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Created December 11, 2023 15:20
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ocaml-protoc service generation example
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
type file_chunk = {
path : string;
data : bytes;
crc : int32;
type file_path = {
path : string;
type file_crc = {
crc : int32;
type empty = unit
type ping = unit
type pong = unit
let rec default_file_chunk
?path:((path:string) = "")
?data:((data:bytes) = Bytes.create 0)
?crc:((crc:int32) = 0l)
() : file_chunk = {
let rec default_file_path
?path:((path:string) = "")
() : file_path = {
let rec default_file_crc
?crc:((crc:int32) = 0l)
() : file_crc = {
let rec default_empty = ()
let rec default_ping = ()
let rec default_pong = ()
type file_chunk_mutable = {
mutable path : string;
mutable data : bytes;
mutable crc : int32;
let default_file_chunk_mutable () : file_chunk_mutable = {
path = "";
data = Bytes.create 0;
crc = 0l;
type file_path_mutable = {
mutable path : string;
let default_file_path_mutable () : file_path_mutable = {
path = "";
type file_crc_mutable = {
mutable crc : int32;
let default_file_crc_mutable () : file_crc_mutable = {
crc = 0l;
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
(** {2 Formatters} *)
let rec pp_file_chunk fmt (v:file_chunk) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.path;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "data" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bytes fmt;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "crc" Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32 fmt v.crc;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
let rec pp_file_path fmt (v:file_path) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.path;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
let rec pp_file_crc fmt (v:file_crc) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "crc" Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32 fmt v.crc;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
let rec pp_empty fmt (v:empty) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
let rec pp_ping fmt (v:ping) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
let rec pp_pong fmt (v:pong) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
let rec encode_pb_file_chunk (v:file_chunk) encoder =
Pbrt.Encoder.string v.path encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.bytes encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint v.crc encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
let rec encode_pb_file_path (v:file_path) encoder =
Pbrt.Encoder.string v.path encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
let rec encode_pb_file_crc (v:file_crc) encoder =
Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint v.crc encoder;
Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
let rec encode_pb_empty (v:empty) encoder =
let rec encode_pb_ping (v:ping) encoder =
let rec encode_pb_pong (v:pong) encoder =
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
let rec decode_pb_file_chunk d =
let v = default_file_chunk_mutable () in
let continue__= ref true in
while !continue__ do
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> (
); continue__ := false
| Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
v.path <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d;
| Some (1, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(file_chunk), field(1)" pk
| Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin <- Pbrt.Decoder.bytes d;
| Some (2, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(file_chunk), field(2)" pk
| Some (3, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
v.crc <- Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d;
| Some (3, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(file_chunk), field(3)" pk
| Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
path = v.path;
data =;
crc = v.crc;
} : file_chunk)
let rec decode_pb_file_path d =
let v = default_file_path_mutable () in
let continue__= ref true in
while !continue__ do
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> (
); continue__ := false
| Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
v.path <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d;
| Some (1, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(file_path), field(1)" pk
| Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
path = v.path;
} : file_path)
let rec decode_pb_file_crc d =
let v = default_file_crc_mutable () in
let continue__= ref true in
while !continue__ do
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> (
); continue__ := false
| Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
v.crc <- Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d;
| Some (1, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(file_crc), field(1)" pk
| Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
crc = v.crc;
} : file_crc)
