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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
| Record: ('a, 'a) record -> 'a ty
and (_, _) record =
| Build : 'b -> ('b, 'r) record
| Field : ('a -> 'builder, 'r) record * string * 'a ty * ('r -> 'a) -> ('builder, 'r) record
type my_record =
a: int;
b: string list;
let fields =
Field (Field (Build (fun a b -> {a;b}),
"a", Int, (fun {a} -> a)),
"b", List String, (fun {b} -> b))
let onefield str ty get tail =
Field(tail, str, ty, get)
let build k = Build k
let fields' =
build (fun a b -> {a;b}) |>
onefield "a" Int (fun {a}->a) |>
onefield "b" (List String) (fun {b} -> b)
let my_record = Record fields
let rec identity : type a . a ty -> a -> a = function
| Int -> (fun n -> n+0)
| String -> (fun s -> s^"")
| List t -> (identity t)
| Pair (ta, tb) -> (fun (a, b) -> identity ta a, identity tb b)
| Record recty -> fun record ->
let rec fid : type b . (b, a) record -> (b -> a) -> a =
fun field k -> match field with
| Build b -> k b
| Field (rest, _name, ty, read) ->
let field' = identity ty (read record) in
fid rest (fun b -> k (b field'))
in fid recty (fun r -> r)
module Json = struct
type t =
| Int of int
| String of string
| List of t list
| Assoc of (string * t) list
let rec to_json : type a. a ty -> a -> Json.t
= fun ty x -> match ty with
| Int -> Json.Int x
| String -> Json.String x
| Pair (tya,tyb) ->
let a, b = x in
Json.List [to_json tya a; to_json tyb b]
| List tya ->
Json.List ( (to_json tya) x)
| Record r ->
let rec buildassoc : type b. (b,a) record -> (string*Json.t) list -> Json.t
= fun r list_ -> match r with
| Build _ -> Json.Assoc list_
| Field(rest, name, ty_field, get) ->
let value = to_json ty_field (get x) in
buildassoc rest ((name,value)::list_)
in buildassoc r []
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