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WIP Draft blog post about 9.3 class gen

Generating Java Classes at runtime with JRuby 9.3.4

1. Background

There are many reasons people use the JRuby implementation of Ruby over MRI/CRuby: increased long-run performance, lock-free multi-threading, the ability to deliver code as a war file, and to integrate with Java libraries. I often find my use of JRuby via integrating with Java, and that’s the topic of this post.

First, what types of basic Java integration does JRuby currently provide?

  1. Embedding JRuby in Java code (JSR-223)

  2. Memory/GC integration

  3. Marshaling values from Ruby to Java

  4. Ruby code calling into Java

  5. Marshaling values from Java to Ruby

  6. Implementing interfaces so Java can call Ruby

  7. Extending a Java class with a Ruby class (concrete extension)

  8. Lowering a Ruby class into a JVM class at runtime (reification, become_java!)

  9. The jrubyc class compiler that can generate (ahead of time) Java classes

This post will principally investigate #7 and #8, and some of their recent changes in the JRuby 9.3.4 series. I shall assume a basic knowledge of how the JVM works, and a familiarity with Ruby.

First, why would one want to do either #7 or #8? Number 7, henceforth referred to as concrete extension, should hopefully be more obvious, as lots of frameworks and libraries require extending a class, and doing so from Ruby code is simply more convenient when using JRuby than having to bundle an extra jar. Number 8, henceforth referred to as reification, is needed whenever a full JVM class is required, either for multi-interface support, or as a token.

As a quick example, lets look at using Logback, a common Java logging framework. Logback (slf4j, really) requires a class as a token to get a logger. The Ruby version uses using concrete extension and reification together.

All examples in here use the maven-require gem to load maven dependencies interactively. Install it via gem install maven-require and then in each irb session or file, require 'maven_require' at the top. Note the differing gem name and require line.
Classic Java Usage of Logback
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class JavaPiList extends java.util.AbstractList<Integer> {

    static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaPiList.class);
    int[] pi = {3,1,4,1,5,9};

    public Integer get(int index) {"Getting index {}", index);
        return pi[index];

    public int size() {
        return pi.length;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new JavaPiList().get(3);
        // => 12:34:56.789 [main] INFO JavaPiList - Getting index 3
Ported JRuby Usage of Logback
require 'jruby/core_ext' # required for become_java! to do anything useful
require 'maven_require'
# load latest version of logback into this Ruby session
maven_require "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:RELEASE"

class RubyPiList < java.util.AbstractList
    def initialize
        @pi = [3,1,4,1,5,9]
    def get(index)"Getting index {}", index)
        return @pi[index]
    def size()
    # Ensure this class is reified
    Logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.get_logger(RubyPiList.java_class)
# => 12:34:56.789 [main] INFO rubyobj.RubyPiList - Getting index 3

Neat! How is this implemented under the hood in JRuby? We can take a look at the generated classes to find out. But first, we must save the classes generated to a disk somewhere. Luckily, this is easy to do selectively by passing a directory to become_java!, and the generated class will be saved under it:

Saving class files
For some of the examples here I’ve taken the JVM bytecode generated, and run it through the FernFlower decompiler. The code you see may not compile, and those seeking a deeper understanding are encouraged to explore the disassembled JVM bytecode directly. I recommend Bytecode Viewer as it’s what I used to develop these improvements to JRuby.

Now, we can look at the decompiled MyRubyClass that JRuby generated for us:

Generated MyRubyClass (decompiled)
public class RubyPiList extends AbstractList implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
   private synthetic final ConcreteJavaProxy this$rubyObject;
   // ...bookkeeping fields snipped...
   // ...constructors snipped...

   public int size() {
      return ((Number)this.this$rubyObject.callMethod("size", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY).toJava(Integer.TYPE)).intValue();

   public Object get(int var1) {
      return (Object)this.this$rubyObject.callMethod("get",
            new IRubyObject[]{
                JavaUtil.convertJavaToRuby(ruby, var1)
   // ...bookkeeping methods snipped...

