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Created April 18, 2019 11:11
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Discrete best uniform approximation with Remez algorithm
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
def discrete_remez(f, V, tol=1e-12, maxiter=1000, startnodes=None):
"""Best uniform approximation of the vector f by a linear combination of the columns of V.
Uses a discrete Remez algorithm with single point exchange.
If it converges, this function returns a vector c such that is the best uniform
approximation to f.
# orthonormalize
V, Lam, W = np.linalg.svd(V, full_matrices=False)
k = V.shape[1] # dimension of space
if startnodes is not None:
ii = np.array(startnodes).ravel()
if len(ii) != k + 1:
raise ValueError('invalid number of starting nodes: %d, should be %d' % (len(ii), k+1))
# find initial approximation by least squares
c = #np.linalg.solve(, # non-ortho case
# try to find peaks of error function
e = abs(f -
e0 = np.pad(e, [1,1], mode='constant') # pad with 0 to find boundary maxima
ii = scipy.signal.argrelmax(e0)[0] - 1 # subtract padded index
if len(ii) != k + 1:
raise RuntimeError('wrong number of initial peaks found: %d' % len(ii))
s1 = (-1) ** np.arange(k+1)
for it in range(maxiter):
# solve leveling equation
sol = np.linalg.solve(np.hstack((V[ii], s1[:,None])), f[ii])
c, lam = sol[:-1], sol[-1]
# check error - does it equioscillate?
e = abs(f -
delta = max(e) - min(e[ii])
if delta < tol:
return / Lam)
# single point exchange
imax = np.argmax(e)
# find closest node
j = np.argmin(abs(imax - ii))
# replace it
ii[j] = imax
print('did not converge: delta = %e' % delta)
return / Lam)
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