let rec decode_pb_empty d =
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> ();
| Some (_, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(empty)" pk
let rec decode_pb_ping d =
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> ();
| Some (_, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(ping)" pk
let rec decode_pb_pong d =
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> ();
| Some (_, pk) ->
Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(pong)" pk
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
(** {2 Protobuf YoJson Encoding} *)
let rec encode_json_file_chunk (v:file_chunk) =
let assoc = [] in
let assoc = ("path", Pbrt_yojson.make_string v.path) :: assoc in
let assoc = ("data", Pbrt_yojson.make_bytes :: assoc in
let assoc = ("crc", Pbrt_yojson.make_int (Int32.to_int v.crc)) :: assoc in
`Assoc assoc
let rec encode_json_file_path (v:file_path) =
let assoc = [] in
let assoc = ("path", Pbrt_yojson.make_string v.path) :: assoc in
`Assoc assoc
let rec encode_json_file_crc (v:file_crc) =
let assoc = [] in
let assoc = ("crc", Pbrt_yojson.make_int (Int32.to_int v.crc)) :: assoc in
`Assoc assoc
let rec encode_json_empty (v:empty) =
Pbrt_yojson.make_unit v
let rec encode_json_ping (v:ping) =
Pbrt_yojson.make_unit v
let rec encode_json_pong (v:pong) =
Pbrt_yojson.make_unit v
[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
(** {2 JSON Decoding} *)
let rec decode_json_file_chunk d =
let v = default_file_chunk_mutable () in
let assoc = match d with
| `Assoc assoc -> assoc
| _ -> assert(false)
List.iter (function
| ("path", json_value) ->
v.path <- Pbrt_yojson.string json_value "file_chunk" "path"
| ("data", json_value) -> <- Pbrt_yojson.bytes json_value "file_chunk" "data"
| ("crc", json_value) ->
v.crc <- Pbrt_yojson.int32 json_value "file_chunk" "crc"
| (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
) assoc;
path = v.path;
data =;
crc = v.crc;
} : file_chunk)
let rec decode_json_file_path d =
let v = default_file_path_mutable () in
let assoc = match d with
| `Assoc assoc -> assoc
| _ -> assert(false)
List.iter (function
| ("path", json_value) ->
v.path <- Pbrt_yojson.string json_value "file_path" "path"
| (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
) assoc;
path = v.path;
} : file_path)
let rec decode_json_file_crc d =
let v = default_file_crc_mutable () in
let assoc = match d with
| `Assoc assoc -> assoc
| _ -> assert(false)
List.iter (function
| ("crc", json_value) ->
v.crc <- Pbrt_yojson.int32 json_value "file_crc" "crc"
| (_, _) -> () (*Unknown fields are ignored*)
) assoc;
crc = v.crc;
} : file_crc)
let rec decode_json_empty d =
Pbrt_yojson.unit d "empty" "empty record"
let rec decode_json_ping d =
Pbrt_yojson.unit d "ping" "empty record"
let rec decode_json_pong d =
Pbrt_yojson.unit d "pong" "empty record"
module FileServer = struct
open Pbrt_services.Value_mode
module Client = struct
open Pbrt_services
let touch_file : (file_path, unary, unit, unary) Client.rpc =
~service_name:"FileServer" ~rpc_name:"touch_file"
~decode_json_res:(fun _ -> ())
~decode_pb_res:(fun d -> Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d)
() : (file_path, unary, unit, unary) Client.rpc)
open Pbrt_services
let upload_file : (file_chunk, stream, file_crc, unary) Client.rpc =
~service_name:"FileServer" ~rpc_name:"upload_file"
() : (file_chunk, stream, file_crc, unary) Client.rpc)
open Pbrt_services
let download_file : (file_path, unary, file_chunk, stream) Client.rpc =
~service_name:"FileServer" ~rpc_name:"download_file"
() : (file_path, unary, file_chunk, stream) Client.rpc)
open Pbrt_services
let ping_pong : (unit, stream, unit, stream) Client.rpc =
~service_name:"FileServer" ~rpc_name:"ping_pong"
~encode_json_req:(fun () -> `Assoc [])
~encode_pb_req:(fun () enc -> Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested enc)
~decode_json_res:(fun _ -> ())
~decode_pb_res:(fun d -> Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d)
() : (unit, stream, unit, stream) Client.rpc)
module Server = struct
open Pbrt_services
let _rpc_touch_file : (file_path,unary,unit,unary) Server.rpc =
(Server.mk_rpc ~name:"touch_file"
~encode_json_res:(fun () -> `Assoc [])
~encode_pb_res:(fun () enc -> Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested enc)
() : _ Server.rpc)
let _rpc_upload_file : (file_chunk,stream,file_crc,unary) Server.rpc =
(Server.mk_rpc ~name:"upload_file"
() : _ Server.rpc)
let _rpc_download_file : (file_path,unary,file_chunk,stream) Server.rpc =
(Server.mk_rpc ~name:"download_file"
() : _ Server.rpc)
let _rpc_ping_pong : (unit,stream,unit,stream) Server.rpc =
(Server.mk_rpc ~name:"ping_pong"
~encode_json_res:(fun () -> `Assoc [])
~encode_pb_res:(fun () enc -> Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested enc)
~decode_json_req:(fun _ -> ())
~decode_pb_req:(fun d -> Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d)
() : _ Server.rpc)
let make
() : _ Server.t =
{ Server.
