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Created April 15, 2022 03:15
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open Eio.Std
module Buf = Eio.Buf_read
module Flow = Eio.Flow
open struct
let spf = Printf.sprintf
module Message = struct
type t =
| Simple of string
| Bulk of string
| Int of int
| Error of string
| Array of t list
let rec pp out : t -> unit = function
| Simple s -> Format.fprintf out "(simple %S)" s
| Bulk c -> Format.fprintf out "(bulk %S)" c
| Int i -> Format.fprintf out "%d" i
| Error e -> Format.fprintf out "(error %S)" e
| Array l ->
Format.fprintf out "[@[%a@]]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun out () -> Format.fprintf out ";@ ") pp) l
let write (out:Flow.sink) (self:t) : unit =
let buf = Cstruct.create 4096 in
let i = ref 0 in
let maybe_write ?(force=false) () =
if !i = Cstruct.length buf || (force && !i > 0) then (
Flow.copy (Flow.cstruct_source [Cstruct.sub buf 0 !i]) out;
i := 0;
let write_char c =
Cstruct.set_char buf !i c;
incr i;
let rec write_substring s off len : unit =
let n = min (Cstruct.length buf - !i) len in
Cstruct.blit_from_string s off buf !i n;
i := !i + n;
let len' = len - n in
if len' > 0 then
write_substring s (off + n) len'
let write_string s = write_substring s 0 (String.length s) in
let rec loop m =
match m with
| Simple s ->
write_char '+';
write_string s;
write_string "\r\n";
| Error s ->
write_char '-';
write_string s;
write_string "\r\n";
| Int i ->
write_char ':';
write_string (string_of_int i);
write_string "\r\n";
| Bulk s ->
write_char '$';
write_string (string_of_int @@ String.length s);
write_string "\r\n";
write_string s;
write_string "\r\n";
| Array l ->
write_char '*';
write_string (string_of_int @@ List.length l);
write_string "\r\n";
List.iter loop l
loop self; maybe_write ~force:true ()
let parse (buf:Buf.t) : t option =
let open Buf.Syntax in
let rec loop buf =
let c = Buf.any_char buf in
match c with
| '+' ->
let s = Buf.line buf in
Simple s
| '-' ->
let s = Buf.line buf in
Error (String.trim s)
| '*' ->
let s = Buf.line buf in
let n = int_of_string @@ String.trim s in
Array (List.init n (fun _ -> loop buf))
| '$' ->
let s = Buf.line buf in
let n = int_of_string @@ String.trim s in
let content = Buf.take n buf in
let trail = String.trim @@ Buf.line buf in
if trail <> "" then failwith "bulk string not ended by crlf";
Bulk content
| ':' ->
let s = Buf.line buf in
Int (int_of_string @@ String.trim s)
| c -> failwith (spf "unknown prefix %C" c)
if Buf.at_end_of_input buf then None else Some (loop buf)
let parse_exn buf =
match parse buf with
| Some m -> m
| None -> raise End_of_file
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