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Created February 28, 2018 20:59
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A collection of functions commonly used to do AWS stuff.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A simple tool to document how to control AWS resources.
In order to run any of the code below, you need a profile with AWS credentials
set up on your computer. It's very easy to do this. Google how to configure
your profile with boto3, or visit the docs:
Note: you need an AWS user with access to everything to run all these
commands. If you see permission denied errors, it's because the user
you're authenticating with does not have access to do what you're code
is trying to do.
To try this code out, make sure you have python 3.4+ installed.
Then download this file into a folder (e.g., into "$HOME/amazonctl"). CD into
that folder, create a virtual environment, and activate it::
> cd $HOME/amazonctl
> pyvenv venv
> . venv/bin/activate
On Windows, the above commands will be slightly different, but the steps
are the same: go into the folder, create a virtual environment, then
activate it.
Finally, download the dependencies: boto3, click, and jupyter::
> pip install boto3 click jupyter
Jupyter provides an interactive Python console that makes it very easy to
explore Python code/packages.
You can enter the Jupyter Console by typing the command::
> jupyter console
From there you can import this file::
>>> import amazonctl
You can then use tab completion after the dot to see possible options::
>>> amazonctl.<hit Tab>
To see the code's documentation, add a question mark after a function
and hit <Enter>::
>>> amazonctl.create_vpc?<hit Enter>
You can do similar things with boto3 to explore AWS. In the Jupyter console,
import boto3::
>>> import boto3
Then explore the boto3 interface. The ``?`` functionality of Jupyter is
extremely helpful. Boto3's documentation is outstanding..
import json
import boto3
import click
def get_client(service):
"""Get an AWS client for a service."""
session = boto3.Session()
return session.client(service)
VPCs and Subnets
To see all VPCs::
>>> amazonctl.get_vpcs()
To create a VPC, give it a CIDR block::
>>> amazonctl.create_vpc("")
To see all VPCs::
>>>> amazonctl.get_vpcs()
To delete a VPC, you need its VPC ID (which you can get from the
``get_vpcs()`` function.::
>>> amazonctl.delete_vpc("vpc-9fe44ffb")
To create a subnet in a VPC::
>>> amazonctl.create_subnet("vpc-9fe44ffb", "")
To see all subnets::
>>> amazonctl.get_subnets()
To delete a subnet from a VPC, use its Subnet ID (which you can get from
the ``get_subnets()`` function.::
>>> amazonctl.delete_subnet("subnet-8924feb4")
def create_vpc(cidr_block):
"""Create a VPC."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
return client.create_vpc(**params)
def delete_vpc(vpc_id):
"""Delete a VPC."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["VpcId"] = vpc_id
return client.delete_vpc(**params)
def get_vpcs():
"""List info about all VPCs."""
client = get_client("ec2")
return client.describe_vpcs()
def create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block):
"""Create a subnet in a VPC."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["VpcId"] = vpc_id
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
return client.create_subnet(**params)
def delete_subnet(subnet_id):
"""Delete a subnet from a VPC."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["SubnetId"] = subnet_id
return client.delete_subnet(**params)
def get_subnets():
"""List info about all subnets."""
client = get_client("ec2")
return client.describe_subnets()
Security Groups, Keys, and Network ACLs
To create a security group::
>>> amazonctl.create_security_group("my-security-group", "vpc-9fe44ffb")
To add an inbound (ingress) rule, e.g. accept requests from port 80 to port 80
from anywhere::
>>> amazonctl.create_ingress_rule("sg-0fea4969", "tcp", 80, 80, "")
To delete that inbound (ingress) rule::
>>> amazonctl.delete_ingress_rule("sg-0fea4969", "tcp", 80, 80, "")
The same applies to creating and deleting outbound (egress) rules:
>>> amazonctl.create_egress_rule("sg-0fea4969", "tcp", 80, 80, "")
>>> amazonctl.delete_egress_rule("sg-0fea4969", "tcp", 80, 80, "")
Note that defining security group ingress/egress rules like this are limited
to VPCs. EC2 classic does it differently.
