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Created June 17, 2013 12:39
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(** {2 Universal type} *)
module Univ = struct
(** This is largely inspired by . *)
type t = {
mutable id : unit ref;
mutable store : unit -> unit;
} (** The universal type *)
type 'a embedding = {
pack : 'a -> t; (** Pack a 'a into a univ value *)
unpack : t -> 'a option; (** Try to unpack the univ value into an 'a *)
set : t -> 'a -> unit; (** Change, in-place, the content of the univ value *)
compatible : t -> bool; (** Check whether the univ value can be unpacked *)
} (** Conversion between the universal type and 'a *)
(** Create a new embedding. Values packed by a given embedding can
only be unpacked by the same embedding. *)
let embed () =
let id = ref () in (* unique ID of the embedding *)
let r = ref None in (* place to store values *)
let pack a = (* pack the 'a value into a new univ cell *)
let o = Some a in
{ id = id; store = (fun () -> r := o); }
let unpack t = (* try to extract the content of a univ cell *)
r := None; ();
let a = !r in
let set t a = (* change, in place, the embedding and content of the cell *) <- id;
let o = Some a in <- (fun () -> r := o)
let compatible t = (* check whether the univ cell is from this embedding *)
id ==
{ pack; unpack; compatible; set; }
let pack emb x = emb.pack x
let unpack emb t = emb.unpack t
let compatible emb t = emb.compatible t
let set emb t x = emb.set t x
class type ['a, 'b] index =
method embed : ('a, 'b) index Univ.embedding
method add : 'a -> ('a, 'b) index
method remove : 'a -> ('a, 'b) index
method select : 'b -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
method keys : ('b -> unit) -> unit
let idx_fun (type k) (type e) ~(cmp : k -> k -> int) (f : (e -> k list)) =
let embed = Univ.embed () in
let module M = Map.Make(struct
type t = k
let compare = cmp
end) in
(* make an index given the current map index -> element list *)
let rec make map =
method embed = embed
method add e =
let keys = f e in
let map' =
(fun map key ->
let es = try M.find key map with Not_found -> [] in
M.add key (e::es) map)
map keys
(make map' :> (e, k) index)
method remove e =
(failwith "not implemented" : (e, k) index)
method select key f' =
let es = try M.find key map with Not_found -> [] in
List.iter f' es
method keys f' =
M.iter (fun k _ -> f' k) map
end : (e, k) index) in
make M.empty
let idx_set ?( ~name =
failwith "not implemented"
module IndexList = struct
type t = Univ.t list
let nil = []
let cons idx l = (Univ.pack idx#embed idx) :: l
let mk_set il = il
let rec get_eq set idx key =
match set with
| [] -> failwith "bad index for this set"
| univ :: set' ->
begin match Univ.unpack idx#embed univ with
| None -> get_eq set' idx key (* not the index you are looking for *)
| Some idx' ->
let l = ref [] in
idx'#select key (fun e -> l := e :: !l);
let rec get_filter set idx p =
match set with
| [] -> failwith "bad index for this set"
| univ :: set' ->
begin match Univ.unpack idx#embed univ with
| None -> get_filter set' idx p (* not the index you are looking for *)
| Some idx' ->
let l = ref [] in
(fun k ->
if p k then idx'#select k (fun e -> l := e :: !l));
val inter : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** Set intersection *)
val union : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** Set union *)
val add : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
(** Add an element to the set *)
val remove : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
(** Remove an element to the set *)
val group_by : 'a t -> ('a, 'b) index -> ('b * 'a list) list
(** Group by the given index *)
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