Here we can see several important facts. First, this is just a proxy for a Ruby class. As the Java class just delegate everything to the Ruby object, all the logic can still be swapped around via monkey patching and it is still dynamic under the hood. The Java class is merely an interface to the Ruby class. Second, there is lots of internal JRuby bookkeeping present, so performance may be lower. Third, all instance variables are not lowered to fields and are still Ruby-private. And fourth, the method signatures were picked up from the superclass.

For most JRuby Java integrations this is fine, but sometimes you need to add some more flair to your generated classes. Let us investigate three separate ways to upgrade our integration game with JRuby 9.3.4 improvements to concrete reification:

  1. Java-callable constructors

  2. Fields

  3. Annotations

2. Constructors

The first issue I ever filed against JRuby was about the lack of java-callable constructors for java-extending classes (concrete extension), in 2012. One anagram and 8½ years later, it was finally closed in 2021, as my implementation was merged into JRuby 9.3.0. What caused me to file the issue, and still want it done in 2021? JavaFX, or more specifically, the JRuby bindings of JavaFX, JRubyFX. JavaFX is a cross-platform GUI toolkit, and my usual go-to for GUI work when I’m writing Ruby.

One of the features that drew me to JavaFX is SceneBuilder, a drag-and-drop GUI designer that produces a runtime-loadable XML (cleverly called FXML) description of the GUI layout. While it’s possible to use JavaFX/JRubyFX without FXML (and indeed most of the people using JRubyFX seem to not use it), FXML is very useful. Supporting FXML in JRubyFX was tricky, as the JavaFX FXMLLoader reads the FXML to build classes and set fields. It does this by using reflection to call the no-arg constructor of the named class in the FXML. This is where I ran into trouble in 2012, but is now fixed, as of JRuby 9.3.1 (and utilized in JRubyFX 2.0). If you want to be able to call a constructor from Java for a Ruby class extending a Java class, now you can do so, and it’s configurable:

Simple Construction Example
require 'jruby/core_ext' # required for become_java! to do anything useful

class ChaosParrot <
    def initialize()
        puts "ChaosParrot was initialized"
        @percent = 0.1

    java_signature 'void setPercent(float)'
    def setPercent(pct)
        puts "Got percent: #{pct}"
        @percent = pct

    java_signature 'void setStream('
    def setStream(underlying)
        puts "Got new stream"
        @underlying = underlying

    # no java_signature necessary here, as it uses the inherited signatures
    def read(*args)
        # for other signatures, use parent
        return*args) unless args.empty?

        # corrupt bytes randomly, as configured
        return rand(256) ^ if rand <= @percent

    new # if you directly `new` the class, become_java!
    # is called if necessary for concrete-extension classes
    # but you can always ensure it by calling become_java! directly
# call the constructor via Java Reflection API's
us = ChaosParrot.java_class.constructor().newInstance
# => ChaosParrot was initialized
us # => #<ChaosParrot:0x1f2e3d4c>

This means that you can now use any Java object-construction libraries. Here is a contrived continuation of this example using Spring to construct Ruby objects:

We use to get the full name, as the rubyobj package is not considered stable release-to-release.
We also must pass in an appropriate classloader. See below for issues related to classloading reified classes (both concrete and normal) from java.
Instantiating Ruby Objects from Java via Spring
# ChaosParrot code from above continues here
maven_require 'org.springframework', 'spring-context','5.3.16'
require 'tempfile'"beans.xml") do |beanxml|
    File.write(beanxml.path, %Q|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <bean id="myparrot" class="#{}">
                <property name="percent" value="0.25"/>
    ctx =
    ctx.config_location = "file:#{beanxml.path}"
    ctx.class_loader = ChaosParrot.java_class.class_loader # See below about classloaders
    ctx.refresh # load the beans!
    # => ChaosParrot was initialized
    # => Got percent: 0.25

    # stuff with ctx
Getting type conversion errors about IRubyObject? Ensure you required require 'jruby/core_ext' as it is a no-op by default for jrubyc compatibility.