To view all security groups::
>>> amazonctl.get_security_groups()
To delete a security group, use the security group ID (which you can get
from the ``get_security_groups()`` function)::
>>> amazonctl.delete_security_group("sg-0fea4969")
To create a new key pair::
>>> amazonctl.create_key_pair("my-keypair")
To delete a key pairs::
>>> amazonctl.delete_key_pair("my-keypair")
To see all key pairs::
>>> amazonctl.get_key_pairs()
To create a network ACL in a VPC::
>>> amazonctl.create_network_acl("pc-9fe44ffb")
To see all network ACLs::
>>> amazonctl.get_network_acls()
To delete a network ACL, use its ACL ID (which you can get from the
``get_network_acls()`` function)::
>>> amazonctl.delete_network_acl("acl-ae3283ca")
To add an ACL entry that allows certain inbound traffic::
>>> amazonctl.create_network_acl_ingress_entry("acl-ae3283ca",
..: rule_num=150, protocol="6", cidr_block="",
..: from_port=80, to_port=80, allow=True)
To update that rule::
>>> amazonctl.update_network_acl_ingress_entry("acl-ae3283ca",
..: rule_num=150, protocol="6", cidr_block="",
.. : from_port=80, to_port=80, allow=True)
To delete that rule, use the ACL ID and the rule number::
>>> amazonctl.delete_network_acl_ingress_entry("acl-ae3283ca", 150)
For outbound rules, it's similar, just use ``egress`` in function calls
instead of ``ingress``, for instance ``create_network_acl_egress_entry()``.
To change a subnet from one ACL to another, use the association ID of the
subet (which you can get from the ``get_network_acls()`` function), and just
point that at a different ACL::
>>> amazonctl.replace_network_acl_association("acl-ae3283ca",
..: "aclassoc-a7dad2c1")
Route Table commands could be put in here too.
def create_security_group(name, vpc_id):
"""Create a security group."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupName"] = name
params["Description"] = name + " security group for " + vpc_id
params["VpcId"] = vpc_id
return client.create_security_group(**params)
def create_ingress_rule(security_group_id, protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_block):
"""Create a security group ingress rule."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupId"] = security_group_id
params["IpPermissions"] = [{
"IpProtocol": protocol,
"FromPort": from_port,
"ToPort": to_port,
"IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr_block}],
return client.authorize_security_group_ingress(**params)
def delete_ingress_rule(security_group_id, protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_block):
"""Delete a security group ingress rule."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupId"] = security_group_id
params["IpPermissions"] = [{
"IpProtocol": protocol,
"FromPort": from_port,
"ToPort": to_port,
"IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr_block}],
return client.revoke_security_group_ingress(**params)
def create_egress_rule(security_group_id, protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_block):
"""Create a security group egress rule."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupId"] = security_group_id
params["IpPermissions"] = [{
"IpProtocol": protocol,
"FromPort": from_port,
"ToPort": to_port,
"IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr_block}],
return client.authorize_security_group_egress(**params)
def delete_egress_rule(security_group_id, protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_block):
"""Delete a security group egress rule."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupId"] = security_group_id
params["IpPermissions"] = [{
"IpProtocol": protocol,
"FromPort": from_port,
"ToPort": to_port,
"IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": cidr_block}],
return client.revoke_security_group_egress(**params)
def get_security_groups():
"""List info about all security groups."""
client = get_client("ec2")
return client.describe_security_groups()
def delete_security_group(security_group_id):
"""Delete a security group."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["GroupId"] = security_group_id
return client.delete_security_group(**params)
def create_key_pair(name):
"""Create a key pair."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["KeyName"] = name
return client.create_key_pair(**params)
def delete_key_pair(name):
"""Delete a key pair."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["KeyName"] = name
return client.delete_key_pair(**params)
def get_key_pairs():
"""List info about all key pairs."""
client = get_client("ec2")
return client.describe_key_pairs()
def create_network_acl(vpc_id):
"""Create a network ACL."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["VpcId"] = vpc_id
return client.create_network_acl(**params)
def delete_network_acl(acl_id):
"""Delete a network ACL."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
return client.delete_network_acl(**params)
def get_network_acls():
"""List info about all network ACLs."""
client = get_client("ec2")
return client.describe_network_acls()
def create_network_acl_ingress_entry(acl_id, rule_num, protocol, cidr_block,
from_port, to_port, allow=True):
"""Create an ACL entry for inbound traffic.
