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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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high-level abstractions for logic expressions
type 'a view =
| Var of string
| App of 'a * 'a list
| Lam of string * 'a
module T : sig
type t
val view : t -> t view
val var : string -> t
val app : t -> t list -> t
val lam : string -> t -> t
val fold : ('a view -> 'a) -> t -> 'a
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
end = struct
type t = { view: t view }
let view x = x.view
let var i = {view=Var i}
let app f l = if l==[] then f else {view=App (f,l)}
let lam x t = {view=Lam(x,t)}
let rec fold f t = match t.view with
| (Var _) as v -> f v
| App (hd, l) -> f (App (fold f hd, (fold f) l))
| Lam (v, t) -> f (Lam (v, fold f t))
let to_string = fold
| Var v -> v
| App (f, l) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s %s)" f (String.concat " " l)
| Lam (x, t) -> Printf.sprintf "\\%s. %s" x t
let pp oc t = Format.pp_print_string oc (to_string t)
#install_printer T.pp;;
(* view of depth 2 *)
let view2 t = match T.view t with
| Var x -> Var x
| App (f, l) -> App (T.view f, T.view l)
| Lam (x, t) -> Lam (x, T.view t)
let t = T.(lam "x" (app (var "f") [var "x"; app (var "g") [var "b"]])) ;;
T.view t;; (* efficient view, depth 1 *)
view2 t ;; (* able to match deeper *)
module VarSet = Set.Make(String)
let vars t =
(fun t set -> match t with
| Var v -> VarSet.add v set
| Lam (v, t) -> VarSet.add v (t set)
| App (f, l) -> List.fold_right (@@) l (f set)
) t VarSet.empty
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