Dumping the generated class shows us the method that JRuby generates:

Generated ChaosParrot Structure (disassembled with javap)
public class rubyobj.ChaosParrot extends InputStream implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
  // Java-reflection constructor
  public ChaosParrot();

  // Internal JRuby constructors (::new)
  public ChaosParrot(Ruby, RubyClass);
  public synthetic ChaosParrot(ConcreteJavaProxy, IRubyObject[], Block, Ruby, RubyClass);
  protected synthetic ChaosParrot(ConcreteJavaProxy, boolean, IRubyObject[], Block, Ruby, RubyClass);
  public static {};

  // Our new methods
  public void setStream(InputStream);
  public void setPercent(float);

  // Overrides for read (all overloads always added)
  public int read();
  public int read(byte...);
  public int read(byte[], int, int);

  // bridge methods so super works (Internal JRuby implementation details)
  // Note only 2 here, as read() is abstract in the parent
  public bridge synthetic int __super$\=rubyobj\,ChaosParrot$read(byte[]);
  public bridge synthetic int __super$\=rubyobj\,ChaosParrot$read(byte[], int, int);

  // internal JRuby API (ReifiedJavaProxy)
  public synthetic IRubyObject ___jruby$rubyObject();
  public synthetic JavaProxyClass ___jruby$proxyClass();
Because internally JRuby has the proxy Java class, as well as the Ruby class, and it needs to initialize both of them no matter if initialized from Ruby code via ::new or Java code via newInstance, a limitation currently applies to super(…​) calls in the configured constructor method (typically initialize, see below): there can be at most one super(…​), with no conditionals over it.
If you are curious how these two halves are initialized together, this initialization diagram is a good place to start

One potentially tricky thing, is that of which method to call in initialization. This is particularly acute for JavaFX as the "fxml is loaded" method is called initialize, shadowing the Ruby constructor of the same name. Luckily, the new constructor support in 9.3 allows reconfiguring many aspects of this interaction, owing to the fact that it is merely a proxy generator for Java.

In the example below, the method defined as #initialize is never used, as ::new has been redefined (via configure_java_class) to call #java_ctor, and calling .initialize from Java is re-routed to #normal_method. By default JRuby, excludes #initialize from generation, so we must explicitly include it here.

Class configuration using configure_java_class is only fully enabled for concrete extension (aka Ruby-subclassing-Java) as of 9.3.4. Non-concrete extension (no Java superclasses) is not fully enabled. There is a bug about this issue #7122.
Configuring Java Proxy Class Generation Parameters
require 'jruby/core_ext' # required for become_java! to do anything useful

# configuring classes only works for concrete classes right now (JRuby 9.3.4)
# so we extends java.lang.Object to force this to be a concrete-extended class
class ConfiguredProxy < java.lang.Object
    def initialize
        puts "I shouldn't be called"
    def java_ctor
        puts "The ctor was called"
    def standard_method
        puts "The non-ctor was called"
    configure_java_class(ctor_name: "java_ctor") do
        dispatch :initialize, :standard_method # java initialize will call standard_method
        include :initialize # excluded by default
# => The ctor was called
inst = ConfiguredProxy.java_class.constructor().newInstance
# => The ctor was called
# => The non-ctor was called

# you can stil call standard_method directly too, since
# it wasn't excluded or redefined
# => The non-ctor was called

Decompiling the result shows that some of our changes (dispatch, include) are baked into the class file itself, while others (ctor_name) can still be edited after class generation:

Generated ConfiguredProxy (decompiled)
public class ConfiguredProxy implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
   // ...bookkeeping fields snipped... (see end for full listing)
   // ...some constructors snipped...