Note that ``protocol`` should be an IP Protocol number, but passed in
as a string, like "6", not 6 or "tcp"."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Protocol"] = protocol
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
params["Egress"] = False
params["RuleAction"] = "ALLOW" if allow else "DENY"
params["PortRange"] = {"From": from_port, "To": to_port}
return client.create_network_acl_entry(**params)
def update_network_acl_ingress_entry(acl_id, rule_num, protocol, cidr_block,
from_port, to_port, allow=True):
"""Update an ACL entry for inbound traffic.
Note that ``protocol`` should be an IP Protocol number, but passed in
as a string, like "6", not 6 or "tcp"."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Protocol"] = protocol
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
params["Egress"] = False
params["RuleAction"] = "ALLOW" if allow else "DENY"
params["PortRange"] = {"From": from_port, "To": to_port}
return client.replace_network_acl_entry(**params)
def delete_network_acl_ingress_entry(acl_id, rule_num):
"""Delete an ACL entry for inbound traffic."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Egress"] = False
return client.delete_network_acl_entry(**params)
def create_network_acl_egress_entry(acl_id, rule_num, protocol, cidr_block,
from_port, to_port, allow=True):
"""Create an ACL entry for outbound traffic.
Note that ``protocol`` should be an IP Protocol number, but passed in
as a string, like "6", not 6 or "tcp"."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Protocol"] = protocol
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
params["Egress"] = True
params["RuleAction"] = "ALLOW" if allow else "DENY"
params["PortRange"] = {"From": from_port, "To": to_port}
return client.create_network_acl_entry(**params)
def update_network_acl_egress_entry(acl_id, rule_num, protocol, cidr_block,
from_port, to_port, allow=True):
"""Update an ACL entry for outbound traffic.
Note that ``protocol`` should be an IP Protocol number, but passed in
as a string, like "6", not 6 or "tcp"."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Protocol"] = protocol
params["CidrBlock"] = cidr_block
params["Egress"] = False
params["RuleAction"] = "ALLOW" if allow else "DENY"
params["PortRange"] = {"From": from_port, "To": to_port}
return client.replace_network_acl_entry(**params)
def delete_network_acl_egress_entry(acl_id, rule_num):
"""Delete an ACL entry for outbound traffic."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
params["RuleNumber"] = rule_num
params["Egress"] = True
return client.delete_network_acl_entry(**params)
def change_network_acl_association(acl_id, assoc_id):
"""Change an ACL's association."""
client = get_client("ec2")
params = {}
params["AssociationId"] = assoc_id
params["NetworkAclId"] = acl_id
return client.replace_network_acl_association(**params)
Auto Scaling Groups and Launch Configurations
To create a launch configuration::
>>> amazonctl.create_launch_configuration("my-launch-config",
..: "ami-c16422a4", key_pair="my-key-pair",
..: security_groups=["sg-0fea4969"],
..: instance_type="t2.medium")
To delete a launch configuration::
>>> amazonctl.delete_launch_configuration("my-launch-config")
To see all launch configurations::
>>> amazonctl.get_launch_configurations()
To create an auto scaling group from a launch configuration::
>>> amazonctl.create_auto_scaling_group("my-asg", "my-launch-config",
..: min_size=1, max_size=4, desired_size=1,
..: subnets=["subnet-8924feb4"])
To see all auto scaling groups::
>>> amazonctl.get_auto_scaling_groups()
To delete an auto scaling group::
>>> amazonctl.delete_auto_scaling_group("my-asg")
Note: if you want to use an auto scaling group with a cluster, tell the
launch config which cluster to use, e.g.,::
>>> amazonctl.create_launch_configuration("my-launch-config",
..: "ami-c16422a4", ..., cluster="my-cluster")
Currently, AWS tells instances which cluster they should launch into by
including a bash script in the user data. That script is encoded in
the ``create_launch_configuration()`` function.
