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Last active December 17, 2015 20:59
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  • Save bzgeb/5671545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bzgeb/5671545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
public static class SKTextureUtil
public static string defaultPath = "Assets/SKAssets";
public static string defaultResourcesPath = "Assets/SKAssets/Resources";
public static string defaultAtlasResourcesPath = "Assets/SKAssets/Resources/Atlases";
public static string defaultAnimationsPath = "Assets/SKAssets/Resources/Animations";
public static string defaultSpriteSheetPath = "Assets/SKAssets/Resources/SpriteSheets";
public static string defaultShader = "SpriteKit/Basic";
public static int atlasPadding = 1;
public static bool isCurrentlyRefreshingSourceImages = false;
public static void saveAtlasPng( string path, string name, Texture2D tex )
if( !Directory.Exists( path ) )
Directory.CreateDirectory( path );
var fullPath = path + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name + ".png";
var newAtlas = !File.Exists( fullPath );
using( var fs = new FileStream( fullPath, FileMode.Create ) )
using( var bw = new BinaryWriter( fs ) )
bw.Write( tex.EncodeToPNG() );
if( newAtlas )
var textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath( fullPath ) as TextureImporter;
if( textureImporter != null )
textureImporter.mipmapEnabled = false;
textureImporter.isReadable = false;
textureImporter.textureFormat = SKTextureImportSettingsWizard.getTextureImportFormat();
textureImporter.textureType = SKTextureImportSettingsWizard.getTextureImportType();
textureImporter.filterMode = SKTextureImportSettingsWizard.getFilterMode();
textureImporter.maxTextureSize = SKTextureImportSettingsWizard.getMaxTextureSize();
textureImporter.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( fullPath, ImportAssetOptions.Default );
public static Rect[] rebuildAtlas( Texture2D[] textures, string filename, bool generateSdAtlas )
var texture = new Texture2D( 0, 0, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false );
var rects = texture.PackTextures( textures, atlasPadding, 4096 );
// if generateSdAtlas is true, we make 2 atlases one being half the size of the source images
var sourceAtlasFilename = filename + ( generateSdAtlas ? "@2x" : string.Empty );
saveAtlasPng( defaultAtlasResourcesPath, sourceAtlasFilename, texture );
// save a half sized version as well if required
if( generateSdAtlas )
var sourcePath = Path.Combine( defaultAtlasResourcesPath, filename + "@2x.png" );
var destPath = Path.Combine( defaultAtlasResourcesPath, filename + ".png" );
var sdTexture = resizeTexture( sourcePath, texture.width / 2, texture.height / 2, destPath );
saveAtlasPng( defaultAtlasResourcesPath, filename, sdTexture );
GameObject.DestroyImmediate( sdTexture );
GameObject.DestroyImmediate( texture );
return rects;
public static SKSpriteSheet createSpriteSheet( string name, string sourceFolder, bool generateSdTexture, int cameraOrthoSize, int targetScreenHeight )
// validate that there are images in the folder and that the name has not been used
var allSpriteSheets = getAllSpriteSheets();
foreach( var s in allSpriteSheets )
if( s.imageSourceFolder.EndsWith( name ) )
Debug.LogError( "folder " + name + " is already contained by another sprite sheet" );
return null;
if( Directory.GetFiles( sourceFolder ).Length == 0 )
Debug.LogError( "folder " + name + " has no images in it" );
return null;
var sheetMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( defaultShader ) );
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( sheetMaterial, Path.Combine( defaultPath, name ) + "_material.mat" );
var sheet = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SKSpriteSheet>(); = name;
sheet.imageSourceFolder = sourceFolder;
sheet.hasHdAtlas = generateSdTexture;
sheet.cameraOrthoSize = cameraOrthoSize;
sheet.targetScreenHeight = targetScreenHeight;
// material creation
//var atlasPath = Path.Combine( defaultResourcesPath, + "_atlas@2x.png" );
//sheet.material.SetTexture( "_MainTex", Resources.LoadAssetAtPath( atlasPath, typeof( Texture ) ) as Texture );
var path = Path.Combine( defaultSpriteSheetPath, name + "_sheet.asset" );
sheet.material = sheetMaterial;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( sheet, path );
return sheet;
public static List<SKSpriteSheet> getAllSpriteSheets()
if( !Directory.Exists( defaultSpriteSheetPath ) )
Directory.CreateDirectory( defaultSpriteSheetPath );
var sheets = new List<SKSpriteSheet>();
