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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save bytemaster/ba371c5ad93c0e9d0d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bytemaster/ba371c5ad93c0e9d0d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
transfer: 0
limit_order_create: 1
short_order_create: 2
limit_order_cancel: 3
short_order_cancel: 4
call_order_update: 5
key_create: 6
account_create: 7
account_update: 8
account_whitelist: 9
account_transfer: 10
asset_create: 11
asset_update: 12
asset_update_bitasset: 13
asset_update_feed_producers: 14
asset_issue: 15
asset_burn: 16
asset_fund_fee_pool: 17
asset_settle: 18
asset_global_settle: 19
asset_publish_feed: 20
delegate_create: 21
witness_create: 22
witness_withdraw_pay: 23
proposal_create: 24
proposal_update: 25
proposal_delete: 26
withdraw_permission_create: 27
withdraw_permission_update: 28
withdraw_permission_claim: 29
withdraw_permission_delete: 30
fill_order: 31
global_parameters_update: 32
file_write: 33
vesting_balance_create: 34
vesting_balance_withdraw: 35
bond_create_offer: 36
bond_cancel_offer: 37
bond_accept_offer: 38
bond_claim_collateral: 39
worker_create: 40
custom: 41
void_header = new Serializer(
header_extension = static_variant [
void_result = new Serializer(
asset = new Serializer(
amount: int64
asset_id: protocol_id_type "asset"
operation_result = static_variant [
processed_transaction = new Serializer(
ref_block_num: uint16
ref_block_prefix: uint32
relative_expiration: uint16
operations: array operation
signatures: map (protocol_id_type "key"), (bytes 65)
operation_results: array operation_result
signed_block = new Serializer(
previous: bytes 20
timestamp: uint32
witness: protocol_id_type "witness"
next_secret_hash: bytes 28
previous_secret: bytes 28
transaction_merkle_root: bytes 20
extensions: array header_extension
delegate_signature: bytes 65
transactions: array processed_transaction
block_header = new Serializer(
previous: bytes 20
timestamp: uint32
witness: protocol_id_type "witness"
next_secret_hash: bytes 28
previous_secret: bytes 28
transaction_merkle_root: bytes 20
extensions: array header_extension
signed_block_header = new Serializer(
previous: bytes 20
timestamp: uint32
witness: protocol_id_type "witness"
next_secret_hash: bytes 28
previous_secret: bytes 28
transaction_merkle_root: bytes 20
extensions: array header_extension
delegate_signature: bytes 65
memo_data = new Serializer(
from: protocol_id_type "key"
to: protocol_id_type "key"
nonce: uint64
message: bytes()
transfer = new Serializer(
fee: asset
from: protocol_id_type "account"
to: protocol_id_type "account"
amount: asset
memo: optional memo_data
limit_order_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
seller: protocol_id_type "account"
amount_to_sell: asset
min_to_receive: asset
expiration: uint32
fill_or_kill: bool
short_order_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
seller: protocol_id_type "account"
amount_to_sell: asset
collateral: asset
initial_collateral_ratio: uint16
maintenance_collateral_ratio: uint16
expiration: uint32
limit_order_cancel = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
order: protocol_id_type "limit_order"
short_order_cancel = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
order: protocol_id_type "short_order"
call_order_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
funding_account: protocol_id_type "account"
collateral_to_add: asset
amount_to_cover: asset
maintenance_collateral_ratio: uint16
address = new Serializer(
addr: bytes 20
public_key = new Serializer(
key_data: bytes 33
key_data = static_variant [
key_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
key_data: key_data
authority = new Serializer(
weight_threshold: uint32
auths: map (object_id_type), (uint16)
account_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
registrar: protocol_id_type "account"
referrer: protocol_id_type "account"
referrer_percent: uint8
name: string
owner: authority
active: authority
voting_account: protocol_id_type "account"
memo_key: object_id_type
num_witness: uint16
num_committee: uint16
vote: set vote_id
account_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
account: protocol_id_type "account"
owner: optional authority
active: optional authority
voting_account: optional protocol_id_type "account"
memo_key: optional object_id_type
num_witness: uint16
num_committee: uint16
vote: optional set vote_id
upgrade_to_prime: bool
account_whitelist = new Serializer(
fee: asset
authorizing_account: protocol_id_type "account"
account_to_list: protocol_id_type "account"