def create_launch_configuration(name, ami_id, key_pair=None,
instance_type="t2.micro", public_ip=True,
user_data=None, cluster=None):
"""Create a launch configuration."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["LaunchConfigurationName"] = name
params["ImageId"] = ami_id
params["InstanceType"] = instance_type
if key_pair:
params["KeyName"] = key_pair
if security_groups:
params["SecurityGroups"] = security_groups
if public_ip:
params["AssociatePublicIpAddress"] = True
if cluster:
params["UserData"] = "#!/bin/bash\n" \
+ "echo ECS_CLUSTER=" \
+ name \
+ " >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config"
elif user_data:
params["UserData"] = user_data
return client.create_launch_configuration(**params)
def delete_launch_configuration(name):
"""Delete a launch cofiguration."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["LaunchConfigurationName"] = name
return client.delete_launch_configuration(**params)
def get_launch_configurations():
"""List info about all launch configurations."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
return client.describe_launch_configurations()
def create_auto_scaling_group(name, launch_configuration, min_size=1,
max_size=1, desired_size=1, subnets=None):
"""Create an auto scaling group."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["AutoScalingGroupName"] = name
params["LaunchConfigurationName"] = launch_configuration
params["MinSize"] = min_size
params["MaxSize"] = max_size
params["DesiredCapacity"] = desired_size
if subnets:
params["VPCZoneIdentifier"] = ",".join(subnets)
return client.create_auto_scaling_group(**params)
def delete_auto_scaling_group(name, force=True):
"""Delete an auto scaling group."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["AutoScalingGroupName"] = name
params["ForceDelete"] = force
return client.delete_auto_scaling_group(**params)
def get_auto_scaling_groups():
"""List info about all auto scaling groups."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
return client.describe_auto_scaling_groups()
Load Balancers
To create an elastic load balancer::
>>> amazonctl.create_load_balancer("my-elb", "http", 80, 80,
..: subnets=["subnet-8924feb4"], security_groups=["sg-0fea4969"],
..: private=True)
To list all load balancers::
>>> amazonctl.get_load_balancers()
To delete a load balancer::
>>> amazonctl.delete_load_balancer("my-elb")
To attach a load balancer to an auto scaling group::
>>> amazonctl.attach_load_balancer("my-asg", "my-elb")
And to detach it:
>>> amazonctl.detach_load_balancer("my-asg", "my-elb")
def create_load_balancer(name, protocol, elb_port, instance_port,
ssl_cert=None, subnets=None, security_groups=None,
"""Create a load balancer."""
client = get_client("elb")
params = {}
params["LoadBalancerName"] = name
listener = {
"Protocol": protocol,
"LoadBalancerPort": elb_port,
"InstancePort": instance_port
if ssl_cert:
listener["SSLCertificateId"] = ssl_cert
params["Listeners"] = [listener]
if subnets:
params["Subnets"] = subnets
if security_groups:
params["SecurityGroups"] = security_groups
if private:
params["Scheme"] = "internal"
return client.create_load_balancer(**params)
def delete_load_balancer(name):
"""Delete a load balancer."""
client = get_client("elb")
params = {}
params["LoadBalancerName"] = name
return client.delete_load_balancer(**params)
def get_load_balancers():
"""List info about all load balancers."""
client = get_client("elb")
return client.describe_load_balancers()
def attach_load_balancer(group_name, load_balancer_name):
"""Attach a load balancer to an auto scaling group."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["AutoScalingGroupName"] = group_name
params["LoadBalancerNames"] = [load_balancer_name]
return client.attach_load_balancers(**params)
def detach_load_balancer(group_name, load_balancer_name):
"""Detach a load balancer from an auto scaling group."""
client = get_client("autoscaling")
params = {}
params["AutoScalingGroupName"] = group_name
params["LoadBalancerNames"] = [load_balancer_name]
return client.detach_load_balancers(**params)
Cloud Formation
Suppose you have a simple template at my-stack.template:
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Resources": {
"BasicLaunchConfig": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Properties": {
"ImageId": "ami-e3106686",
"InstanceType": "t2.micro",
To create a Cloud Formation stack from that template::
>>> amazonctl.create_stack("my-stack", template="my-stack.template")
To list all stacks::
>>> amazonctl.get_stacks()
To delete a stack::
>>> amazonctl.delete_stack("my-stack")
def create_stack(name, template, parameters=None):
"""Create a Cloud Formation stack.
