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Last active April 11, 2024 15:14
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  • Save byronjones-elsevier/6a9cd10f512fc8411e095658e4d5bf93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save byronjones-elsevier/6a9cd10f512fc8411e095658e4d5bf93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo "Installing Homebrew - SUDO REQUIRED"
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo "Confirming Python2 version"
python --version
echo "Confirming Python 3 version"
python3 --version
echo "Installing Python PYENV and PYENV-VIRTUALENV"
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
echo "Installing Git CLI"
brew install git
echo "Installing Git HUB CLI"
brew install hub
echo "Installing Github CLI"
brew install gh
echo "Installing the NANO cli text editor"
brew install nano
echo "Creating the ZSH Profile for PYENV"
touch ~/.zprofile
echo "export PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.pyenv/" > ~/.zprofile
echo "export PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" > ~/.zprofile
echo "eval ""$(pyenv init -)""" > ~/.zprofile
echo "eval ""$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)""" > ~/.zprofile
cp .zprofile .zshrc
echo "Checking PYENV Available Versions"
pyenv install --list
echo "Installing Docker Desktop"
brew install docker
docker --version
echo "Installing Ansible"
brew install ansible
echo "Installing TFENV"
brew unlink terraform
brew install tfenv
tfenv --version
tfenv install 1.0.11
tfenv list
tfenv use 1.0.11
echo "DEPREACTED - Installing SAML2AWS"
#echo "Configuration Instructions:"
#echo "You may want to add this to your bash/zsh profile: alias awslogon=\"saml2aws login --force && eval \$(saml2aws script) && export AWS_PROFILE=saml\" "
#brew install saml2aws
echo "Installing GO-AWS-SSO"
brew tap theurichde/go-aws-sso && brew install go-aws-sso
echo "Installing AWS CLI"
brew install awscli
echo "Installing WGet"
brew install wget
echo "Installing Powershell"
brew install powershell
echo "Installing K9S"
brew install K9S
echo "Installing KubeCTL"
brew install kubectl
echo "Installing Helm"
brew install Helm
echo "Installing miniKube"
brew install minikube
echo "Installing EKSCTL"
brew install EKSCTL
echo "Installing Find (the Mac version is old, and has issues with EKS-Control)"
brew install findutils
ln -f -s /usr/local/bin/gfind /usr/local/bin/find
echo "Install JQ"
brew install jq
echo "Install PIPENV"
brew install pipenv
echo "Installing latest BASH version"
brew install bash
echo "Installing VirtualBox - SUDO REQUIRED"
brew install VirtualBox
## Skip OpenShift, no longer used at Elsevier
## echo "Install OpenShift-CLI v3.6.0"
## #Download OpenShift-CLI v3.6.0 from:
## cd ~/Downloads
## wget -P ~/Downloads
## unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/Downloads/openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.6.0-c4dd4cf-mac/
## ls ~/Downloads/openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.6.0-c4dd4cf-mac
## cp ~/Downloads/openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.6.0-c4dd4cf-mac/oc /usr/local/bin
## echo "When you try to run OC, you will get a permissions issue."
## echo "Go to: Mac > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > \"Allow apps downloaded from\" "
## echo "to allow the app."
## oc version
echo "Creating ~/.ssh Directory"
mkdir ~/.ssh && cd ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
echo "Creating ~/.ssh/id_rsa SSH Key"
printf "Please provide your username (Enter defaults to '$(id -nru)') : " \
&& read -r AD_ACCOUNT \
&& AD_ACCOUNT=${AD_ACCOUNT:-$(id -nru)} \
&& ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "${AD_ACCOUNT}"
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/
ls -Al ~/.ssh
echo "Starting SSH Agent"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
echo "Creating SSH Config File"
touch ~/.ssh/config
echo "Host *" > ~/.ssh/config
echo " AddKeysToAgent yes" > ~/.ssh/config
echo " UseKeychain yes" > ~/.ssh/config
echo " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa" > ~/.ssh/config
echo "Adding SSH Key to Mac Keychain"
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
echo "Copying SSH Public Key to clipboard, so you can paste it into:"
echo ""
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
echo "After adding your SSH Key to Github, be sure to click the 'Configure SSO' button, and authorize your ssh key in all three Elsevier Organizations."
echo "You should also create a Github Personal Access Token, and add it to your profile as GITHUB_TOKEN=[key]"
echo "The Github Personal Access Token also needs the 'Configure SSO' button clicked and authorized in all three environments."
echo "Installing Visual Studio Code"
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
echo "Installing Visual Studio Code Extensions"
code --install extension 'aaron-bond.better-comments'
code --install extension 'alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite'
code --install extension 'codezombiech.gitignore'
code --install extension 'CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2'
code --install extension 'dbaeumer.vscode-eslint'
code --install extension 'dogan-kasap.vscode-github-gist'
code --install extension 'donjayamanne.githistory'
code --install extension 'donjayamanne.jquerysnippets'
code --install extension 'eamodio.gitlens'
code --install extension 'esbenp.prettier-vscode'
code --install extension 'formulahendry.code-runner'
code --install extension 'golang.go'
code --install extension 'hashicorp.terraform'
code --install extension ''
code --install extension 'kenhowardpdx.vscode-gist'
code --install extension 'mechatroner.rainbow-csv'
code --install extension 'mhutchie.git-graph'
code --install extension 'mikestead.dotenv'
code --install extension 'mohsen1.prettify-json'
code --install extension 'ms-azuretools.vscode-azureappservice'
code --install extension 'ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups'
code --install extension 'ms-azuretools.vscode-docker'
code --install extension 'ms-dotnettools.csharp'
code --install extension 'ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools'
code --install extension ''
code --install extension 'ms-mssql.mssql'
code --install extension 'ms-mssql.sql-database-projects-vscode'
code --install extension 'ms-python.python'
code --install extension 'ms-python.vscode-pylance'
code --install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter'
code --install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap'
code --install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack'
code --install extension ''
code --install extension 'ms-vscode.cpptools'
code --install extension 'ms-vscode.powershell'
code --install extension 'ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare'
code --install extension 'mtxr.sqltools'
code --install extension 'naumovs.color-highlight'
code --install extension 'oderwat.indent-rainbow'
code --install extension 'quicktype.quicktype'
code --install extension ''
code --install extension 'redhat.vscode-xml'
code --install extension 'redhat.vscode-yaml'
code --install extension 'ritwickdey.LiveServer'
code --install extension 'rust-lang.rust'
code --install extension ''
code --install extension 'twxs.cmake'
code --install extension 'VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode'
code --install extension 'vscjava.vscode-java-debug'
code --install extension 'vscjava.vscode-java-dependency'
code --install extension 'vscjava.vscode-java-pack'
code --install extension 'vscjava.vscode-java-test'
code --install extension 'vscjava.vscode-maven'
code --install extension 'wholroyd.jinja'
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Added bash

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Added findutils, and a link to ensure that the latest version of find is used.

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Commented out OpenShift, no longer used.

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Quoted the echo commands where needed

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Line 21: Added the Github GH CLI app

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Line 55: Deprecated SAML2AWS
Line 60: Added GO-AWS-SSO

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