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Created January 14, 2020 00:12
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module EditDistance {
function diff(a: char, b: char): int
if a == b then 0 else 1
function recEdDist(a: string, b: string): int
requires |a| > 0 && |b| > 0
recEdDist'(a, b, 0, 0)
function recEdDist'(a: string, b: string, ai: nat, bi: nat): int
requires 0 <= ai <= |a|
requires 0 <= bi <= |b|
decreases |a|-ai, |b|-bi
// Both strings are empty, nothing to edit.
if ai == |a| && bi == |b| then 0 else
/* If `a` is empty but not `b`, we need to
* edit the remaining characters including
* the character at index `bi`.
if ai == |a| then |b[bi..]| else
if bi == |b| then |a[ai..]| else
// There's gotta be a better way.
if 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi) < 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai, bi+1)
&& 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi) < diff(a[ai], b[bi]) + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi+1)
then 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi) else
if 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai, bi+1) < 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi)
&& 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai, bi+1) < diff(a[ai], b[bi]) + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi+1)
then 1 + recEdDist'(a, b, ai, bi+1) else
diff(a[ai], b[bi]) + recEdDist'(a, b, ai+1, bi+1)
method Main()
var s1 := "a";
var s2 := "a";
var s3 := "b";
var s4 := "snowy";
var s5 := "sunny";
// Base case: both characters are the same, so no editing cost.
assert recEdDist(s1, s2) == 0;
// Base case: character substitution.
assert recEdDist(s1, s3) == 1;
// Inductive:
assert recEdDist(s4, s5) == 3;
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