Note: the parameters should follow the AWS format:
[{ "ParameterKey": "<key>", "ParameterValue": "<value>"}, ... ]
client = get_client("cloudformation")
params = {}
params["StackName"] = name
params["Capabilities"] = ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
with open(template) as template_file:
contents =
params["TemplateBody"] = contents
if parameters:
params["Parameters"] = parameters
return client.create_stack(**params)
def delete_stack(name):
"""Delete a Cloud Formation stack."""
client = get_client("cloudformation")
params = {}
params["StackName"] = name
return client.delete_stack(**params)
def get_stacks():
"""List info about all stacks."""
client = get_client("cloudformation")
return client.describe_stacks()
Container Service
To create a cluster::
>>> amazonctl.create_cluster("my-cluster")
To delete a cluster::
>>> amazonctl.delete_cluster("my-cluster")
To get a list of cluster ARNs::
>>> data = amazonctl.get_cluster_arns()
To get info about those clusters::
>>> cluster_arns = data.get("clusterArns")
>>> amazonctl.get_clusters(cluster_arns)
To get a list of container instance ARNs::
>>> data = amazonctl.get_container_instance_arns("my-cluster")
To get info about those instances::
>>> instances = data.get("containerInstanceArns")
>>> amazonctl.get_container_instances("my-cluster", instances)
You'll need to wait until container instances terminate before you
can delete a cluster. If you need to do that, this call blocks
until the instances are terminated::
>>> amazonctl.wait_for_instances_to_terminate(instances)
Suppose you have a task definition file called "demo.json" that looks
something like this::
"family": "demo",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "simpleton",
"image": "jtpaasch/simpleton:latest",
"memory": 100,
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 80,
"hostPort": 80
"environment": [
"name": "FOO",
"value": "bar"
"volumes": []
You can create a task definition from that::
>>> amazonctl.create_task_definition("demo.json")
To see all task definition ARNS::
>>> amazonctl.get_task_definition_arns()
To get info about a task definition, use the "family" specified in
the task definition's json file::
>>> amazonctl.get_task_definition("my-task-definition")
To delete a task definition, use it's family name and revision number::
>>> amazonctl.delete_task_definition("my-task-definition:1")
To get a list of task ARNs in a cluster::
>>> data = amazonctl.get_task_arns("my-cluster")
To get info about those tasks:
>>> task_arns = data.get("taskArns")
>>> amazonctl.get_tasks("my-cluster", task_arns)
To run a task in a cluster::
>>> amazonctl.run_task("my-cluster", "my-task-definition")
To stop the task, use the task ID (which you can get from ``get_tasks()``)::
>>> amazonctl.stop_task("my-cluster", "A4503-...")
To get a list of service ARNs in a cluster::
>>> data = amazonctl.get_service_arns("my-cluster")
To get info about those services::
>>> service_arns = data.get("serviceArns")
>>> amazonctl.get_services("my-cluster", service_arns)
To create a service, do something like this::
>>> amazonctl.create_service("my-service", "my-cluster",
..: "my-task-definition", count=3,
..: load_balancer="my-elb", role="EcsServiceRole")
To update the service (either the count or the task definition)::
>>> amazonctl.update_service("my-service", "my-cluster", count=5)
To delete a service from a cluster::
>>> amazonctl.delete_service("my-service", "my-cluster")
def create_cluster(name):
"""Create an ECS cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["clusterName"] = name
return client.create_cluster(**params)
def delete_cluster(name):
"""Delete an ECS cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = name
return client.delete_cluster(**params)
def get_cluster_arns():
"""List all cluster ARNs."""