(touch_file _rpc_touch_file);
(upload_file _rpc_upload_file);
(download_file _rpc_download_file);
(ping_pong _rpc_ping_pong);
(** Code for file_server.proto *)
(* generated from "file_server.proto", do not edit *)
(** {2 Types} *)
type file_chunk = {
path : string;
data : bytes;
crc : int32;
type file_path = {
path : string;
type file_crc = {
crc : int32;
type empty = unit
type ping = unit
type pong = unit
(** {2 Basic values} *)
val default_file_chunk :
?path:string ->
?data:bytes ->
?crc:int32 ->
unit ->
(** [default_file_chunk ()] is the default value for type [file_chunk] *)
val default_file_path :
?path:string ->
unit ->
(** [default_file_path ()] is the default value for type [file_path] *)
val default_file_crc :
?crc:int32 ->
unit ->
(** [default_file_crc ()] is the default value for type [file_crc] *)
val default_empty : unit
(** [default_empty ()] is the default value for type [empty] *)
val default_ping : unit
(** [default_ping ()] is the default value for type [ping] *)
val default_pong : unit
(** [default_pong ()] is the default value for type [pong] *)
(** {2 Formatters} *)
val pp_file_chunk : Format.formatter -> file_chunk -> unit
(** [pp_file_chunk v] formats v *)
val pp_file_path : Format.formatter -> file_path -> unit
(** [pp_file_path v] formats v *)
val pp_file_crc : Format.formatter -> file_crc -> unit
(** [pp_file_crc v] formats v *)
val pp_empty : Format.formatter -> empty -> unit
(** [pp_empty v] formats v *)
val pp_ping : Format.formatter -> ping -> unit
(** [pp_ping v] formats v *)
val pp_pong : Format.formatter -> pong -> unit
(** [pp_pong v] formats v *)
(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
val encode_pb_file_chunk : file_chunk -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_file_chunk v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
val encode_pb_file_path : file_path -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_file_path v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
val encode_pb_file_crc : file_crc -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_file_crc v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
val encode_pb_empty : empty -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_empty v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
val encode_pb_ping : ping -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_ping v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
val encode_pb_pong : pong -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
(** [encode_pb_pong v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
val decode_pb_file_chunk : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> file_chunk
(** [decode_pb_file_chunk decoder] decodes a [file_chunk] binary value from [decoder] *)
val decode_pb_file_path : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> file_path
(** [decode_pb_file_path decoder] decodes a [file_path] binary value from [decoder] *)
val decode_pb_file_crc : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> file_crc
(** [decode_pb_file_crc decoder] decodes a [file_crc] binary value from [decoder] *)
val decode_pb_empty : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> empty
(** [decode_pb_empty decoder] decodes a [empty] binary value from [decoder] *)
val decode_pb_ping : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> ping
(** [decode_pb_ping decoder] decodes a [ping] binary value from [decoder] *)
val decode_pb_pong : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> pong
(** [decode_pb_pong decoder] decodes a [pong] binary value from [decoder] *)
(** {2 Protobuf YoJson Encoding} *)
val encode_json_file_chunk : file_chunk -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_file_chunk v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
val encode_json_file_path : file_path -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_file_path v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
val encode_json_file_crc : file_crc -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_file_crc v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
val encode_json_empty : empty -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_empty v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
val encode_json_ping : ping -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_ping v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
val encode_json_pong : pong -> Yojson.Basic.t
(** [encode_json_pong v encoder] encodes [v] to to json *)
(** {2 JSON Decoding} *)
val decode_json_file_chunk : Yojson.Basic.t -> file_chunk
(** [decode_json_file_chunk decoder] decodes a [file_chunk] value from [decoder] *)
val decode_json_file_path : Yojson.Basic.t -> file_path
(** [decode_json_file_path decoder] decodes a [file_path] value from [decoder] *)
val decode_json_file_crc : Yojson.Basic.t -> file_crc
(** [decode_json_file_crc decoder] decodes a [file_crc] value from [decoder] *)
val decode_json_empty : Yojson.Basic.t -> empty
(** [decode_json_empty decoder] decodes a [empty] value from [decoder] *)
val decode_json_ping : Yojson.Basic.t -> ping
(** [decode_json_ping decoder] decodes a [ping] value from [decoder] *)
val decode_json_pong : Yojson.Basic.t -> pong
(** [decode_json_pong decoder] decodes a [pong] value from [decoder] *)
(** {2 Services} *)
(** FileServer service *)
module FileServer : sig
open Pbrt_services
open Pbrt_services.Value_mode
module Client : sig
val touch_file : (file_path, unary, unit, unary) Client.rpc
val upload_file : (file_chunk, stream, file_crc, unary) Client.rpc
val download_file : (file_path, unary, file_chunk, stream) Client.rpc
val ping_pong : (unit, stream, unit, stream) Client.rpc
module Server : sig
(** Produce a server implementation from handlers *)
val make :
touch_file:((file_path, unary, unit, unary) Server.rpc -> 'handler) ->
upload_file:((file_chunk, stream, file_crc, unary) Server.rpc -> 'handler) ->
download_file:((file_path, unary, file_chunk, stream) Server.rpc -> 'handler) ->
ping_pong:((unit, stream, unit, stream) Server.rpc -> 'handler) ->
unit -> 'handler Pbrt_services.Server.t
// test that streaming variants all compile
syntax = "proto3";
message FileChunk {
string path = 1;
bytes data = 2;
int32 crc = 3;
message FilePath {
string path = 1;
message FileCrc {
/// CRC of the entire file
int32 crc = 1;
message Empty {}
message Ping {}
message Pong {}
service FileServer {
rpc touch_file(FilePath) returns (Empty);
/// Upload a file
rpc upload_file(stream FileChunk) returns (FileCrc);
/// Download a file
rpc download_file(FilePath) returns (stream FileChunk);
// keepalive
rpc ping_pong(stream Ping) returns (stream Pong);
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