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Last active May 13, 2018 11:12
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Axiomatic Tree Proof Formatting

Axiomatic tree proofs

This gist shows an example of how you can use HTML and CSS to lay out trees used for axiomatic proofs of correctness for your code. The example used here is the While language, as defined in the Nielson and Nielson book Semantics with Applications.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="axiomatic.css">
<title>Exploring the axiomatic semantics of array access</title>
<h1>Exploring the axiomatic semantics of array access for the While language</h1>
<cite>Charlie Harding</cite>
<p>The following is based on <a href="axiomatic.html">the axiomatic semantic rules for the While language</a>.</p>
<p>The following is the rule proposed for assignment as per <i>Nielson and Nielson</i>.</p>
<stm><rule>ASSN</rule><cond>P<update><syntax>x</syntax><aval>a</aval></update></cond>x := a<cond>P</cond></stm>
<stm><rule>ASSN</rule><cond><aval>(y = 12) ? 5 : 7</aval> = 5</cond>x := (y = 12) ? 5 : 7<cond><aval>x</aval> = 5</cond></stm>
<stm><rule>CONS</rule><cond><ternary><div><span>5</span><span><aval>y</aval> = 12</span></div><div><span>7</span><span>otherwise</span></div></ternary> = 5</cond>x := (y = 12) ? 5 : 7<cond><aval>x</aval> = 5</cond></stm>
<cond><aval>y</aval> = 12</cond>x := (y = 12) ? 5 : 7<cond><aval>x</aval> = 5</cond>
<p>Note that the CONS rule has been split in two, to make clear the derivation process.</p>
<h2>Array Assignment</h2>
<p>I propose the following rule for array assignment:</p>
<stm><rule>ARRA</rule><cond>P<update><listval><syntax>x</syntax><aval>a₁</aval></listval><aval>a₂</aval></update></cond>x[a₁] := a₂<cond>P</cond></stm>
<p>where <aval>arr[x]</aval> resolves to <listval><syntax>arr</syntax><aval>x</aval></listval>. This in turn could, for example, resolve to <aval><text>“</text>arr;<text>” concatenated with str(<aval>x</aval>)</text></aval>, where str is the string representation of a number, but such a definition is not needed for this exercise.</p>
<cond><aval>x</aval> = <aval>y</aval> <and/> 5 = 5</cond>arr[y] := 5<cond><aval>x</aval> = <aval>y</aval> <and/> <listval><syntax>arr</syntax><aval>y</aval></listval> = 5</cond></stm>
<cond><aval>x</aval> = <aval>y</aval> <and/> 5 = 5</cond>arr[y] := 5<cond><listval><syntax>arr</syntax><aval>x</aval></listval> = 5</cond></stm>
<cond><aval>x</aval> = <aval>y</aval></cond>arr[y] := 5<cond><aval>arr[x]</aval> = 5</cond>
<p>My concern with this approach, however, is that the onus of converting array accesses has to be on the right-hand side, rather than the left-hand side. It also seems a bit strange that <aval>arr[x]</aval> occurs as the consequent from <listval><syntax>arr</syntax><aval>x</aval></listval>, rather than the other way around, but I presume this is because the condition involves a lot of syntax.</p>
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font-style: normal;
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font-style: normal;
content: "ℒ ⟦"; }
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color: black;
font-style: normal;
content: "⟧"; }
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font-family: serif;
color: black;
font-style: normal;
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color: black;
font-style: normal;
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font-style: normal;
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color: black;
font-style: normal;
content: ']';
font-size: 1.1em; }
update > :first-child::after {
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update > listval:first-child::after {
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color: black;
font-style: normal;
content: '⟧ ↦ '; }
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color: green;
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axiom {
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@include syntax;
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@include serif;
content: "𝒜 ⟦";
aval::after {
@include serif;
content: "⟧";
listval::before {
@include serif;
content: "ℒ ⟦";
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@include serif;
content: "⟧";
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update::after {
@include serif;
content: ']';
font-size: 1.1em;
update > :first-child::after {
content: ' ↦ ';
color: black;
update > listval:first-child::after {
@include serif;
content: '⟧ ↦ ';
given {
@include syntax;
display: block;
padding: 5px;
stm {
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border-top: 1px solid black;
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rule {
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> * {
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> * {
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="axiomatic.css">
<title>Axiomatic semantic rules of the While language</title>
<h1>Axiomatic semantic rules of the While language</h1>
<cite>Charlie Harding</cite>
<stm><rule>SEQ</rule><cond>P</cond>S₁ ; S₂<cond>Q</cond></stm>
<axiom><given><cond>P <and/> b</cond>S₁<cond>Q</cond></given></axiom>
<axiom><given><cond>P <and/> ~b</cond>S₂<cond>Q</cond></given></axiom>
<stm><rule>COND</rule><cond>P</cond>if b then S₁ else S₂<cond>Q</cond></stm>
<axiom><given><cond>P <and/> b</cond>S<cond>P</cond></given></axiom>
<stm><rule>LOOP</rule><cond>P</cond>while b do S<cond>P <and/> ~b</cond></stm>
<axiom><given><cond>P <or/> (Q <and/> ~b)</cond>S<cond>Q</cond></given></axiom>
<stm><rule>REPT</rule><cond>P</cond>repeat S until b<cond>Q <and/> b</cond></stm>
<stm><rule>ASSN</rule><cond>P<update><syntax>x</syntax><aval>a</aval></update></cond>x := a<cond>P</cond></stm>
<!-- <axiom>
a₁[a₂] := x
a₁[a₂] := x
varName :: LValue -> State -> String
varName (Var var) s = var
varName (Array arr i) s = case a_syntax i s of
0 -> arr
i_syntax -> arr ++ ";" ++ i_syntax
s_ds (Assign var x) s = update (varName var s) a_syntax x s
<stm><cond>(<syntax>x</syntax> = 5)<update><syntax>x</syntax><syntax>(y = 12) ? 5 : 7</syntax></update></cond>x := (y = 12 ? 5 : 7)<cond><syntax>x</syntax> = 5</cond></stm>
<stm><cond><syntax>(y = 12 ? 5 : 7)</syntax> = 5</cond>x := (y = 12 ? 5 : 7)<cond><syntax>x</syntax> = 5</cond></stm>
<stm><cond><syntax>y</syntax> = 12</cond>x := (y = 12 ? 5 : 7)<cond><syntax>x</syntax> = 5</cond></stm>
</axiom> -->
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