client = get_client("ecs")
return client.list_clusters()
def get_clusters(clusters):
"""List info about the specified clusters."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["clusters"] = clusters
return client.describe_clusters(**params)
def get_container_instance_arns(cluster):
"""List all container instance ARNs."""
client = get_client("ecs")
return client.list_container_instances()
def get_container_instances(cluster, instances):
"""List info about the container instances in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["containerInstances"] = instances
return client.describe_container_instances(**params)
def create_task_definition(json_file):
"""Create an ECS task definition."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
with open(json_file) as f:
data = json.load(f)
params["family"] = data.get("family")
params["containerDefinitions"] = data.get("containerDefinitions")
params["volumes"] = data.get("volumes")
return client.register_task_definition(**params)
def get_task_definition_arns():
"""List all task definition ARNs."""
client = get_client("ecs")
return client.list_task_definitions()
def get_task_definition(task_definition):
"""List info about the specified task definition."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["taskDefinition"] = task_definition
return client.describe_task_definition(**params)
def delete_task_definition(name):
"""Delete an ECS task definition.
Note: The whole name is needed, i.e., family and revision.
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["taskDefinition"] = name
return client.deregister_task_definition(**params)
def get_task_arns(cluster):
"""List all task ARNs for a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
return client.list_tasks(**params)
def get_tasks(cluster, tasks):
"""Get info about the tasks in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["tasks"] = tasks
return client.describe_tasks(**params)
def run_task(cluster, task_definition):
"""Run a task in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["taskDefinition"] = task_definition
return client.run_task(**params)
def stop_task(cluster, task_id):
"""Stop a task in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["task"] = task_id
return client.stop_task(**params)
def get_service_arns(cluster):
"""List all service ARNs for a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
return client.list_services(**params)
def get_services(cluster, services):
"""Get info about the services in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["services"] = services
return client.describe_services(**params)
def create_service(name, cluster, task_definition, count=1,
load_balancer=None, role=None):
"""Create a service in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["serviceName"] = name
params["taskDefinition"] = task_definition
params["cluster"] = cluster
params["desiredCount"] = count
if load_balancer:
params["loadBalancers"] = [load_balancer]
if role:
params["role"] = role
return client.create_service(**params)
def delete_service(name, cluster):
"""Delete a service in a cluster."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["service"] = name
params["cluster"] = cluster
return client.delete_service(**params)
def update_service(name, cluster, task_definition=None, count=None):
"""Update the task count of a service, or the task definition."""
client = get_client("ecs")
params = {}
params["service"] = name
params["cluster"] = cluster
if task_definition:
params["taskDefinition"] = task_definition
if count:
params["desiredCount"] = count
return client.update_service(**params)
def wait_for_instances_to_terminate(instance_ids):
"""Block until EC2 instances terminate."""
client = get_client("ec2")
waiter = client.get_waiter("instance_terminated")
waiter.config.max_attempts = 15
Elastic Beanstalk
To create an S3 bucket to store your applications::
>>> amazonctl.create_eb_bucket()
To create an application::
>>> amazonctl.create_application("my-app")
To see info about all applications::
>>> amazonctl.get_applications()
To delete an application::
>>> amazonctl.delete_application("my-app")
To see a list of all solutions tacks::
>>> amazonctl.get_solution_stacks()
To get just the Multi-Container Docker stack::
>>> amazonctl.get_multicontainer_docker_solution_stack()
To create an environment::
>>> amazonctl.create_environment("my-env", "my-app", key_pair="my-key-pair",
..: role="EcsServiceRole", profile="IamInstanceProfile")
To get info about all environments::
>>> amazonctl.get_environments()
To delete an environment::
>>> amazonctl.delete_environment("my-env")
To upload an application version zip::
>>> amazonctl.upload_application_version("", "my-eb-bucket",
..: "")
To create a new application version::
>>> amazonctl.create_application_version("v1.5.0", "my-app",
..: "my-eb-bucket", "")
To get info about all application versions::
>>> amazonctl.get_application_versions("my-app")
To delete an application version::
>>> amazonctl.delete_application_version("v1.5.0", "my-app")
def create_application(name):
"""Create an Elastic Beanstalk application."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = name
return client.create_application(**params)
def delete_application(name, force=True):
"""Delete an Elastic Beanstalk application."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = name
if force:
params["TerminateEnvByForce"] = True
return client.delete_applications(**params)
def get_applications():
"""List info about all Elastic Beanstalk applications."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
return client.describe_applications()
def get_solution_stacks():
"""Get a list of all available solution stacks."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
return client.list_available_solution_stacks()
def get_multicontainer_docker_solution_stack():
"""Get the Multi-Container Docker solution stack."""
