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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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small `'a ty` implementation
type 'a hlist =
| HNil : unit hlist
| HCons : 'a * 'b hlist -> ('a * 'b) hlist
(** Description of type ['a] *)
type 'a ty =
| Int : int ty
| Bool : bool ty
| Sum : 's sum -> 's ty
| Record : ('r, 'fields) record -> 'r ty
| Tuple : ('t, 'a) tuple -> 't ty
(** Description of list of types *)
and 'a ty_list =
| TNil : unit ty_list
| TCons : 'a ty * 'b ty_list -> ('a * 'b) ty_list
(** Sum type ['s] *)
and 's sum = {
sum_name : string;
sum_variants : 's variant_list;
(** List of variants for the sum type ['s] *)
and 's variant_list =
| VNil : 's variant_list
| VCons : string * ('s, 'a) variant * 's variant_list -> 's variant_list
(** A variant of the sum type ['s] *)
and ('s, 'a) variant = {
variant_name : string;
variant_args : 'a ty_list;
variant_make : 'a hlist -> 's;
variant_get : 's -> 'a hlist option; (* projection *)
(** Description of record of type ['r] with fields ['fields] *)
and ('r, 'fields) record = {
record_name : string;
record_args : ('r, 'fields) field_list;
record_make : 'fields hlist -> 'r; (* build record *)
and (_, _) field_list =
| RNil : ('r, unit) field_list
| RCons : ('r, 'a) field * ('r, 'b) field_list -> ('r, 'a * 'b) field_list
and ('r, 'a) field = {
field_name : string;
field_ty : 'a ty;
field_get : 'r -> 'a;
(** A tuple of type ['t], where ['a] is the nested version of ['t].
For instance we would have
[((int * bool * float), (int * (bool * (float * unit)))) tuple]
and ('t, 'a) tuple = {
tuple_args : 'a ty_list;
tuple_get : 't -> 'a hlist;
tuple_make : 'a hlist -> 't;
(* PRINT *)
type fmt = Format.formatter
let rec print : type a. a ty -> fmt -> a -> unit
= fun ty out x -> match ty with
| Int -> Format.fprintf out "%d" x
| Bool -> Format.fprintf out "%B" x
| Tuple tup ->
Format.fprintf out "@[<hov>(%a)@]"
(print_hlist ~sep:", " ~n:0 tup.tuple_args)
(tup.tuple_get x)
| Record r ->
Format.fprintf out "@[<hov>{%a}@]"
(print_fields ~n:0 r.record_args) x
| Sum s -> assert false (* TODO *)
and print_hlist : type l. sep:string -> n:int -> l ty_list -> fmt -> l hlist -> unit
= fun ~sep ~n tyl out l ->
match tyl, l with
| TNil, HNil -> ()
| TCons (ty, tyl'), HCons (x, l') ->
if n > 0 then Format.fprintf out "%s@," sep;
print ty out x;
print_hlist ~sep ~n:(n+1) tyl' out l'
and print_fields : type r f. n:int -> (r, f) field_list -> fmt -> r -> unit
= fun ~n l out r -> match l with
| RNil -> ()
| RCons (field, l') ->
if n > 0 then Format.fprintf out ";@ ";
Format.fprintf out "@[<hv2>%s: %a@]" field.field_name
(print field.field_ty) (field.field_get r);
print_fields ~n:(n+1) l' out r
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