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// Closure that will be curried inside curryExample()
Closure nextFunction = {name, age, document ->
//do work here after I got back the document from Mongo
println("Hello $name I am $age here is the Document I got from Mongo $document")
void curryExample() {
def name = "John"
def age = 12
Closure callBackFromMongo = nextFunction.curry(name, age)
callMongo(documentId, callBackFromMongo)
void whatItWouldHaveLookedLikeWithCallBack() {
def name = "John"
def age = 12
callMongo(documentId, {document ->
//do work here after I got back the document from Mongo
println("Hello $name I am $age Document $document")
// This is a simple example, but when you nest further it gets clearer. Basically each method/closure is their own method
// declaration like a class with methods, that you call, instead of nesting callbacks. The curried Closure is still saved with
// the values of name and age, even outside of the name and age scope within the main methods. MongoDB knows nothing about extra
// values and doesn't need to know, but its callback it is calling does and now has it via currying.
// It is very powerful when you see it in a real app. The biggest problem I found was teaching people what currying does.
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