response = get_solution_stacks()
stacks = response.get("SolutionStacks")
match = "Multi-container Docker 1.7.1"
items_with_match = (x for x in stacks if match in x)
return next(items_with_match, None)
def create_environment(name, application, cname=None, tier="web",
key_pair=None, instance_type="t2.micro",
profile=None, role=None, healthcheck_url=None):
"""Create an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
Note: you can add OptionsToRemove, just like OptionSettings. Those
delete defaults that are pre-set.
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = application
params["EnvironmentName"] = name
if not cname:
cname = application
params["CNAMEPrefix"] = cname
if tier == "web":
tier_definition = {
"Name": "WebServer",
"Type": "Standard",
"Version": "1.0",
elif tier == "worker":
tier_definition = {
"Name": "Worker",
"Type": "SQS/HTTP",
"Version": "1.0",
if tier_definition:
params["Tier"] = tier_definition
stack = get_multicontainer_docker_solution_stack()
params["SolutionStackName"] = stack
options = []
if key_pair:
key_pair_option = {
"ResourceName": "InstanceType",
"Namespace": "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration",
"OptionName": "EC2KeyName",
"Value": key_pair,
if instance_type:
instance_type_option = {
"ResourceName": "InstanceType",
"Namespace": "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration",
"OptionName": "InstanceType",
"Value": instance_type,
if profile:
profile_option = {
"ResourceName": "IamInstanceProfile",
"Namespace": "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration",
"OptionName": "IamInstanceProfile",
"Value": profile,
if role:
role_option = {
"ResourceName": "ServiceRole",
"Namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment",
"OptionName": "ServiceRole",
"Value": role,
if healthcheck_url:
healthcheck_url_option = {
"ResourceName": "HealthcheckURL",
"Namespace": "elasticbeanstalk:application",
"OptionName": "Application Healthcheck URL",
"Value": healthcheck_url,
if options:
params["OptionSettings"] = options
return client.create_environment(**params)
def delete_environment(name, force=True):
"""Delete an Elatic Beanstalk environment."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["EnvironmentName"] = name
if force:
params["TerminateResources"] = True
return client.terminate_environment(**params)
def get_environments():
"""List info about all environments."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
return client.describe_environments()
def create_eb_bucket():
"""Create an S3 bucket to store application versions in."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
return client.create_storage_location()
def create_application_version(name, application, s3bucket, s3key):
"""Create a new version of the application."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = application
params["VersionLabel"] = name
params["SourceBundle"] = {
"S3Bucket": s3bucket,
"S3Key": s3key,
return client.create_application_version(**params)
def delete_application_version(name, application, delete_bundle=True):
"""Delete a version of the application."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = application
params["VersionLabel"] = name
if delete_bundle:
params["DeleteSourceBundle"] = True
return client.delete_application_version(**params)
def get_application_versions(application):
"""List info about all versions of an application."""
client = get_client("elasticbeanstalk")
params = {}
params["ApplicationName"] = application
return client.describe_application_versions(**params)
def upload_application_version(zip_file, s3bucket, s3key):
"""Upload an application version zip to S3."""
with open(zipfile, "rb") as f:
data =
client = get_client("s3")
params = {}
params["Body"] = data
params["Bucket"] = s3bucket
params["Key"] = s3key
return client.put_object(**params)
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