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Installing Debian + Home Assistant Supervised

Installing Debian + Home Assistant Supervised (for a linux 64 bit pc intel or amd)

Build a USB installer for Debian (non-free firmware), download the Debian Buster and build usb installer with Balena Etcher

In the Debian installer, uncheck Debian desktop environment and check ssh server and other software modules.

After installing Debian, reboot the machine and login via ssh with the username you created during setup...

Once you have SSH'd from the terminal and have logged into your new Debian machine, run the following command...

su - root

and hit enter and enter your password. This will grant you root privileges.

Now that you are a root user, run the following commands...

apt update

and then run...

apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common jq network-manager apparmor sudo -y

Download latest version of Docker

curl -fsSL | apt-key add -

Add Docker Repository to Debian sources

add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt update

Install the Docker packages

apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y

Get latest version of Home Assistant Supervised via the curl command and run the script to install Home Assistant

curl -sL | bash -s

NOTE: during the installation of the Home Assistant Supervised... on Debian, I choose to overwrite the /etc/network/interfaces file since this is a FRESH install... choose YES y

This what will be the final output if all goes well...

[warn] If you want more control over your own system, run
[warn] Home Assistant as a VM or run Home Assistant Core
[warn] via a Docker container.
[warn] If you want to abort, hit ctrl+c within 10 seconds...
[warn] ModemManager service is enabled. This might cause issue when using serial devices.
[info] Creating default docker daemon configuration /etc/docker/daemon.json
[info] Restarting docker service
[info] Fix kernel dmesg restriction
[info] Creating NetworkManager configuration
[warn] Changes are needed to the /etc/network/interfaces file
[info] If you have modified the network on the host manualy, those can now be overwritten
[info] If you do not overwrite this now you need to manually adjust it later
[info] Do you want to proceed with overwriting the /etc/network/interfaces file? [N/y] 
[info] Replacing /etc/network/interfaces
[info] Restarting NetworkManager
[info] Install supervisor Docker container
[info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[info] Install AppArmor scripts
[info] Start Home Assistant Supervised
[info] Installing the 'ha' cli
[info] Home Assistant supervised is now installed
[info] First setup will take some time, when it's ready you can reach it here:
[info] http://[[ YOUR_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_HERE ]]:8123


Depending the speed of your machine if old or new... the first setup will take at least a few minutes...

so wait a few minutes and then check your local address listed above.

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I'm also getting the same error. Any idea how to fix it?

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