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Last active October 6, 2023 23:38
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Caddyfile reverse proxy example for C2 platforms
# This instructs Caddy to hit the LetsEncrypt staging endpoint, in production you should remove this.
(proxy_upstream) {
# Enable access logging to STDOUT
# This is our list of naughty client User Agents that we don't want accessing our C2
@ua_denylist {
header User-Agent curl*
# This is our list of naughty IPs that we want to prevent from accessing our C2
@ip_denylist {
header {
+X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive"
+X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
# Respond with a 403 if the client has a User Agent defined in our naughty list
# Lot more you can do with this (e.g. redirect to seperate domain), check the docs
respond @ua_denylist "Forbidden" 403 {
# Respond with a 403 if the client has an IP defined in our naughty list
# Lot more you can do with this (e.g. redirect to seperate domain), check the docs
respond @ip_denylist "Forbidden" 403 {
# Reverse proxy to our host "c2platform" on port 80
# Caddy automatically adds a X-Forwarded-For header which is super useful for Cobalt Strike
reverse_proxy c2platform:80 {
header_up Host {upstream_hostport}
header_up X-Forwarded-Host {host}
header_up X-Forwarded-Port {port}
} {
# Use the proxy_upstream code snippet (defined above)
import proxy_upstream
} {
# Use the proxy_upstream code snippet (defined above)
import proxy_upstream
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XiaoliChan commented Aug 26, 2022

I think the best way is to reject the request which is mismatched in C2 profile, not "ua_denylist". (Similar like RedWarden)

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XiaoliChan commented Aug 26, 2022

Probably like this

@headers_matcher {
                header “headers in c2 profile” “headers value in c2 profile”
reverse_proxy @headers_matcher "c2:port_bind"{
                header_up Host {upstream_hostport}
                header_up X-Forwarded-Host {host}
                header_up X-Forwarded-Port {port}
redir #default is redirect to

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I wanted to handle multiple user agents, so I decided to use a regex variant:

@ua_denylist {
  header_regexp User-Agent (?i)(go-http|python|Expanse|curl|nocom|node-fetch)

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You can also write:, {

That way you can get rid of the import statement.

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