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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A NixOS partition scheme with UEFI boot, root on tmpfs, everything else
# on encrypted ZFS datasets, and no swap.
# This script assumes two target drives is already formatted with two partitions:
# 1. 1GB FAT32 UEFI boot partition (each Nix generation consumes about 20MB on
# /boot, so size this based on how many generations you want to store)
# 2. the remainder of the disk formatted for ZFS.
# This script creates the following:
# 1. UEFI boot partition at /boot (or /boot1 for mirroredBoots)
# 2. Encrypted ZFS pool comprising all remaining disk space - rpool
# 3. Tmpfs root - /
# 4. ZFS datasets - rpool/local/[nix,opt,boot], rpool/safe/[home,persist], rpool/reserved
# 5. mounts all of the above
# 6. generates hardware-configuration.nix customized to this machine and tmpfs
# 7. generates a generic default configuration.nix replace-able with a custom one
# useful resources:
# Disk Partitions:
# sda
# ├─sda1 /boot/efi EFI BOOT
# └─sda2 rpool ZFS POOL
# for pool naming convention, use zfs-p0, zfs-p1, zfs-p2, etc.
# alternately, rpoolX for root pools, dpoolX for data pools
# for device naming convention, use zfs-d0, zfs-d1, zfs-d2, etc.
# Mount Layout:
# / tmpfs
# ├─/boot /dev/sda1
# ├─/boot/efi /dev/sda1
# ├─/nix rpool/local/nix
# ├─/opt rpool/local/opt
# ├─/home rpool/safe/home
# └─/persist rpool/safe/persist
#useful commands
# mount -l | grep sda
# findmnt | grep zfs
# lsblk
# ncdu -x /
# smartctl -a /dev/disk/by-id/<diskid>
# ls /dev/disk/by-label
# ls /dev/disk/by-partlabel
# zpool list
# zfs list -o name,mounted,mountpoint
# zfs mount (only usable with non-legacy datasets)
# zfs unmount -a (unmount everything, only usable with non-legacy datasets)
# umount -R /mnt (unmount everything in /mnt recursively, required for legacy zfs datasets)
# zpool export $POOL (disconnects the pool)
# zpool remove $POOL sda1 (removes the disk from your zpool)
# zpool destroy $POOL (this destroys the pool and it's gone and rather difficult to retrieve)
# Some ZFS properties cannot be changed after the pool and/or datasets are created. Some discussion on this:
# `ashift` is one of these properties, but is easy to determine. Use the following commands:
# disk logical blocksize: `$ sudo blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdX` (ashift)
# disk physical blocksize: `$ sudo blockdev --getpbsz /dev/sdX` (not ashift but interesting)
#set -euo pipefail
set -e
pprint () {
local cyan="\e[96m"
local default="\e[39m"
# ISO8601 timestamp + ms
local timestamp
timestamp=$(date +%FT%T.%3NZ)
echo -e "${cyan}${timestamp} $1${default}" 1>&2
echo # move to a new line
# Set primary installation disk
pprint "> Select primary installation disk: "
select ENTRY in $(ls /dev/disk/by-id/);
echo "Installing system on $DISK1."
read -p "> You selected '$DISK1'. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
# DISK1 ashift
read -p "> What is the Ashift for this disk ($DISK1)? Use 'blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdX' to find logical blocksize. Example, 4096 => ashift=12. " ASHIFT1
read -p "> You entered ashift=$ASHIFT1. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
# Set mirrored disk
pprint "> Select mirrored installation disk: "
select ENTRY in $(ls /dev/disk/by-id/);
echo "Mirroring system on $DISK2."
read -p "> You selected '$DISK2'. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
# DISK2 ashift
read -p "> What is the Ashift for this disk ($DISK2)? Use 'blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdX' to find logical blocksize. Example, 4096 => ashift=12. " ASHIFT2
read -p "> You entered ashift=$ASHIFT2. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
# Set ZFS pool name
read -p "> Name your ZFS pool: " POOL
read -p "> You entered '$POOL'. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
# Set hostname for this installation
read -p "> What is the network hostname for this installation? (networking.hostName=?) " HOSTNAME
read -p "> You entered '$HOSTNAME'. Is this correct? (Y/N): " confirm && [[ $confirm == [yY] || $confirm == [yY][eE][sS] ]] || exit 1
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Creating ZFS pool on $ZFS1 ..."
