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Created June 16, 2020 17:39
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tiny hashconsing for ocaml
(name hashcons_test)
(libraries iter containers ppx_deriving.std)
(flags :standard -warn-error -a+8)
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.std)))
(* vendored *)
module Hashcons = struct
module type ARG = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val set_id : t -> int -> unit
module Make(A : ARG): sig
val hashcons : A.t -> A.t
val to_seq : A.t Iter.t
val shrink : unit -> unit
end = struct
module W = Weak.Make(A)
let tbl_ = ref (W.create 1024)
let n_ = ref 0
(* hashcons terms *)
let hashcons t =
let t' = W.merge !tbl_ t in
if t == t' then (
incr n_;
A.set_id t' !n_;
let to_seq yield =
W.iter yield !tbl_
let shrink () =
let l = ref [] in
to_seq (fun x -> l := x :: !l);
tbl_ := W.create 1024;
List.iter (fun t -> ignore @@ W.merge !tbl_ t) !l;
type 'a view =
| App of 'a * 'a
| Lam of string * 'a
| Var of string
[@@deriving show, eq]
let hash_view h = function
| App (a,b) -> CCHash.combine3 10 (h a) (h b)
| Lam (x,bod) -> CCHash.combine3 20 (CCHash.string x) (h bod)
| Var x -> CCHash.combine2 30 (CCHash.string x)
type t = {
mutable id: int;
view: t view;
let equal (x:t) y = x==y
let hash (x:t) =
module H = Hashcons.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
let hash t = hash_view hash t.view
let equal a b = equal_view equal a.view b.view
let set_id x id = assert ( < 0); <- id
let var x : t = H.hashcons {id= -1; view=Var x}
let app x y : t = H.hashcons {id= -1; view=App (x,y)}
let lam x body : t = H.hashcons {id= -1; view=Lam (x,body)}
let rec of_n n : t =
if n=0 then lam "z" @@ lam "s" @@ var "z"
else (
lam "z" @@ lam "s" @@ app (var "s") (of_n (n-1))
let () =
Printf.printf "### START\n%!";
Gc.print_stat stdout;
Printf.printf "### WITH TERM\n%!";
let _t = of_n 100_000 in
let n_t = H.to_seq |> Iter.length in
Printf.printf "%d terms\n%!" n_t;
Gc.print_stat stdout;
Printf.printf "### AFTER GC\n%!";
let n_t = H.to_seq |> Iter.length in
Printf.printf "%d terms\n%!" n_t;
Gc.print_stat stdout;
Printf.printf "### AFTER SHRINK\n%!";
let n_t = H.to_seq |> Iter.length in
Printf.printf "%d terms\n%!" n_t;
Gc.print_stat stdout;
$ dune exec ./hashcons_test.exe
minor_collections: 0
major_collections: 0
compactions: 0
minor_words: 35273
promoted_words: 0
major_words: 3221
top_heap_words: 491520
heap_words: 491520
live_words: 3221
free_words: 488299
largest_free: 488299
fragments: 0
live_blocks: 6
free_blocks: 1
heap_chunks: 1
299261 terms
minor_collections: 121
major_collections: 10
compactions: 0
minor_words: 30543345
promoted_words: 4015466
major_words: 7048832
top_heap_words: 4612096
heap_words: 4612096
live_words: 3178211
free_words: 1429734
largest_free: 180202
fragments: 4151
live_blocks: 722958
free_blocks: 64815
heap_chunks: 17
0 terms
minor_collections: 123
major_collections: 13
compactions: 1
minor_words: 30543987
promoted_words: 4015466
major_words: 7048832
top_heap_words: 4612096
heap_words: 1975808
live_words: 1050697
free_words: 925111
largest_free: 455168
fragments: 0
live_blocks: 82903
free_blocks: 3
heap_chunks: 4
0 terms
minor_collections: 125
major_collections: 16
compactions: 3
minor_words: 30544659
promoted_words: 4015472
major_words: 7050888
top_heap_words: 4612096
heap_words: 90624
live_words: 30347
free_words: 60277
largest_free: 60277
fragments: 0
live_blocks: 3807
free_blocks: 1
heap_chunks: 1
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