   // Java no-arg constructor
   public ConfiguredProxy() {
      this(new ConcreteJavaProxy(ruby, rubyClass), false, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK, ruby, rubyClass);

   protected synthetic ConfiguredProxy(ConcreteJavaProxy var1, boolean var2, IRubyObject[] var3, Block var4, Ruby var5, RubyClass var6) {
      this.this$rubyObject = var1;
      // the splitInitialized & finishInitialize calls here will invoke whichever
      // ruby method is configured as :ctor_name in configure_java_class
      SplitCtorData state = var1.splitInitialized(var2 ? rubyClass : var6, var3, var4, this$rubyCtorCache);
      // snipped bookkeeping...
      // snipped bookkeeping...

   // Since we didn't specify the signature, it returns
   // Ruby objects as the default
   public IRubyObject standard_method() {
      return this.this$rubyObject.callMethod("standard_method");

   // the configured dispatch is seen here, dispatching
   // to a differently-named method
   public IRubyObject initialize() {
      return this.this$rubyObject.callMethod("standard_method");

   // No dispatch configuration, uses same name
   public IRubyObject java_ctor() {
      return this.this$rubyObject.callMethod("java_ctor");

   // ...bookkeeping methods snipped...

3. Fields

Java/JVM fields and Ruby instance variables are different: fields are fixed, and can be public, protected, or private, while instance variables are only protected, but are dynamic. Nonetheless, when porting Java code to Ruby, or vice-versa, they are typically replaced with each other. JRuby, however, exposes fields differently than instance variables. Fields are accessed by named getters and setters on self, and not related to instance variables (you can set a field and an instance variable of the same name to different values!). If you are accessing existing Java objects this is one thing, but how do you create a Java field on a reified Ruby object, whether concrete-extended or not? With java_field. Here is a contrived example using Jackson, a JSON serializer for Java (Please use one of the ruby serializers in real code, this is just an example of a java library reading fields):

Serializing Reified Ruby Classes with Jackson
require 'jruby/core_ext' # required for become_java! to do anything useful
maven_require 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind'

# If we are a pure ruby class, internal JRuby fields will be present.
# To avoid unnecessary methods and fields on the resulting Java Class,
# we decend from Java Object, not Ruby Object
class FieldedClass < java.lang.Object
    java_field 'java.lang.String mystr'
    def initialize(mystr = nil)
        super() # j.l.Object requires no args
        self.mystr = mystr if mystr != nil
om =
str = om.write_value_as_string("foo"))
# => "{\"mystr\": \"foo\"}
om.read_value(str, FieldedClass.java_class).mystr
# => "foo"

This isn’t very idiomatic Ruby. If we are willing to sacrifice some of the expected semantics of ruby instance variables, we can, as of JRuby 9.3.4, tie the instance variables and the fields together. Instead of being able to store two different values in @name and, they are aliases

Serializing Reified Ruby Classes with Jackson, using Instance Variables
class InstancedClass < java.lang.Object
    java_field 'java.lang.String mystr', instance_variable: true
    def initialize(mystr = nil)
        @mystr = mystr if mystr != nil
str = om.write_value_as_string("foo"))
# => "{\"mystr\": \"foo\"}
om.read_value(str, InstancedClass.java_class).mystr
# => "foo"
@name.equals?(@name) may be false in some cases when using this configuration
A frozen object can have all instance variables using this configuration modified. Instance variables using this configuration do not respect if an object is frozen or not.
JVM semantics, not Ruby Semantics, apply when using this configuration

Disassembling, we see this has no affect on the generated proxy class:

Generated InstancedClass & FieldedClass Structure (disassembled with javap)
public class FieldedClass implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
  public java.lang.String mystr;
  public FieldedClass();
  // snipped internal ctors and internal JRuby API methods
public class InstancedClass implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
  public java.lang.String mystr;
  public InstancedClass();
  // snipped internal ctors and internal JRuby API methods

4. Annotations

JRuby 9.3 partly unified the annotation API between become_java! on a pure-ruby class, a concrete-extension Ruby class, and using jrubyc (class-methods only, package and class annotations are not mutually supported). Now the class methods work equally well and with the same syntax:

class MyClass
    java_field 'full.Type name'
    java_field '@full.Annotation() full.Type name'

    java_signature 'full.Type myMethod(primitive, full.Type)'
    java_signature '@full.Annotation() full.Type myMethod(primitive, full.Type)'
    def myMethod(*args)

