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Filtering log messages in a big Julia package
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# # Filtering log messages in a big package
# When debugging a package, it's often useful to add plenty of
# [`@debug`]( log
# statements to check which code paths are running and inspect values --
# especially since GUI integrations with Julia's interactive debugger are not
# yet very usable (as compared to, e.g.,
# [PyCharm](`pdb`
# integration which has heavy industry support).
# A key feature of `@debug` messages is that they can be left in the codebase,
# since they are disabled by default. However, after doing this for a while, I
# found that every time I wanted to debug something, I had to comb through the
# 99+% log messages in code paths other than the one I wanted to inspect.
# Furthermore, this massive output was printed the terminal or Jupyter cell
# output, both of which are hard to scroll through and easy to lose.
# To address these problems, I've been using two simple / lightweight solutions:
# ## Sending logs to a timestamped file
# The first and probably most general solution is to send all log messages to a
# timestamped file. Timestamped so that it won't get clobbered on next run,
# and file so that it can be browsed and processed with a more powerful text
# viewer or editor. (Luckily I haven't yet gotten to the point where my logs
# are prohibitively large to open in an editor, but I'll probably get there and
# need to stick with a lazy-loading pager like `less`.)
# +
import Logging as L
import Logging: LogLevel, @logmsg
import Dates
unix_now() = round(Int, Dates.datetime2unix(
logfile_path = abspath("logs/testrun_log_$(unix_now())")
@info "Log output from here on will go to $logfile_path"
open(logfile_path, "w") do logfile_io
L.with_logger(L.SimpleLogger(logfile_io)) do
x = 1 + 2
@debug "Here's what I think one plus two is:" x
end # with_logger
end # open(logfile_path, "w")
# -
# This produces a log file with contents:
println(read(logfile_path, String))
# which is quite a lot of information to take in. I can browse the file
# carefully, and send it to colleagues to help me understand what's going on.
# ## Creating and filtering for a new log level
# The built-in logger classes in Julia are pretty minimal, but as the
# [docs]( explain, it's easy
# to create a custom logger. One custom logger I've found to be very useful is
# a wrapper around an existing logger (e.g., the default logger) that filters
# for one specific log level. That, along with creating a new log level when
# I'm debugging a new code path, makes it possible to keep the log printout
# short and focus my attention on the log messages I want to see.
# +
struct LevelRangeLogger <: L.AbstractLogger
function L.handle_message(logger::LevelRangeLogger, level, message,
_module, group, id, file, line; kwargs...)
L.handle_message(logger.inner_logger, level, message, _module,
group, id, file, line; kwargs...)
function L.min_enabled_level(logger::LevelRangeLogger)
return L.min_enabled_level(logger.inner_logger)
function L.shouldlog(logger::LevelRangeLogger, level, _module, group, id)
return (logger.min_level ≤ level
&& level ≤ logger.max_level
&& L.shouldlog(logger.inner_logger, level, _module, group, id))
function one_level_logger(inner_logger::L.AbstractLogger,
return LevelRangeLogger(inner_logger, level, level)
with_only_loglevel(f, level::L.LogLevel) = L.with_logger(
f, one_level_logger(L.global_logger(), level))
# -
# Then in my application code:
# +
module MyApplication
import Logging: LogLevel, @logmsg
function crunch_numbers()
x = 1 + 2
@debug "Addition results" x
y = 1 * 2
@logmsg LOG_MULTIPLICATION "multiplication results" y
end # module MyApplication
# -
# And when running the application (e.g. in a REPL or notebook):
# +
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "Main,MyApplication"
with_only_loglevel(MyApplication.LOG_MULTIPLICATION) do
# -
# If I only have a few user-defined log levels as above, it would be fairly
# straightforward to redefine
# [``](
# to produce custom display text for them, so that the printout looks like
# ```
# ┌ LogMultiplication: multiplication results
# │ y = 2
# └ @ Main.MyApplication In[8]:11
# ```
# However, doing this systematically (and, e.g., handling name conflicts) would
# be more complicated than it's worth in my opinion, and would also add
# performance cost to a fairly performance-critical part of Julia's core
# functionality. So I've stayed away from that.
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