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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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knn distance
VEX_FUNCTION(float, l2_distance, (size_t, idx)(uint32_t, num_dim)(float*, query)(float*, candidates),
float d = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < num_dim; ++i) {
d += pow(query[i] - candidates[idx * num_dim + i], 2);
return d;
Knn::ValueVec Knn::search_h(const ValueVec& query, size_t query_offset) const {
ValueVec distance(current_context(), num_row_);
switch (distance_) {
case L2:
distance = l2_distance(element_index(), num_col_,
raw_pointer(query) + query_offset, raw_pointer(h_));
case COSINE:
distance = cosine_distance(element_index(), num_col_,
raw_pointer(query) + query_offset, raw_pointer(h_));
return distance;
pair<Knn::ValueVec, Knn::IndexVec> Knn::sort_internal(ValueVec& distance, uint32_t top_k) const {
IndexVec index(current_context(), distance.size());
index = element_index();
sort_by_key(distance, index);
slicer<1> slice(extents[top_k]);
auto result = make_pair(slice[range(0, top_k)](distance), slice[range(0, top_k)](index));
return result;
pair<Knn::ValueVec, Knn::IndexVec> Knn::search_similar(uint32_t obj, uint32_t top_k) const {
auto distance = search_h(h_, obj * num_col_);
return sort_internal(distance, top_k);
[ distance: 4658.446 sec.] ( 81.39%) (428566x; avg: 1.078919e+04 usec.)
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