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Created October 6, 2021 17:07
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An example of precomputing a BVH for three.js meshes using three-mesh-bvh
// This is the Node.js script used to precompute the bvh and store it in a GLTF file.
import { Accessor, Extension, ExtensionProperty, NodeIO, PropertyType, ReaderContext, VertexLayout, WriterContext } from '@gltf-transform/core';
import { PropertyGraph } from '@gltf-transform/core/dist/properties';
import { KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS } from '@gltf-transform/extensions';
import { join, normalize, resolve } from 'path';
import { Box3, BufferGeometry, Float32BufferAttribute } from 'three';
import { MeshBVH } from 'three-mesh-bvh';
import yargs from 'yargs';
const NAME = "three_mesh_bvh";
class ThreeMeshBvh extends Extension {
public readonly extensionName = NAME;
public static readonly EXTENSION_NAME = NAME;
public createThreeMeshBVH(roots: Accessor[]): ThreeMeshBVH {
return new ThreeMeshBVH(this.doc.getGraph(), this, roots);
public read(_context: ReaderContext): this {
// We don't currently support reading these out.
return this;
public write(context: WriterContext): this {
const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc;
.forEach((mesh) => {
const meshIndex = context.meshIndexMap.get(mesh)!;
const meshDef = jsonDoc.json.meshes![meshIndex];
.forEach((prim, index) => {
const bvh = prim.getExtension<ThreeMeshBVH>(NAME);
if (bvh) {
const primDef = meshDef.primitives[index];
primDef.extensions = primDef.extensions || {};
primDef.extensions[NAME] = {
roots: => context.accessorIndexMap.get(root))
return this;
class ThreeMeshBVH extends ExtensionProperty {
public readonly propertyType = 'ThreeMeshBVH';
public readonly parentTypes = [PropertyType.PRIMITIVE];
public readonly extensionName = NAME;
public static EXTENSION_NAME = NAME;
constructor(graph: PropertyGraph, extension: Extension, public roots: Accessor[]) {
super(graph, extension);
async function main() {
const argv = yargs(process.argv)
.usage('Compute BVH for a GLTF file output the result into a new GLTF file.')
.example('node $0 -i input.gltf -o output.gltf', 'Compute BVH for input.gltf, put the result in output.gltf')
.alias('h', 'help')
inputFile: {
alias: 'i',
describe: 'Input GLTF file',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
outputFile: {
alias: 'o',
describe: 'Output GLTF file',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
let { inputFile, outputFile } = argv;
const nodeIo = new NodeIO();
const doc =;
const extension = doc.createExtension(ThreeMeshBvh);
const modelAABB = new Box3();
.forEach(mesh => {
const geom = new BufferGeometry();
mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(primitive => {
const indices = primitive.getIndices().getArray();
geom.setAttribute('position', new Float32BufferAttribute(primitive.getAttribute("POSITION").getArray(), 3));
const computedBvh = new MeshBVH(geom, { strategy: 1, maxLeafTris: 32 });
const bvh = MeshBVH.serialize(computedBvh, geom, false);
// // MeshBVH requires indices in a certain order
const accessors = ArrayBuffer, index: number) => {
const name = `${mesh.getName()}-bvh-${index}`;
const accessor = doc.createAccessor(name)
.setArray(new Uint8Array(root));
return accessor;
primitive.setExtension(NAME, extension.createThreeMeshBVH(accessors));
nodeIo.write(outputFile, doc);
// Here is the Three.JS extension
import { Group, Mesh, SkinnedMesh } from 'three';
import { MeshBVH } from 'three-mesh-bvh';
import { GLTFLoaderPlugin, GLTFParser } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader';
export class MeshBvh implements GLTFLoaderPlugin {
public name = 'three_mesh_bvh';
constructor (private parser: GLTFParser) {
public async loadMesh( meshIndex: number ): Promise<Group | Mesh | SkinnedMesh> {
// Loads the pre-computed BVH from a gltf primitive into a Three Mesh.
const loadBVHForMesh = async (mesh: Mesh, primIndex: number): Promise<void> => {
const primitiveDef = this.parser.json.meshes[meshIndex].primitives[primIndex];
if (primitiveDef.extensions?.three_mesh_bvh) {
const bvhInfo = primitiveDef.extensions?.three_mesh_bvh;
const roots = await Promise.all( number) => {
return this.parser.loadAccessor(root);
const bvhSerialized = {
roots: => (root as any).array.buffer),
index: undefined,
(mesh.geometry as any).boundsTree = MeshBVH.deserialize(bvhSerialized, mesh.geometry, false);
// Just use the standard loadMesh path, we only want to augment the meshes with extra data.
const waitFor: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
const result = await this.parser.loadMesh(meshIndex);
if (result) {
if (result.type === 'Group') {
const group = result as Group;
waitFor.push(, i) => loadBVHForMesh(m as Mesh, i)));
} else if (result.type === 'Mesh') {
waitFor.push(loadBVHForMesh(result as Mesh, 0));
await Promise.all(waitFor);
return result;
// Register the extension with the GLTFLoader
const loader = new GLTFLoader(loadingManager);
loader.register((parser) => {
return new MeshBvh(parser);
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