new_listing: uint8
account_transfer = new Serializer(
fee: asset
account_id: protocol_id_type "account"
new_owner: protocol_id_type "account"
price = new Serializer(
base: asset
quote: asset
asset_object_asset_options = new Serializer(
max_supply: int64
market_fee_percent: uint16
max_market_fee: int64
min_market_fee: int64
issuer_permissions: uint16
flags: uint16
core_exchange_rate: price
whitelist_authorities: set protocol_id_type "account"
blacklist_authorities: set protocol_id_type "account"
whitelist_markets: set protocol_id_type "asset"
blacklist_markets: set protocol_id_type "asset"
asset_object_bitasset_options = new Serializer(
feed_lifetime_sec: uint32
force_settlement_delay_sec: uint32
force_settlement_offset_percent: uint16
maximum_force_settlement_volume: uint16
short_backing_asset: protocol_id_type "asset"
asset_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
symbol: string
precision: uint8
common_options: asset_object_asset_options
bitasset_options: optional asset_object_bitasset_options
asset_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_to_update: protocol_id_type "asset"
new_issuer: optional protocol_id_type "account"
new_options: asset_object_asset_options
asset_update_bitasset = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_to_update: protocol_id_type "asset"
new_options: asset_object_bitasset_options
asset_update_feed_producers = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_to_update: protocol_id_type "asset"
new_feed_producers: set protocol_id_type "account"
asset_issue = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_to_issue: asset
issue_to_account: protocol_id_type "account"
memo: optional memo_data
asset_burn = new Serializer(
fee: asset
payer: protocol_id_type "account"
amount_to_burn: asset
asset_fund_fee_pool = new Serializer(
fee: asset
from_account: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_id: protocol_id_type "asset"
amount: int64
asset_settle = new Serializer(
fee: asset
account: protocol_id_type "account"
amount: asset
asset_global_settle = new Serializer(
fee: asset
issuer: protocol_id_type "account"
asset_to_settle: protocol_id_type "asset"
settle_price: price
price_feed = new Serializer(
call_limit: price
short_limit: price
max_margin_period_sec: uint32
required_initial_collateral: uint16
required_maintenance_collateral: uint16
asset_publish_feed = new Serializer(
fee: asset
publisher: protocol_id_type "account"
feed: price_feed
delegate_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
delegate_account: protocol_id_type "account"
witness_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
witness_account: protocol_id_type "account"
block_signing_key: protocol_id_type "key"
initial_secret: bytes 28
witness_withdraw_pay = new Serializer(
fee: asset
from_witness: protocol_id_type "witness"
to_account: protocol_id_type "account"
amount: int64
operation = new Serializer(
"operation "
op: operation
proposal_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
expiration_time: uint32
proposed_ops: array operation
review_period_seconds: optional uint32
proposal_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
proposal: protocol_id_type "proposal"
active_approvals_to_add: set protocol_id_type "account"
active_approvals_to_remove: set protocol_id_type "account"
owner_approvals_to_add: set protocol_id_type "account"
owner_approvals_to_remove: set protocol_id_type "account"
key_approvals_to_add: set protocol_id_type "key"
key_approvals_to_remove: set protocol_id_type "key"
proposal_delete = new Serializer(
fee: asset
fee_paying_account: protocol_id_type "account"
using_owner_authority: bool
proposal: protocol_id_type "proposal"
withdraw_permission_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
withdraw_from_account: protocol_id_type "account"
authorized_account: protocol_id_type "account"
withdrawal_limit: asset
withdrawal_period_sec: uint32
periods_until_expiration: uint32
period_start_time: uint32
withdraw_permission_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
withdraw_from_account: protocol_id_type "account"
authorized_account: protocol_id_type "account"
permission_to_update: protocol_id_type "withdraw_permission"
withdrawal_limit: asset
withdrawal_period_sec: uint32
period_start_time: uint32
periods_until_expiration: uint32
withdraw_permission_claim = new Serializer(
fee: asset
withdraw_permission: protocol_id_type "withdraw_permission"
withdraw_from_account: protocol_id_type "account"
withdraw_to_account: protocol_id_type "account"
amount_to_withdraw: asset
memo: optional memo_data