We can extend the example from the previous section to have annotations that affect the behavior of Java libraries:

Annotations on Generated Java Classes with Jackson
maven_require 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', 'jackson-databind'

# we extend the Java Object for the same reasons as the previuos example
class AnnotatedClass < java.lang.Object
    # Note we can't use java_annotation ouside of the class, that is jrubyc only
    add_class_annotations com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonRootName => {"value" => "user"}

    java_field '@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore java.lang.String mystr'
    java_field 'int myint'

    java_signature '@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter(value="phantom") void printItOut(boolean)'
    def printItOut(p)
        puts "Phantom set to: #{p}"
om =
# => "{\"user\":{\"myint\":9}}"
ac = om.read_value('{"myint":314,"phantom":true}', AnnotatedClass.java_class)
# Phantom set to: true
# => 314
Can I avoid typing the package name of the class? Not as of JRuby 9.3. It is issue #5486

Examining the generated class, we can see it did annotate as we requested:

Generated AnnotatedClass Structure (decompiled)
public class AnnotatedClass implements ReifiedJavaProxy {
   // snipped private implementation fields

   public String mystr;

   public int myint;

   public void printItOut(boolean var1) {
      // ...
   // snipped internal JRuby API parts

5. JRubyFX 2.0

After all of these changes in JRuby 9.3.4, the JRubyFX gem can finally dump its FXML hacks and use the existing FXMLLoader by taking advantage of these new features.

So, how does JRubyFX use these features for loading FXML? Every request for loading FXML starts by us loading the file and pulling out all the expected field names from the fx:id attributes, and the onEvent expected event handlers For each of these names, we call java_field with the FXML annotation, field name, and request that the instance variables are mapped to the fields. This makes the API seem more Ruby-like while two copies of variables. Additionally, most of the pitfalls are likely avoided as these instance variables are typically read, not written, once the FXML file has been loaded. For each of the event handlers, we define an appropriate event handler method using java_method with the fxml annotation and event handler name We configure the class for a Java-accessible constructor We call become_java! and pass the concrete-extended reified class off to the JavaFX FXMLLoader

As such, users can experience a straightforward integration experience. For example, while the JVM class is a static and unchangeable interface, by defining all the expected methods and fields, user Ruby code can muck with the class as long as those methods stay defined.

Here are some snippets of the above features when integrated into JRubyFX use. Plus, some of the interesting bits of the JRubyFX implementation. See the full working example these were taken from under samples/contrib/fxmltableview.

I recommend using Zulu+FX JDK builds for JRubyFX as it is pre-packaged with JavaFX, but any JDK with JavaFX should work (Java 8 and later)
Fragments of fxmlloader JRubyFX example & JRubyFX implementation
# user usage
class FormattedTableCellFactory
  include Java::javafx.util.Callback
  include JRubyFX

  # see below for fxml_raw_accessor definition
  fxml_raw_accessor :alignment, Java::javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment
  fxml_raw_accessor :format, java.text.Format

  def call(param)
    cell =
    # ...
  # ...

# library definition
module JRubyFX
    # ...
    def fxml_raw_accessor(symbol_name, type=java::lang::String)
      # ...
      # fieldNameGetType() is an extention to standard bean style
      # getters/setters in JavaFX
      java_signature "java.lang.Class " + symbol_name.id2name + "GetType()"
      send(:define_method, symbol_name.id2name + "GetType") do
        return type.java_class
      # define the field as fxml-capable
      java_field "@javafx.fxml.FXML #{} #{symbol_name}", instance_variable: true

# user usage
class FXMLTableViewController
  include JRubyFX::Controller

  # this method call defines all the methods and fields in the provided file
  fxml "fxml_tableview.fxml"

  # event handler from the fxml
  def addPerson
    # the tableview and the fields are
    # accessable as instance variables
    data = @tableView.items
    data.add(, ...))

    @firstNameField.text = ""
    # ...
  # ...

