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Last active January 26, 2024 08:53
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use ast grep to replace import default statement and replace all usage
const { js } = require('@ast-grep/napi');
const MagicString = require('magic-string').default;
* Replace the local variable name of the import statement
exports.replaceImportDefault = (source, pkgName, expectLocalName) => {
const magic = new MagicString(source);
const ast = js.parse(source); // 1. parse the source
const root = ast.root(); // 2. get the root
const node = root.find({
rule: {
pattern: `import $LOCAL from '${pkgName}';`,
// 3. find the node
const localNode = node.getMatch('LOCAL');
const localNodeText = localNode.text();
const range = localNode.range();
magic.overwrite(range.start.index, range.end.index, expectLocalName);
const matches = root.findAll({
rule: {
kind: 'call_expression',
pattern: `${localNodeText}($$$)`,
matches.forEach((v) => {
// must be identifier
const dd = v.child(0);
if (dd.kind() !== 'identifier') {
console.error(`cannot find ${pkgName} call expression`);
const ddRange = dd.range();
magic.overwrite(ddRange.start.index, ddRange.end.index, expectLocalName);
const result = magic.toString();
return result;
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