withdraw_permission_delete = new Serializer(
fee: asset
withdraw_from_account: protocol_id_type "account"
authorized_account: protocol_id_type "account"
withdrawal_permission: protocol_id_type "withdraw_permission"
fill_order = new Serializer(
fee: asset
order_id: object_id_type
account_id: protocol_id_type "account"
pays: asset
receives: asset
fee_schedule = new Serializer(
key_create_fee: uint32
account_create_fee: uint32
account_len8_fee: uint32
account_len7_fee: uint32
account_len6_fee: uint32
account_len5_fee: uint32
account_len4_fee: uint32
account_len3_fee: uint32
account_premium_fee: uint32
account_whitelist_fee: uint32
delegate_create_fee: uint32
witness_withdraw_pay_fee: uint32
transfer_fee: uint32
limit_order_fee: uint32
short_order_fee: uint32
publish_feed_fee: uint32
asset_create_fee: uint32
asset_update_fee: uint32
asset_issue_fee: uint32
asset_fund_fee_pool_fee: uint32
asset_settle_fee: uint32
market_fee: uint32
transaction_fee: uint32
data_fee: uint32
signature_fee: uint32
global_parameters_update_fee: uint32
prime_upgrade_fee: uint32
withdraw_permission_update_fee: uint32
create_bond_offer_fee: uint32
cancel_bond_offer_fee: uint32
accept_bond_offer_fee: uint32
claim_bond_collateral_fee: uint32
file_storage_fee_per_day: uint32
vesting_balance_create_fee: uint32
vesting_balance_withdraw_fee: uint32
global_settle_fee: uint32
worker_create_fee: uint32
worker_delete_fee: uint32
chain_parameters = new Serializer(
current_fees: fee_schedule
witness_pay_percent_of_accumulated: uint32
block_interval: uint8
maintenance_interval: uint32
maximum_transaction_size: uint32
maximum_block_size: uint32
maximum_undo_history: uint32
maximum_time_until_expiration: uint32
maximum_proposal_lifetime: uint32
maximum_asset_whitelist_authorities: uint8
maximum_asset_feed_publishers: uint8
maximum_authority_membership: uint16
burn_percent_of_fee: uint16
witness_percent_of_fee: uint16
max_bulk_discount_percent_of_fee: uint16
cashback_vesting_period_seconds: uint32
bulk_discount_threshold_min: int64
bulk_discount_threshold_max: int64
count_non_prime_votes: bool
allow_non_prime_whitelists: bool
witness_pay_per_block: int64
worker_budget_per_day: int64
global_parameters_update = new Serializer(
fee: asset
new_parameters: chain_parameters
file_write = new Serializer(
fee: asset
payer: protocol_id_type "account"
file_id: protocol_id_type "file"
owner: protocol_id_type "account"
group: protocol_id_type "account"
flags: uint8
offset: uint16
data: bytes()
lease_seconds: uint32
file_size: uint16
precondition_checksum: optional bytes 20
vesting_balance_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
creator: protocol_id_type "account"
owner: protocol_id_type "account"
amount: asset
vesting_seconds: uint32
vesting_balance_withdraw = new Serializer(
fee: asset
vesting_balance: protocol_id_type "vesting_balance"
owner: protocol_id_type "account"
amount: asset
bond_create_offer = new Serializer(
fee: asset
creator: protocol_id_type "account"
offer_to_borrow: bool
amount: asset
min_match: int64
collateral_rate: price
min_loan_period_sec: uint32
loan_period_sec: uint32
interest_apr: uint16
bond_cancel_offer = new Serializer(
fee: asset
creator: protocol_id_type "account"
offer_id: protocol_id_type "bond_offer"
refund: asset
bond_accept_offer = new Serializer(
fee: asset
claimer: protocol_id_type "account"
lender: protocol_id_type "account"
borrower: protocol_id_type "account"
offer_id: protocol_id_type "bond_offer"
amount_borrowed: asset
amount_collateral: asset
bond_claim_collateral = new Serializer(
fee: asset
claimer: protocol_id_type "account"
lender: protocol_id_type "account"
bond_id: protocol_id_type "bond"
payoff_amount: asset
collateral_claimed: asset
refund_worker_type_initializer = new Serializer(
vesting_balance_worker_type_initializer = new Serializer(
pay_vesting_period_days: uint16
initializer_type = static_variant [
worker_create = new Serializer(
fee: asset
owner: protocol_id_type "account"
work_begin_date: uint32
work_end_date: uint32
daily_pay: int64
initializer: initializer_type
custom = new Serializer(
fee: asset
payer: protocol_id_type "account"
required_auths: set protocol_id_type "account"
id: uint16
data: bytes()
operation = static_variant [
transaction = new Serializer(
ref_block_num: uint16
ref_block_prefix: uint32
relative_expiration: uint16
operations: array operation
signed_transaction = new Serializer(
ref_block_num: uint16
ref_block_prefix: uint32
relative_expiration: uint16
operations: array operation
signatures: map (protocol_id_type "key"), (bytes 65)
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