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Created August 31, 2021 20:14
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stupid deno irc bot
import {Client} from "";
import { readAll } from "";
import { cheerio } from "";
const nick = 'ElFamosoCoucouuu';
const client = new Client({
channels: ['##arch-fr-free'],
client.on('raw', msg => {
const t = new Date();
console.log(`got: ${msg.command} from ${msg.prefix} params ${msg.params} at: ${t}`);
client.on('connected', _msg => {
client.on('join', msg => {
if (msg.origin.nick === nick) {
const responses = ['bienviendue NICK', "chut c'est NICK", '\\o/ NICK'];
const resp = responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];
client.privmsg(, resp.replace('NICK', msg.origin.nick));
client.on('privmsg:channel', msg => {
if (msg.origin.nick === 'barul' && Math.random() > 0.8) {
client.privmsg(, 'salut chef');
} else if (msg.text.indexOf(nick + ':') === 0) {
client.privmsg(, "ouiiiii?");
/// Find URIs in string
function findURIs(s: string): string[] {
const urls = /https?:\/\/[^ $]*/.exec(s);
if (urls) {
return urls;
} else {
return [];
/// Preview for a URL
interface UrlPreview {
url: string,
title?: string,
client.on('privmsg:channel', async (msg) => {
const urls = findURIs(msg.text);
// download results in parallel
const res: Promise<UrlPreview>[] = (url) => {
try {
const req = await fetch(url);
if (req.ok) {
const text = await req.text();
// extract title
const dom = cheerio.load(text);
const title = dom('h1').text().split('\n')[0]; // first line only
return {url, title};
} else {
return {url};
} catch(e) {
console.log(`error when fetching ${url}: ${Deno.inspect(e)}`);
return {url}
for await (const r of res) {
if (r.title) {
console.log(`for ${r.url}: title is ${r.title}`);
client.privmsg(, r.title);
} else {
console.log(`no title found for ${r.url}`);
client.on('privmsg:channel', async (msg) => {
if (msg.text === '>uptime') {
try {
const p ={cmd: ["uptime"], stdout: "piped"});
const out = await readAll(p.stdout);
const dec = new TextDecoder();
const outStr = dec.decode(out);
client.privmsg(, outStr);
} catch(e) {
console.log(`error in uptime: ${Deno.inspect(e)}`);
await client.connect("", 7000, true);
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