# library definition
module JRubyFX::FxmlHelper
    # ...
    def self.transform(clazz, ...) # called by fxml in the user code above
        # ...
        while xmlStreamReader.hasNext
            # lots of xml processing ...

            # if it is an id, save the id and annotate it as injectable by JavaFX. Default to object since the FXMLLoader doesn't care...
            if localName == "id" and prefix == FXMLLoader::FX_NAMESPACE_PREFIX
              clazz.instance_eval do
                # Note: we could detect the type, but Ruby doesn't care, and neither does JavaFX's FXMLLoader
                java_field "@javafx.fxml.FXML java.lang.Object #{value}", instance_variable: true
            # otherwise, if it is an event, add a forwarding call
            elsif localName.start_with? "on" and value.start_with? "#"
              name = value[1..-1] # strip hash
              clazz.instance_eval do
                # add the fxml signature and correct param count
                java_signature "@javafx.fxml.FXML void #{name}(javafx.event.Event)"
            # ...
        # ...
fxmltableview sample FXML selection (fxml_tableview.fxml)
<GridPane alignment="CENTER" hgap="10.0" vgap="10.0" xmlns:fx="">
  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- saved in the controller instance variable -->
  <TableView fx:id="tableView" GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.rowIndex="1">
      <TableColumn prefWidth="100.0" text="First Name" fx:id="firstNameColumn">
          <!-- Build our Ruby class, defined above -->
          <FormattedTableCellFactory alignment="CENTER" />
        <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
  <HBox alignment="BOTTOM_RIGHT" spacing="10.0" GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.rowIndex="2">
    <TextField fx:id="firstNameField" prefWidth="90.0" promptText="First Name" />
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- tied to a our controller method -->
    <Button onAction="#addPerson" text="Add" />

Decompiling some of these classes, we can see the generated fields, method, constructors, and annotations:

Select Decompiled Generated Classes from fxmltableview Sample
public class FormattedTableCellFactory extends RubyObject implements Reified, Callback {
   // snip...
   public TextAlignment alignment;
   public Format format;

   public FormattedTableCellFactory();

   public TextAlignment getAlignment();
   public void setAlignment(TextAlignment var1);
   public Class alignmentGetType();

   public Format getFormat();
   public void setFormat(Format var1);
   public Class formatGetType();

   // snip...
public class FXMLTableViewController extends RubyObject implements Reified {
   // snip...
   public Object tableView;
   public Object firstNameColumn;
   public Object firstNameField;
   public Object lastNameField;
   public Object emailField;

   // Event Handler
   public void addPerson(Event var1);

   // snip...

6. Gotchas: Classloading Ruby Classes

If you are looking up and building Ruby objects from Java code or libraries, pay attention to the classloaders. As of JRuby 9.3.4, no supported built-in way exists to look up reified Ruby classes from Java. If you only need to build one class, you can do what the above Spring demo did, and pass in the single-class classloader of the reified class: MyClass.java_class.classloader. If you need multiple class lookup, you need to write a new classloader.

Here is a slightly modified version of the JRubyFX classloader that may be a helpful jumping off point. Note that you must decide where to "mount" your classes, as the built-in rubyobj is not guaranteed to be stable. This mounts all Ruby classes under "Object":

Reified Ruby Classloader for Java
# This is a minimal classloader only for classes, resources not supported
class PolyglotClassLoader < java.lang.ClassLoader
    def initialize()
      @prefix = "Object."
    java_signature "java.lang.Class findClass(java.lang.String name)"
    def findClass(a)
      return nil unless a.start_with? @prefix
      a = a[@prefix.length..-1] # trim prefix
        return a.
            inject(Object){ |value, name|
      rescue NameError
        raise"Could not find Ruby or Java class '#{a.gsub(/[.$]/, "::")}' or '#{a}'") # Must be a java CNF, not a Ruby Name Error

7. Conclusion

The new features in 9.3.4 make it much easier to integrate Ruby code with Java code doing lots of reflection. Happy Hacking!

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