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Last active June 17, 2016 17:21
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Some LevelRenderer functions that I decompiled by hand.
void LevelRenderer::_buildSkyMesh()
Tessellator& tessellator = Tessellator::instance;
tessellator.begin(mce::PrimitiveMode::MODE_2, 12);
tessellator.vertex(0.0F, 128.0F, 0.0F);
double x = 1.0;
double z = 0.0;
double f = Math::TAU * 0.1;
for(int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
tessellator.vertex(x * 2000.0F, 128.0F, -(z * 2000.0F));
x = cos(-(i * f));
z = sin(-(i * f));
for(int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
unsigned int j = i * 0x402e161e;
j = (i >> 31) >> (j >> 2);
j += (j << 2);
tessellator.triangle(0, i, (i - (j << 1)) + 1);
this->field_16E0.Mesh_4 = tessellator.end(NULL, false);
void LevelRenderer::renderSky(Entity& cameraEntity, float partialTicks)
mce::RenderContextImmediate::get().setDepthRange(0.0F, 1.0F);
MatrixStack::Ref projection = MatrixStack::Projection.push();
float fov = tanf(this->getFov(partialTicks, true) * 0.0087266F);
float asp = fov * this->_getProjectionAspectRatio();
float f1 = this->field_1620.field_20 * 5120.0F;
Matrix matrix;
matrix.f84 = 1.0F;
matrix.f96 = (f1 * 4.0F) / (2.0F - f1);
matrix.f60 = 1.0F / fov;
matrix.f80 = (f1 + 2.0F) / (2.0F - f1);
matrix.f40 = 1.0F / asp;
projection = matrix;
f1 = this->field_1620.field_20 * 1.28F;
MatrixStack::Ref view = MatrixStack::View.push();
view.stack.field_C = 1;
view.matrix.scale({f1, f1, f1});
Color skyColor = this->dimension.getSkyColor(cameraEntity, partialTicks);
float ambientBrightness = this->getAmbientBrightness();
float darkness = this->_skyDarkeningFactor();
float r = (skyColor.r * ambientBrightness) - darkness;
float g = (skyColor.g * ambientBrightness) - darkness;
float b = (skyColor.b * ambientBrightness) - darkness;
float a = 1.0F;
currentShaderColor.setColor({r, g, b, a});
this->skyMesh.render(this->skyMaterial, 0, 0);
this->_renderSunOrMoon(partialTicks, true);
this->_renderSunOrMoon(partialTicks, false);
mce::RenderContextImmediate::get().setDepthRange(0.0F, 0.7F);
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