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Last active November 27, 2019 16:17
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<body><p><strong>Date</strong>: 2019-11-27T16:58:27+01:00
<strong>Unread emails</strong>: 5
<strong>Paper titles</strong>: 11
<strong>Uniq paper titles</strong>: 11</p>
<p><a href="">Efficient learning of non-autoregressive graph variational autoencoders for molecular graph generation</a> (1)</p>
<summary>With the advancements in deep learning, deep generative models combined with gra</summary>ph neural networks have been successfully employed for data-driven molecular graph generation. Early methods based on the non-autoregressive approach have …
<p><a href="">Chemically Interpretable Graph Interaction Network for Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Properties of Drug-like Molecules</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Solubility of drug molecules is related to pharmacokinetic properties such as ab</summary>sorption and distribution, which affects the amount of drug that is available in the body for its action. Computational or experimental evaluation of solvation free …
<p><a href="">The Evolution of Code Review Research: A Systematic Mapping Study</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Code Review (CR) is a cornerstone for Quality Assurance within software developm</summary>ent teams. Also known as" software inspections" and" walk-throughs", traditional CR involved time-consuming processes, which is different from more …
<p><a href="">Testing Criteria for Mobile Apps Based on Callback Sequences</a> (1)</p>
<summary>App quality has been shown to be the most important indicator of app adoption. T</summary>o assure quality, developers mainly use testing to find bugs in app and apply structural and GUI test coverage criteria. However, mobile apps have more behaviors than the …
<p><a href="">Commit2Vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code Changes</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Deep learning methods, which have found successful applications in fields like i</summary>mage classification and natural language processing, have recently been applied to source code analysis too, due to the enormous amount of freely available source …
<p><a href="">Novel positional encodings to enable tree-based transformers</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Neural models optimized for tree-based problems are of great value in tasks like</summary> SQL query extraction and program synthesis. On sequence-structured data, transformers have been shown to learn relationships across arbitrary pairs of positions more …
<p><a href="">What Answer for Which Audience? Identifying Categories of Answers on Stack Overflow</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Stack Overflow changed the way software developers look for support. Instead of </summary>digging into the documentation, developers look for posts already answered on Stack Overflow. However, one question usually gets a wide variety of answers. Even …
<p><a href="">My script engines know what you did in the dark: converting engines into script API tracers</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Malicious scripts have been crucial attack vectors in recent attacks such as mal</summary>ware spam (malspam) and fileless malware. Since malicious scripts are generally obfuscated, statically analyzing them is difficult due to reflections. Therefore, dynamic …
<p><a href="">Combining Program Analysis and Statistical Language Model for Code Statement Completion</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Automatic code completion helps improve developers' productivity in their progra</summary>mming tasks. A program contains instructions expressed via code statements, which are considered as the basic units of program execution. In this paper, we …
<p><a href="">A Comprehensive Exploration on WikiSQL with Table-Aware Word Contextualization</a> (1)</p>
<summary>We present SQLOVA, the first Natural-language-to-SQL (NL2SQL) model to achieve h</summary>uman performance in WikiSQL dataset. We revisit and discuss diverse popular methods in NL2SQL literature, take a full advantage of BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) …
<p><a href="">Compiler Auto-Vectorization with Imitation Learning</a> (1)</p>
<summary>Modern microprocessors are equipped with single instruction multiple data (SIMD)</summary> or vector instruction sets which allow compilers to exploit fine-grained data level parallelism. To exploit this parallelism, compilers employ auto-vectorization …
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