# -f force
# -m none (mountpoint), canmount=off. ZFS datasets on this pool inherit
# unmountable, unless explicitly specified otherwise in 'zfs create'.
# Use blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdX to find correct ashift for your disk.
# acltype=posix, xattr=sa required
# atime=off and relatime=on for performance
# recordsize depends on usage, 16k for database server or similar, 1M for home media server with large files
# normalization=formD for max compatility
# secondarycache=none to disable L2ARC which is not needed
# best encryption methods are lz4 (fastest) and zstd (almost as fast, better compression)
# more info on pool properties:
zpool create -f -t $POOL -m none -R /mnt \
-o ashift=$ASHIFT1 \
-o autotrim=on \
-o listsnapshots=on \
-O secondarycache=none \
-O acltype=posix \
-O compression=lz4 \
-O encryption=on \
-O keylocation=prompt \
-O keyformat=passphrase \
-O mountpoint=none \
-O canmount=off \
-O atime=off \
-O relatime=on \
-O recordsize=1M \
-O dnodesize=auto \
-O xattr=sa \
-O normalization=formD \
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Creating ZFS datasets nix, opt, home, persist, reserved ..."
zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/local/nix
zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/local/opt
#zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/local/lxd # must be created by `lxd init`
#zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/local/boot
zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/safe/home
zfs create -p -v -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=legacy ${POOL}/safe/persist
# "reserved is an unused, unmounted 2GB dataset. In case the rest of the pool runs out
# of space required for ZFS operations (even deletions require disk space in a
# copy-on-write filesystem), shrink or delete this pool to free enough
# space to continue ZFS operations.
zfs create -o refreservation=4G -o primarycache=none -o secondarycache=none -o mountpoint=none ${POOL}/reserved
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Enabling auto-snapshotting for ${POOL}/safe/[home,persist] datasets ..."
zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true ${POOL}/safe
#zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true ${POOL}/local/lxd # do this manually after running `lxd init`
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
# attach mirrored drive
zpool attach -o ashift=$ASHIFT2 $POOL $ZFS1 $ZFS2
pprint "Mounting Tmpfs and ZFS datasets ..."
mkdir -p /mnt
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/nix
mount -t zfs ${POOL}/local/nix /mnt/nix
mkdir -p /mnt/opt
mount -t zfs ${POOL}/local/opt /mnt/opt
mkdir -p /mnt/home
mount -t zfs ${POOL}/safe/home /mnt/home
mkdir -p /mnt/persist
mount -t zfs ${POOL}/safe/persist /mnt/persist
#mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
#mount -t vfat "${BOOT}" /mnt/boot/efi
# use boot1 and boot2 for mirroredBoots config
mkdir -p /mnt/boot1/
mount -t vfat ${BOOT} /mnt/boot1
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Creating /mnt/build for temporarily mounting to tmpfs during nixos-rebuilds ..."
umount /build || :
mkdir -p /mnt/build
#do not mount unless running nixos-rebuild, only for use in script.
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Making /mnt/persist/ subdirectories for persisted artifacts ..."
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/ssh
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/users
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/nixos
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/wireguard/
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/var/lib/bluetooth
mkdir -p /mnt/persist/var/lib/acme
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Generating NixOS configuration ..."
nixos-generate-config --force --root /mnt
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
# Specify machine-specific ZFS properties for hardware-configuration.nix
HOSTID=$(head -c8 /etc/machine-id)
networking.hostName = "$HOSTNAME";
networking.hostId = "$HOSTID"; # "$(head -c 8 /etc/machine-id)"; required by ZFS
#boot.zfs.devNodes = "$ZFS";
# prevents "multiple pools with same name" problem during boot
boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid"; # nixos-generation-config defaults to using partuuid ...
#boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev/disk/by-id"; # but should change to by-id after it's created = true;
# Add extra Tmpfs config options to the / mount section in hardware-configuration.nix
# mode=755: required for some software like openssh, or will complain about permissions
# size=2G: Tmpfs size. A fresh NixOS + Gnome4 install uses just over 200MB on tmpfs.
# size=512M is sufficient, or larger if you have enough RAM and want more headroom.
# backing up original to /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix.original.
pprint "Adding Tmpfs properties to hardware-configuration.nix ..."
sed --in-place=.original '/fsType = "tmpfs";/a\ options = [ "defaults" "size=2G" "mode=755" ];' /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
#same as above, but try to be more specific to just /
#pprint "Adding Tmpfs properties to hardware-configuration.nix ..."
#sed -e --in-place=.original '/fileSystems."/",/fsType = "tmpfs";/a\ options = [ "defaults" "size=2G" "mode=755" ];' /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
#pprint "Done."
#echo # move to a new line
pprint "Appending machine-specific networking and ZFS properties to hardware-configuration.nix ..."
sed -i "\$e cat $HARDWARE_CONFIG" /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
# only needed when /boot/efi on separate partition from /boot
#pprint "Adding /boot/efi partition to hardware-configuration.nix ..."
#sed --in-place=.original '
# fileSystems."/boot" =
# { device = "rpool/local/boot";
# fsType = "zfs";
# };
# fileSystems."/boot/efi" =
# { device = "$BOOT";
# fsType = "vfat";
# };
#' /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
#pprint "Done."
#echo # move to a new line
# not needed when overwriting original configuration.nix
#pprint "Deleting incorrect/redundant networking.hostName from configuration.nix ..."
#sed '/^# networking.hostName/d' /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
#pprint "Done."
#echo # move to a new line
# TODO: look into move networking properties, including networking.interfaces = { ... }, to either
# hardware-configuration.nix or to a separate module. Tested with the former
# but didn't work, not sure why.
# sed '\:// START TEXT:,\:// END TEXT:d' file
pprint "Backing up configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix to /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive ..."
mv /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/configuration.nix.original
cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/hardware-configuration.nix.custom
cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
mv /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix.original /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Copying configuration.tmpfsroot.zfscrypt.nix to /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/configuration.nix ..."
cp -r $INSTALL/NixOS/Setup/config/configuration.tmpfsroot.zfscrypt.full.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/
cp -r $INSTALL/NixOS/Setup/config/configuration.$SYSTEM.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/
cp -r /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/configuration.tmpfsroot.zfscrypt.full.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
cp -r /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/archive/configuration.$SYSTEM.nix /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/configuration.$SYSTEM.nix
cp -r /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/configuration.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
cp -r /mnt/persist/etc/nixos/configuration.$SYSTEM.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.$SYSTEM.nix
chown -Rv root:root /mnt/persist/etc/nixos
chmod -Rv 0644 /mnt/persist/etc/nixos
chown -Rv root:root /mnt/etc/nixos
chmod -Rv 0644 /mnt/etc/nixos
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Copying $INSTALL/NixOS/Setup/persist/etc/users to /mnt/persist/etc/"
cp -rv $INSTALL/NixOS/Setup/persist/etc/users /mnt/persist/etc/
#cp -rv /mnt/persist/etc/users /mnt/etc/
chown -Rv root:root /mnt/persist/etc/users
chmod -Rv 0640 /mnt/persist/etc/users
#chown -Rv root:root /mnt/etc/users
#chmod -Rv 0640 /mnt/etc/users
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Making blank pre-installation zfs snapshot, in case want to rollback to blank datasets ..."
zfs snapshot -r ${POOL}@blank
pprint "Done."
echo # move to a new line
pprint "Configuration complete."
pprint "Backup configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix to a separate drive."
pprint "Then install by running"
# WARNING: Before rebooting, backup /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix to USBDrive
# install with:
# ---- install script ----
# #!/usr/bin/env bash
# install NixOS with no root password
#set -e
# If nixos-install fails, may need to prepend this nixos-build line to install script:
#nix-build -v '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A -I nixos-config=/mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# install NixOS with no root password. Must use `passwd` on first use to set user password.
#nixos-install -v --show-trace --no-root-passwd
# ---- /install script ----
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