foreach( var file in Directory.GetFiles( defaultSpriteSheetPath, "*_sheet.asset" ) )
var sheet = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( file ) as SKSpriteSheet;
sheets.Add( sheet );
return sheets;
public static List<SKSpriteAnimationState> getAllSpriteAnimations()
if( !Directory.Exists( defaultAnimationsPath ) )
Directory.CreateDirectory( defaultAnimationsPath );
var animations = new List<SKSpriteAnimationState>();
foreach( var file in Directory.GetFiles( defaultAnimationsPath, "*.asset" ) )
var sheet = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( file ) as SKSpriteAnimationState;
if( sheet != null )
animations.Add( sheet );
return animations;
public static void refreshSourceImages( this SKSpriteSheet sheet )
// set a flag while we import the PSD to avoid our AssetPostprocessor from getting an endless loop of death
isCurrentlyRefreshingSourceImages = true;
var textureInfoList = new List<SKTextureInfo>();
var files = Directory.GetFiles( sheet.imageSourceFolder ).Where( f => !f.EndsWith( ".meta" ) ).ToArray();
var textures = new Dictionary<string,Texture2D>( files.Length );
var texturesNotToDestroy = new List<string>();
var containedImages = new List<string>();
float progress = 1f;
foreach( var f in files )
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Creating Sprite Atlases..", "processing image at path: " + f, progress++ / files.Length );
var path = Path.Combine( sheet.imageSourceFolder, Path.GetFileName( f ) );
Texture2D tex = null;
if( Path.GetExtension( path ) == ".png" )
// we load directly from disk so that the textures are guaranteed readable
tex = new Texture2D( 0, 0 );
tex.LoadImage( File.ReadAllBytes( f ) );
else if( Path.GetExtension( path ).ToLower() == ".psd" || Path.GetExtension( path ) == ".gif" )
var texImporter = TextureImporter.GetAtPath( path ) as TextureImporter;
texImporter.isReadable = true;
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( path );
tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( path, typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
if( tex != null )
texturesNotToDestroy.Add( );
if( tex != null )
textures.Add( Path.GetFileName( f ), tex );
containedImages.Add( Path.GetFileName( f ) );
sheet.containedImages = containedImages.ToArray();
// pack all the textures and make a lookup dictionary
var textureArray = textures.Select( x => x.Value ).ToArray();
var rects = SKTextureUtil.rebuildAtlas( textureArray, "_sheet", string.Empty ) + "_atlas", sheet.hasHdAtlas );
var texToRect = new Dictionary<string,Rect>( textures.Count );
for( var i = 0; i < textureArray.Length; i++ )
var key = textures.Where( y => y.Value == textureArray[i] ).Select( x => x.Key ).First();
texToRect[key] = rects[i];
// create our textureInfos
foreach( var item in texToRect )
var tex = textures[item.Key];
var info = new SKTextureInfo();
info.file = item.Key;
info.uvRect = item.Value;
info.size = new Vector2( tex.width, tex.height );
textureInfoList.Add( info );
// clean up textures
foreach( var tex in textures )
// only destroy textures that we loaded from pngs
if( !texturesNotToDestroy.Contains( ) )
GameObject.DestroyImmediate( tex.Value, true );
// not sure why getting the asset path triggers a save but it does for some reason
AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( sheet );
sheet.imageTextureInfo = textureInfoList.ToArray();
EditorUtility.SetDirty( sheet );
catch( System.Exception e )
Debug.LogError( "Something went wrong creating the atlas: " + e );
isCurrentlyRefreshingSourceImages = false;
public static SKTextureInfo textureInfoForSourceImage( this SKSpriteSheet sheet, string sourceImageName )
foreach( var info in sheet.imageTextureInfo )
if( info.file == sourceImageName )
return info;
return null;
public static string makePathRelativeToProject( string path )
var removePortion = Application.dataPath.Replace( "Assets", string.Empty );
return path.Replace( removePortion, string.Empty );
private static Texture2D resizeTexture( string pathToImage, int width, int height, string outputFilename )
var args = string.Format( "-z {0} {1} {2} --out {3}", height, width, pathToImage, outputFilename );
var proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process
StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "sips",
Arguments = args,
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
CreateNoWindow = true
while( !proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream )
var tex = new Texture2D( 0, 0 );
tex.LoadImage( File.ReadAllBytes( outputFilename ) );
File.Delete( outputFilename );
return tex;
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