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Last active February 15, 2021 21:43
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  • Save bzerangue/392e2db2da4fd7a5950aec2544eaf4af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Running Screenly OSE on Raspberry Pi Desktop for x86 (PC) - instructions [this is not supported - this is a hack to get it to work]

NOTE: These are not official instructions for the getting Screenly OSE to run on Raspberry Pi Desktop for x86 machines. This was a hack. These instructions are not supported. I posted them here to remember the steps I took to get it to work. Use at your own risk.

Step 1

  • Load Wifi deb files onto USB
  • Install Raspberry Pi Desktop for x86 PC - Raspberry Pi Debian Stretch - 2019-04-11-rpd-x86-stretch.iso

Step 2

Add the following blank files to the your PC...

sudo touch /boot/cmdline.txt

if /boot/config.txt does NOT exist, then add that file... sudo touch /boot/config.txt

In your home folder /home/pi create a .cache folder if it doesn't already exist. And in that folder create a pip/http folder with the pi user permissions.

And then update, your raspi-config by running sudo raspi-config to enable ssh

Step 3

After install, login to Raspberry Pi Desktop, before running updates, update sources list with updated Debian Stretch sources so it will keep from hash mismatches.

#                   OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS                    

###### Debian Main Repos
deb oldstable main contrib non-free
deb-src oldstable main contrib non-free

deb oldstable-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src oldstable-updates main contrib non-free

deb oldstable/updates main
deb-src oldstable/updates main

deb stretch-backports main
deb-src stretch-backports main

Step 4


sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get -y install \
        build-essential \
        curl \
        ffmpeg \
        git-core \
        libffi-dev \
        libssl-dev \
        lsb-release \
        mplayer \
        mpv \
        net-tools \
        procps \
        python-dev \
        python-gobject \
        python-imaging \
        python-netifaces \
        python-simplejson \
        python3-dev \
        python3-netifaces \
        python3-simplejson \
        sqlite3 \
    && \
    sudo apt-get clean

Step 5

Clone Screenly OSE repo in your home directory, /home/pi

git clone screenly

and edit the ansible file, /ansible/roles/system/tasks/main.yml> and under Install Screenly Dependencies, remove omxplayer and replace it with mplayer

Step 6

Go to the /home/pi/screenly directory and run bin/

Answer the following questions...

Do you still want to continue? (y/N) Y

Would you like to use the experimental branch? It contains the last major changes, such as the new browser and migrating to Docker (y/N) N

Would you like to use the development branch? You will get the latest features, but things may break. (y/N) N

Would you like to install the WoTT agent to help you manage security of your Raspberry Pi? (y/N) N

Do you want Screenly to manage your network? This is recommended for most users because this adds features to manage your network. (Y/n) Y

Would you like to perform a full system upgrade as well? (y/N) N

Step 7

After the installation is complete,

You need to reboot the system for the installation to complete. Would you like to reboot now? (y/N) Y

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Sorry. I left these instructions ultimately for myself when I got them it to work, 2 years ago. These are not supported instructions.

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