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Created July 25, 2018 20:12
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utility functions for geometry functions, behavior support for AI Programming Summer Workshop
import pygame as pg
from pygame.math import Vector2
def _rotate(surface, angle, pivot, offset):
"""Rotate the surface around the pivot point
surface (pygame.Surface): The surface that is to be rotated
angle (float): Rotate by this angle
pivot (tuple, list, pygame.math.Vector2): The pivot point
offset (pygame.math.Vector2): This vector is added to the pivot point after the rotation
rotated image (pygame.Surface): the new rotated surface
rect (pygame.Rect): A rect with proper positioning for the rotated surface
#rotate the image
rotated_image = pg.transform.rotozoom(surface, -angle, 1)
#rotate the offset vector
rotated_offset = offset.rotate(angle)
#Add the rotated offset vector to the center point to shift the rectangle
rect = rotated_image.get_rect(center = pivot + rotated_offset)
return rotated_image , rect
def _clamp_vector(vector,min_length, max_length):
"""make sure that a vectors length is between minimum and maximum
vector (Vector2) - the vector to scale
min_length (positive float) - the minimum length of the vector
max_length (positive float) - the maximum length of the vector
the vector passed in is changed if necessary
length = vector.length()
if length > .001:
if length < min_length:
return vector.scale_to_length(min_length)
elif length > max_length:
return vector.scale_to_length(max_length)
return vector
def _create_whiskers(pos,heading,length=20,angle=50):
"""return a list of 3 whiskers
pos (Vector2) : origin for the whiskers
direction( Vector2 ): what is the unrotated direction the whiskers
should point towards
length (number) : the length of the whiskers
angle (number) : absolute value of the rotation angle for the whiskers.
Default = +/- 50 degrees
a list of two whiskers
feelers = [None]*3
feelers[0] = pos + length * heading
# 0.95 shortens the length to make the angled whiskers look better
feelers[1] = pos + (length * 0.95) * heading.rotate(-angle)
# 0.95 shortens the length to make the angled whiskers look better
feelers[2] = pos + (length * 0.95) * heading.rotate(angle)
return feelers
def _line_intersection_components(a,b,c,d):
r_top = (a.y - c.y)*(d.x - c.x) - (a.x - c.x)*(d.y - c.y)
s_top = (a.y - c.y)*(b.x - a.x) - (a.x - c.x)*(b.y - a.y)
bot = (b.x - a.x)*(d.y - c.y) - (b.y - a.y)*(d.x - c.x)
return r_top,s_top,bot
def line_intersection_get_distance_point(a,b,c,d):
return a tuple that states if the lines intersect
and the distance the intersection occurs along AB
and the point of intersection
returns False, None,None if the lines do not intersect
r_top,s_top,bot = _line_intersection_components(a,b,c,d)
if bot == 0:
if r_top == 0 or s_top == 0: #parallel lines
return False,None,None # what is the difference between these branches
return False,None,None
r = r_top/bot
s = s_top/bot
if r > 0 and r < 1 and s > 0 and s < 1:
dist = a.distance_to(b) * r
point = a + r * (b - a)
return True,dist,point
return False,None,None
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