do you think there would be room for bollu to work on 'plots' this summer?
08:46 < cchalmers> I'm not sure, hopefully I'll be a useable plotting library by then so I don't know if there's enough for a GSoC
08:46 < byorgey> fair enough
08:46 < cchalmers> maybe if you worked on 3D plots
08:46 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has joined #diagrams
08:48 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has quit [Client Quit]
08:49 < cchalmers> similar to diagrams, it's designed to allow 3D but there's a lot of work to actually make it happen
08:49 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has joined #diagrams
08:50 < byorgey> right, I see
08:50 -!- Topic for #diagrams: paste: logs:
08:50 -!- Topic set by byorgey [~byorgey@haskell/developer/byorgey] [Fri Dec 4 11:29:57 2015]
08:51 < cchalmers> I'd love to make projected 3D plots as well as interactive 3D (using OpenGL or something) but I don't know if there's much demand for it
08:51 < bollu> byorgey: so, well, I'm interested in working in some of the same lines
08:51 < bollu> along with a focus on "faster" / "realtime"
08:51 < byorgey> bollu: I was going to tell you to look at the logs to see what cchalmers was saying while you were disconnected, but the log server seems to be having issues
08:51 < bollu> byorgey: can you see openGL fitting into the pipeline?
08:52 < byorgey> bollu: sure
08:52 < bollu> ah, hm
08:52 < byorgey> just a second, I'll paste it somewhere
08:52 < bollu> byorgey: where in the pipeline?
08:52 < bollu> thanks :)
08:52 < byorgey> bollu: I have no idea
08:53 -!- bollu [~Adium@] has quit [Client Quit]
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